
Assassin's Creed

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I blame school. The schools I went to were shit, and the only thing they ever talked about in my history classes were the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, and WWII. I'm permanently burnt out on all three, and it's going to take a lot of work to get me to start giving a shit again.

Also, I was hoping it would be set somewhere in the modern-day US. Seems like a huge waste of all the parkour and combat training Desmond went through not to make a game that was fully about him.

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dude, the free masons were barely touched on in history, but it's one of those facts that stuck with me in school... i remember the masons and their secret society, even though it was a brief mention... fuck, even nick cage played a role in a movie that touched on some of that (in the 1st one ONLY)... it's always stuck with me, the free masons, a cult kinda like the "skull and bones" group from yale... hell, they might be the recreation of the masons for all we know...

at the end of revelations;

...they took you to new york, to the site of the end of the world... i am pretty sure you will live those dying days in the shoes of desmond, but also live the life of someone in the thick of the great american conspiracy... there's this meeting of time to be had here... desmond was always meant to be at this point in history, just like he was with ezio... kinda sounds like an end of the series meeting too, but i doubt ubisoft would be willing to let go of this money-maker... perhaps desmond learns how to tap into other memories, like subject 13, which i think still may play a role in III despite dying or "unplugging" from the animus, which meant death for him too...

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It is subject sixteen not thirteen isn't it?

Anyway I agree, I think that subject 16 was a catalyst to show that Desmond can continue, it is like at the end of a movie, they always give some clue of how the series of that movie franchise may play out. With the abilities that subject 16 has I believe that he was made to stretch the series and explain why Ubisoft can start a new franchise.

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assassins creed was the best, i play it over and over finding those fucking feathers were an ass, but managed to collect them all

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AC III announced.


It's really shitty that they are making AC annual, it totally ruins it because the games (Brotherhood/Revelations) become so rushed.

However, from what I've seen it's been worked on for 3 years, which is fantastic because that means it will hopefully not take a mere 7 hours to complete... Setting looks pretty interesting, with the American Revolution.

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they said they've built it from the ground up, so it might feel quite different... i hope it isn't that different, but i am glad that there will be changes... i am stoked, it's what i predicted, and i can't wait to dive into the great american conspiracy!!

EDIT: ha, i also won another prediction... that we'd hear about ACIII before we heard anything new on GTAV...

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The only Assassin's Creed DLC I've done was the first missing sequence from AC II, and it was okay, but I didn't have enough Microsoft Points for the other one and never bothered to buy more. Didn't touch any AC DLC after that.

I skipped this DLC as there were no achievements. I was mad that they were charging for the missing pieces (Memories 6 and 7 from the game, I think) that they just left out of the game to charge for later. I hated that.

I just picked up the Da Vinci Disappearance DLC for Brotherhood and it's pretty good. I came across a glitched achievement that is really pissing me off, but other than that - I am enjoying it. It's inspired me to go back and play the Brotherhood memories over again for 100% completion. That'll allow the price on AC: Revelations to drop a little more before I pick it up.

As far as Assassin's Creed III - I like the idea of bringing it to America. There is a really good article on Kotaku about the pros of bringing it to America, especially during that time frame. It's like pre-Red Dead times; with an Assassin. I am looking forward to the tomahawk, scalping bitches and other possibilities.

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Revelations was really good. Shorter than I would have liked, but then so was Brotherhood. Great story, great setting, great everything. Except for the dumbass tower defense minigame they tacked onto it, but that part's optional.

I kind of want to go back and play Brotherhood myself, now. I'm reminiscing about Rome.

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As I said before, this will sate my appetite until the next Red Dead game is announced... (a few years?)

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Revelations was really good. Shorter than I would have liked, but then so was Brotherhood. Great story, great setting, great everything. Except for the dumbass tower defense minigame they tacked onto it, but that part's optional.

I kind of want to go back and play Brotherhood myself, now. I'm reminiscing about Rome.

Agree with all of that, I was not ready for the story to be over when it ended. (and I hate that tower defense game, it's horridly limited.) Still have to do the Desmond sequences.

Each game progressively tweaked small things and cranked other details up,so the gameplay felt like each one was a new and improved version over the one before.

