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i wonder if the sims 2 does this as well... there's times where it seems like it loads the wrong texture, but the only way it would do that is if it drew from the wrong part of the image, and not the wrong image file...

it's actually kind of annoying the more i see it... i thought i was past it, but it keeps popping up every time i turn my head :(... the world still looks amazing, and i think it's the lighting that really does it... and when the textures do load, it's great...

i am now back in wellsprings for the umpteenth time... i had to turn this off, it's starting to reach that point that borderlands did... repetitive boredom of constantly channeling through this narrow path and blowing up mutants on the way... then drive here and blow up other cars until you reach your destination... rinse and repeat...

we'll see how much longer i can put up with that, but tonight i started to get bored with it... i've gotten through a good chunk of the game in just one day, i am past the mutant bash TV, and actually just finished up navigating dead city for the defibrillator upgrade... now all of the missions are up to the sheriff to dish out...

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I haven't had a chance to play it all that much yet. But i feel the same as you Mass. I bought it on impulse and knew as soon as i walked out of the store that the money could of gone on one of many November releases instead. Oh well, I'll make the most of it over Christmas hopefully.

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Between this, the November releases, and my Claude figure, I'm spending a shit ton of money this season. My unemployment money's wearing thin, too.

Anybody want to offer me a job? I'm really good at jobs involving bladed objects.

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  On 10/23/2011 at 7:26 AM, Massacre said:

Much as I enjoy it, I do regret buying it. It's a good game, I just wish I'd waited a few months. Not worth $60, in my opinion.

I have to agree. We're used to games like GTA and Fallout, which take a long time.

This game would be worth the sixty if it had another 15-20 hours of story.

Another thing I don't like is if you want to go for the 100% completion, some places close early.

Now on my second play through, I'm taking it even slower because i want to get everything.

It's more Id than Bethesda IMHO, and there are 3 easter eggs, for each of the legacy Id games,

Wolfenstein, Doom, and Quake. When I found them it's like meh, another bobblehead that no one

will collect. Everything that they say is rare, might as well sell to keep yourself in supplies.

Some of the stuff is very well hidden, and my deck of cards still can't stand up against Teague's hardest deck.

I guess one of the highlights I like besides the field goals are the advanced sentry bots and turrets.

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the last thing i did was blow up some bunker full of RC cars, about how far into the game am i?? i am thinking i might actually try to beat the game now since i am rolling thru the missions right now... i just wonder if i have to re-rent it... the authority hasnt even made it's pressence yet...

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Holy shizznit, I just found a second giant mutie, in the Plateau Sewers.

He has a Flame Dropper, similar to the Heavy Incinerator in Fallout.

Also, he will crush your sentry bots like they are fucking ants.

The regular muties charging all the time just like in the other sewers,

but thankfully the giant can't fit in the area, so I just lobbed wingsticks,

HE grenades, then ducked behind a pillar, then fire off bursts from the assault rifle,

and using pop rockets in the combat shotgun for the kill. I can't say

how many times I have under-estimated the effectiveness of the wingsticks.

Needless to say I am finishing up all the primary sewer missions before

doing the secondaries found on the job board in Wellsprings.

Always keep plenty of Wingsticks on the quick-use button, they are awesome.

  On 10/24/2011 at 3:10 PM, bOnEs said:

the last thing i did was blow up some bunker full of RC cars, about how far into the game am i?? i am thinking i might actually try to beat the game now since i am rolling thru the missions right now... i just wonder if i have to re-rent it... the authority hasnt even made it's pressence yet...

Yep the Shrouded Clan - you'll get 2 chances to visit that place.

The first, I always use the sawed off shotgun with pop rockers for the bosses.

The other shrouded clan are just like the ghosts or the gearheads, kind of dumb really.

If you are just going for storyline, you'll be done in a few more hours.

Soon you will go to disc 2 if on the XBox360 and then Redstone's missions

go very quickly. Too much to do for me, to just do story.

But for a rental, keep going mang, it goes quickly.

You should be able to do the entire storyline rental style in a weekend.

When I do the hardcore mode for the achievement, I'll just be doing story mode.

