
Assassin's Creed

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It's a lot less time consuming not to board any ships.

I do agree though, put the game down because all I had left was ship grinding and some collectibles. If Unity has naval shit, I hope the battles aren't so repetitive.!FISJT

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I haven't tried any legendary ships. Not yet anyway.

The further south on the map the bigger the ships. (at least according to the hint on the loading screen)

I like the ship battles too. mostly when I am outnumbered and you have to use the Jackdaws speed to out maneuver them.

This has kept me coming back to it after finishing the story. also I want the templar suit.

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I haven't tried any legendary ships. Not yet anyway.

Well, the one I tried went like this...

"Fuck, that's a big ship."

"Oh shit, mortars."

"Oh shit, 9001 broadside cannons."

"I'd better stay behind it."

*Whittles health away with chase cannons that haven't been upgraded*

[30 minutes later]

*Enemy at 5% health*

"Got you now, fucker."

*Enemy suddenly lurches forward and does a fucking powerslide, firing all 9001 cannons and destroying my ship almost instantly*

Expect a lot of that.

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I haven't tried any legendary ships. Not yet anyway.

*Enemy suddenly lurches forward and does a fucking powerslide,

That I need to see!!

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The side flip at :40 :faplight: The AI, the physics ( chair falling at :57 ), the graphics, the gameplay! This looks like an AC worth buying. Unless Ubisoft pulls out a Watch_Dogs on us again.

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So Assassins Creed Rogue has been officially announced for PS3 and Xbox 360. Since I've already pre-ordered Unity and plan to get Far Cry 4, this autumn is going to be a busy one so will hold back on that one!

Few more details about Unity:

I'm glad they've worked on the 'follow' missions although I do hope they're kept to a minimum. The character, Arno, sounds interesting but they will never top Ezio!

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He's an Assassin turned Templar. And it takes place during AC4 - AC3.

I would get this version if I didn't own a PS4. I'll watch Let's Plays I guess.

Edit: No multiplayer for Rogue.

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I hope Rogue doesn't turn out to be like Revelations, some rushed thing that could have been so much more.

From what I can tell, he isn't a templar per se, just an assassin turned rogue.

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I blazed through the story pretty quickly. The only side content I liked was the murder mysteries.

They're kind of like a really watered down version of LA noir. The only problem is that to start them you'll need to actually find the victims' bodies which isn't easy since the map is huge.

The assassinations are really fun, and plentiful, but yet I still want more.

Overall it's fun and pretty, and i never ran into any game breaking bugs other than the known frame rate and pop-up issues.

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They're kind of like a really watered down version of LA noir. The only problem is that to start them you'll need to actually find the victims' bodies which isn't easy since the map is huge.


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I was going to buy Unity with GTA but since I probably won't play it then I think I'll wait a little longer and then can make sure bugs are sorted.

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I really enjoyed black flag but I need more of a break before unity. They're pumping these out so fast I'm getting a little exhausted by the franchise.

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