
Assassin's Creed

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OMG that cinematic trailer was the most epic thing I've seen this year. On par with the GTA V announcement.


The naval battle link above is bust.

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THIS.GAME.LOOKS.FUCKING.AMAZING. I cannot wait to impale dozens of redcoats at a time and commit war crimes on their corpses. Thats mostly what I care about but the graphics look amazing and the gameply and storyline look fun.

Im a huge history buff so Ive been waiting for a revolutionary war game since I bought ps one and this is so perfect.

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I've got Assassins Creed Revelations coming to me at the moment, to try and get my Assassins Creed fix until this game comes out. Looks epic.

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I decided to play some assassins creed and I love it. I used to think ya its cool I will just wait for it to be 20 bucks. Now im like im buying this shit.

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i rented brotherhood and revelations because it was just more of the same when it came to assassins creed 2, which i bought... but they're still fun games, i am just lucky to still have a rental store nearby... but i am totally buying AC3 because i too have wanted a decent american revolutionary war game... it's not a direct link per say, but it takes place in that time period... i am pretty sure the focus is still all about the templars/free masons/abstergo, and the war is just the backdrop...

that video i posted above about the naval battle actually takes place after the war... i am sure connor will be aiding the americans more than the redcoats, but i am pretty sure you're going to work for england as well at times... i am wondering if this game will bounce back and forth in history or if it will be a chronological timepiece... if it's the latter, then either the game has a huge chunk of story after the war, or naval battles come well after the half-way point... food for thought...

does anyone remember the timeline for AC3?? i remember ubisoft mentioning it a few months back when they revealed the game itself...

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I played some AC: Rev this weekend and got into the later part of the plot. I had stopped playing for awhile after getting tired of collecting books and upgrading Assassin's Dens. I started with the Desmond memory sequences, which felt like a portal ripoff. It was kind of fun, but also pretty annoying, quick. I did two of those before getting tired of that shit, I guess I will finish them up eventually. I got back into the Ezio storyline and the missions started getting pretty good. Granted, I was still collecting books and keys; but the tombs to retrieve the Masayaf keys were a good mix of puzzle and platforming. The one where the guys were in the boat in the cavern was epic.

I've also really enjoyed the Altaiir storyline; even as an old, old man, he is still the shit.

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I just read that there will be an ACIII:Liberation on Vita, which will tie into the main story of ACIII. Dunno if you guys have already discussed it, I haven't read much of the last few pages.




Not sure if I'll buy it yet or not. I may do like a few months down the line, when it's cheaper.

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Looks fairly decent. Graphics aren't amazing, but average is good enough for me. (Not just in gaming terms either.)

And yet another game with snow where you don't leave footprints in it? What is the world coming to? :no:

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i thought for sure there'd be footprints... the snow seems to show light paths if there's enough of it on the ground, watch when he runs through the woods... but light snow should really show footprints... this console generation is starting to show some age, and it's this year that it's starting to appear more frequently...

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Jedi Academy had levels with snow in it, and you left footprints in that... and that was released in 2004. What has happened in 8 years to make footprints in the snow so frustratingly unattainable.

Who knows, maybe when the game releases my hopes of having footprints in the snow might become a tangible possibility.

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Guest Marney-1


Apparently my copy will have an extra 60 minutes of exclusive gameplay.

Do they expect people to rush out and buy PS3's so they can get the extra hour? These exclusive deals are fucking stupid and need to stop really.

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Probably a 60 minute tutorial. Even though I'm American, I hope they stay true to the series and keep the Assassin neutral. Just looking at the videos though, it seems the Assassin favors the Americans.

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