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not for me... i started to get bored playing revelations, because it felt like brotherhood, which felt like ACII, and started to become a chore after i unlocked the dens... i am glad that there's been a 3 year development cycle... they claim the game was built from the ground up, which hopefully can bring us new gameplay... i am pretty sure there's going to be a bit of a 3rd person shooter element added, which could be a great change of pace to the usual sneak-kill-sneak-divert-hide... there might be a few sequences where you've just got to shoot your way out...

i wonder if he's going to be native american though... i am not sold on that yet, but it's possible... maybe ezio's kid mixes it up with one... or they could just be a part of the immigration boon of the era, and came over and lived in the colonies for a couple generations... the assassins creed could of disappeared for a few generations while the templars regrouped in america... or the ezio family could still be running things in masyaf while children flock around the globe, possibly setting up other assassin stories to tell...

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Yeah, I'm wondering about that, too. I'm guessing one of Ezio's descendants had a daughter, and the new guy ended up banging her. It's not like there's anything saying that only the Altair/Ezio bloodline can be accessed through the genetic memory. I'm guessing Desmond can access the memories of anyone who was part of his bloodline, even if they weren't part of Ezio or Altair's. Another, simpler, possibility is that the new guy is the son of one of Ezio's descendants and a Native woman.

I mean, why would he be using Native American clothing and weaponry if he were European?

On a related note, I'm very curious as to how much influence Native American culture will have on the story. Indians are very spiritual people, I wouldn't be surprised if we got another message from Those Who Came Before through a vision quest.

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ahh good point about the indian vision stuff...

i wasn't even saying he had to be european though, just that maybe a generation or two back, someone from the bloodline immigrated to america and settled in here... he might speak like an american, but who is very spiritual and hangs with indians... however, playing as an indian right after the formation of the united states would represent a fresh perspective on the era...

that's why i liked the saboteur... it offered a fresh look on WW2, as an irishmen helping the french resistance oust the nazis from paris...

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More speculation on the vision quest: As I've said before, I didn't play the first game, so I don't know how old Altair was when he started, but Ezio was relatively young when he got pulled into the Assassin/Templar conflict. An interesting possibility for the start of the game is that we could be a young (half) Indian - whose parents are both dead - that recently became old enough to go on his vision quest. While he's on it, instead of the normal vision, where his spirit guide tells him what his role in the tribe will be, he's given a message from Those Who Came Before about the Assassin/Templar conflict in America and how he is meant to be a part of it. He returns to his tribe and tells the shaman what he saw, at which time the story of his parents (both assassins, maybe?) is revealed to him, and he begins his assassin training soon after.

A vision quest is actually done while you're still a kid, because that's when they start training you for your role in the tribe, so there would be an "X years later" sequence, similar to the fast forward from Ezio's birth to him being a young adult.

I was too focused on the Revolution story when I saw the leaked image. I'm much more interested now that I'm thinking of the possible Native American influence on the story.

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Here's a better look at what we're working with.


Combined with the background image of this page, it looks like a bleached buckskin jacket and native American accessories over a modified American military uniform. I'm still looking at the patterns of the bow and quiver in preparation of doing some research. Every tribe had unique stitching and beadwork for their clothing, bags, etc. If I'm lucky, I might be able to dig up a little info before the new issue of GI hits the shelves.

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Shit, wasn't even looking at it. Good spot. It's a tomahawk, by the way. I'm going to go ahead and guess that those will be replacing throwing knives, since that's mostly what they were used for. Besides scalping people, anyway; I doubt we'll be scalping anyone.

Although, that would be a nice alternative to having portraits of our targets in the Assassin den. Hmm...

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We could speculate all day on the new character; I'm thinking a half-indian; half white person - or possibly something like Last of the Mohicans with a white kid raised by the native americans. Not sure if Altaiir was related to Ezio; but they had to bring the story to America - I mean Desmond is in America, right? Or not. He and his friends go to Ezio's old hideout. What country does the first game (in the future) take place? Where is Abstergo?

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We could speculate all day on the new character; I'm thinking a half-indian; half white person - or possibly something like Last of the Mohicans with a white kid raised by the native americans. Not sure if Altaiir was related to Ezio; but they had to bring the story to America - I mean Desmond is in America, right? Or not. He and his friends go to Ezio's old hideout. What country does the first game (in the future) take place? Where is Abstergo?

Abstergo and the first two games (plus BH) were set in Italy, as in the present day storyline. It isn't until Revelations that they go to America, I remember the talking going on while Desmond was still in the Animus and obviously the end game cutscene.

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