The Mad Dooby


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i built a road and a suspension bridge on mined craft.

the color of the bridge is red i used nether brick blocks, nether brick fence, glowstone and obsidian.

and that's one of the best things i ever built.

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I use 'GLSL Shaders mod'. It makes the game good, but the only problem is that it gets very dark at night. Can't see a thing and the torches provide (orange?) light which is very dim. It's not possible to explore any cave because of the darkness. I have to turn the shaders off half the time just to see clearly. Is it possible to fix this?

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Does the PS4 version of minecraft look any better graphically than the previous versions? When I say graphically I generally mean lighting and post process effects. Not texture resolutions and poly counts.

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My daughter is doing a school project which she is allowed to present using Minecraft... I am trying to help her build epic shit but I was always crap at Lego...  have managed to make an exploding volcano and have started building a cross section view of another volcano...  now, I am trying to make a giant tsunami wave using some blue blocks... I don't have that much faith in my abilities...

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I only ever played modded minecraft, started off with Feed the Beast Ultimate a few years back. There's so much more in it, you can't go back to vanilla after playing modded because it's so boring and there's nothing to do. You can make machines that mine and craft for you, meaning you don't have to do anything, just stand around scratching your arse. Newer packs have a fuckton of mods that expand the game adding new dimensions, tweaking the game dynamics and adding new biomes... makes it so much more interesting.


During my hiatus from here I played a lot of MC on a server, it was fun building up from scratch to become wealthy, having near infinite power and resources for all my machines and systems (once you're at the top it gets boring as there's nothing to do, it's the climb that's so much fun.) The community was similar to what it was here, with lots of e-man love, swearing, talk of doing things to each others anuses and jokes about minorities... and that was one of the admins.

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I just got my daughter the Fallout mash-up pack...  she loves it - the music is the best part... she will be an Ink Spots fan soon.


An incredible amount of detail in it that mainly focuses on FO4 but has references to every game in the series. 

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I know this is a stupid question, but has Minecraft lost a lot of players? I used to play this now and then and all the servers I was formally on just a year and a half ago, they have vanished. What the heck happened? 

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I used to play a lot of games in Myncraft. The game was shown to me by my 10-year-old son. I'm 32 if anything)) Now I'm bored with it. Although overall the game is cool.

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I am trying to install Minecraft on my PC, but there is a very critical issue is arising when installing Minecraft. I am getting an unknown error while installing. The issue is Minecraft installer file system error.


I dont know for what reason the error is coming. Not solving the problem problem myself, I searched online for getting solutions and found some articles like this one I have already applied the 1st and 2nd method from that article. Would you please tell me the other methods which mentioned in that article, will these solutions work perfectly if follow. Or anyone if you have any other solutions to solve the issue, please provide me. I shall be highly thankful to you for your help.

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