
Assassin's Creed

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Coincidentally, this was the first AC I've ever played a second time.

I enjoyed the missions and combat, but I didnt like Connor and the story was too slow. The game was half over by the time you got your robes, ffs.

Fingers crossed for the future. The AC4 prediction I made doesn't seem like it's going to pan out. Hopefully we'll get something good.

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My gf is playing through AC II at the moment (albeit extremely slowly) so i'll probably have to get her to play III after Brotherhood and Revelations. So about a year's time.

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At least she's playing. You may keep her, then. Besides, Brotherhood and Revelations are the most fun to play in the series, but it helps if you know the context.

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Coincidentally, this was the first AC I've ever played a second time.

I enjoyed the missions and combat, but I didnt like Connor and the story was too slow. The game was half over by the time you got your robes, ffs.

Fingers crossed for the future. The AC4 prediction I made doesn't seem like it's going to pan out. Hopefully we'll get something good.

i thought you only started over because of the end...

and i disagree on the story part, it was actually engaging and fun for me... brotherhood and revelations were kinda boring to me, never went anywhere, whereas this one took you through history... i did like that and i really liked the ending... and desmond's story was developed quite well i think throughout the series, and really played strong in III...

connor wasn't a strong lead until the 3rd act, so it was hard to connect with him until the end...

combat was OK, but the open world was not the right idea it seems... the cities were too spaced out, streets were too wide, and there was too much nothing in between locations... tree running was fun the first dozen times you did it, but became boring and a chore later in the game... getting from location to location meant either fast-travel or riding a horse... if you did neither, have fun getting lost in the woods somewhere...

design was kind of an issue, but my biggest problem was mission scripting... too many times i failed missions because of janky-assed controls where connor would grab window ledges while i was trying to chase someone, or jump in the opposite direction off a building or tree... and the non existent help indicators to tell me what i even had to do in the first place sucked balls... i stood around in some missions wondering if the game failed to load the next sequence, only to learn i had to wait in a specific spot for a few seconds... complete garbage...

thank god for the amazingly great naval combat sequences... it saved this from being a lost cause...

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So, the movie The Last of the Mohicans was on telly today, it put me in the mood for ACIII, and I hadn't realized it, but I was on the very last mission. I'm not sure what to think about the ending. I might end up playing through the main storyline a second time.

Have yet to do most of the naval missions, looking forward to those.

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The dust has barely settled on AC3's lameness, and Ubisoft have already announced another game, as if anyone was expecting there to be more than a year between games. At least there will be a new setting and protagonist.

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When I got ACIII I thought I would be playing it 24/7. Turns out I played for a few hours, and since then been playing about 2 hours every few weeks, since it's quite slow and for some reason it doesn't seem as epic as ACII which is still one of my favourite games ever.

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they're already moving on from connor and the american colonial setting?? i thought for sure we'd be here for a couple of games... i understand that he is desmond's past, but i am not convinced the desmond story is done yet...

still, this announcement is no surprise to me... there's been a new assassins creed every year since II... and after the disappointment of ACIII, i am not buying another assassins creed game... you will now forever be a rental just so i can see the continued story... these games have lost their replayability and the multiplayer sucks balls...

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I'm not quite ready to completely give up on buying the series, but I'm definitely curious to see what the next installment will be like. It's been the only series other than GTA that I buy the day of new release...that might change...just wait until the price drops or a bundle becomes available.

I'm still offended watching cutscenes with Connor wearing default robes rather than what I put on him. grrrrrr

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yea, why haven't they fixed that yet?? does this mean the cutscenes were handled as cinematic instead of in-game stuff? perhaps all the videos were made with him wearing the traditional robe and they can't fix that...

either way, yea, it really sucks...

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Did anybody sit through the credits in III to unlock the quick little epilogue missions? I let them play and went out for a smoke and there was a new mission icon on my map. I felt like it may have vaguely pointed out the direction the next one is going, I'd divluge more but I dont want to wreck it for anyone, and i dunno how to set a spoiler tag.

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The post-game missions weren't really missions. I seem to remember going to the marker, watching a cutscene of the British ships firing at the crowd and that's it.

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I know they werent it was kind of a let down, but after the canon fires those shots, the camera moves to a slave couple being sold on a podium, and conner seems pretty interested in them, even though you cant interact with them after the cutscene. Kinda makes me think the next one might have some 'Django-like' qualities to it.

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I killed the guy selling the slaves and ran off. I'm sure I ended slavery.

yea, why haven't they fixed that yet?? does this mean the cutscenes were handled as cinematic instead of in-game stuff? perhaps all the videos were made with him wearing the traditional robe and they can't fix that...

either way, yea, it really sucks...

In one of the later cutscenes in the Assassin headquarters (if you can call one guy's house a 'headquarters'), the bottom trim on Connor's robes will be whatever color you've dyed it, so it's not pre-made, it's just Ubisoft being lazy.
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Well, I've got a strong suspension-of-disbelief mechanism (all those years doing theatre, don'tcha know) and details like that take me out of the story like a bucket of ice water to the head. I figured they'd patch it afterwards, or maybe once DLC came out. Lazy bastards.

@R2D2 - Yup, I sit through the end credits of movies, too.

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i am the same way, gtagrl... things like that take me out of the role of the main characters when that happens... if you personalize him, it should be reflected in the world... this was never an issue in past AC's...

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AC has made a huge mistake, they should have waited till late 2014 for their next AC release, having a release year after year doesn't get you that excited any more.

Still I like the series too much, so I will buy it. I hope there's actually a good ending this time.

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Eh, I dunno. A good pirate game would be nice, but I dunno about AC. I don't see how you could have a pirate game without the majority of the game taking place on ships or random islands.

Some pirate action would be nice, but it wouldn't feel very Assassin-ish to me.

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swashbuckling is similar to AC combat, and there are major colonial cities in the caribbean like port royal, santo domingo and nassau... plenty of roof tops... i can see the possibility... but yea, i'd rather it if ubisoft did a spin off pirate game based on their naval combat... i am not sure how they're gonna tie a new pirate captain into the history and lore of the golden age of piracy...

or if they're gonna include the entire caribbean, there's hundreds of islands and towns scattered all about...

i am skeptical, but i am happy to know that they're gonna expand the naval combat... the only thing is, this game needs to go back in history this time... before the american revolution, the 1600's...

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