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don't you get 2 chances to visit "every" location?! :lol:... i've re-entered ghost-something and the raider garage a couple times... but cool, i will just press on through... i hear talk of a subway town, which i haven't been to yet either, and now you've mentioned redstone... i am probably half-way if not just slightly past that point... i won't get much of a chance to play in the next few days so i will have to rent it again...

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  On 10/24/2011 at 10:20 PM, bOnEs said:

don't you get 2 chances to visit "every" location?! :lol:... i've re-entered ghost-something and the raider garage a couple times... but cool, i will just press on through... i hear talk of a subway town, which i haven't been to yet either, and now you've mentioned redstone... i am probably half-way if not just slightly past that point... i won't get much of a chance to play in the next few days so i will have to rent it again...

Some missions have you go back to those locations.

The locations close some areas after each mission.

[so secrets can't be found after a certain point]

The substantial/essence is only available during their missions.

After which, anything special that could be found, is lost.

The Wolfenstein easter egg is gone early. The Quake easter egg can still be had.

About the DOOM easter egg, this one is a bit more tricky but I think I can still get to it.

The prison in Southern Valley is completely closed after the escape mission.

Subway Town is the second disc. The missions mainly surround the Resistance.

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thanks for spoiling the story for me :P...

doesn't matter anyways... i played RAGE for an hour and i am really not interested in playing it anymore... i probably won't get a chance to play it tomorrow, and it's due back on thursday... not sure what to think about it anymore...i kind of want to play new vegas right now, lol... but i did enjoy it for a few hours... but it's starting to get to that point i knew was coming... i still have hours to go, and i no longer have the urge to continue on... each "mission" i play, feels like the last one... the environment might look different, but the gameplay isn't... there's no real open spaces, except when driving around... the enemies are becoming too repetitive and relentless... i get swarmed all the time because my aim just isn't good enough... they just keep coming, and it's just getting boring doing the same thing every second...

but whatever, i enjoyed it for what it's worth... i just didn't feel compelled to continue and i blame the story for that, and the lack of variety, or extra things to take my mind off killing mutants... i never felt like i was progressing, i only felt like i was off to do more killing for some item at the end of the level, only to take it to someone else that knows what to do with it, only to fix the problem and take it all the way back across the wasteland for more fetch quests for other items...

the world is really fucking cool, i just wish the rest of it was as cool... no harm done though, i got to check it out for a few bucks :D...

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  On 10/26/2011 at 2:15 AM, bOnEs said:

the world is really fucking cool, i just wish the rest of it was as cool... no harm done though, i got to check it out for a few bucks :D...

That's the important part, checking out how cool it is. B)

I can't put it down because I am deeply involved with the racing circuit.

That and this play through, I have triple the money, so I can invest in stuff more.

Also making sure I have all the collector cards to beat Teague at her game!

It's an FPS, from Id Software, and that is not for everyone.

I grew up playing Wolf, DOOM, and Quake by these guys.

GTA and Fallout came later.

So for me, it's a great FPS but note it's not for everyone.

Those who started out on 3rd person view games, will probably never like this style.

Try fighting the 2-story tall mutants without pissing your pants L0L

So I modified the first page of this thread to reflect anything you need to help you in the game.

The missions may seem repetitive but once you move up in skill to harder, it gets extremely challenging.

I'll end up finishing the game on hardcore mode, which was nightmare skill, on the old DOOM and Quake games.

Man those were the days and Id keeps it coming. I think they got Bethesda just to be an Executive Producer,

as they have the experience from Fallout in the wasteland. Plus they made Id put some Fallout cudos in the game.

I've still to date never seen a more gory place than the medical facility which I am savoring on this play through.

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yea, that medical facility is fucking gory, i do remember that... hallways and corridors dripping in goo from dead body parts caked across the parameters... that's where you fight that big fucking rock mutant with the rocket launcher...

there are some memorable moments like that where i just happened to come across this small room where a giant mutant happened to be resting his head against (i think, something like that)... i was taken off-guard...

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  On 11/4/2011 at 12:37 AM, Massacre said:

The ending fucking sucks.

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What difficulty setting were you on?

I'm just about to get 100%, still finishing up gold in the races. Everything else pretty much gathered or completed.

I agree the ending sucks, but for a different reason.

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I haven't tried Nightmare yet for that mission. Wonder if it would be any better....

Just finished the races with all gold for my 100% game.

I'm now at 124/130 Obsessive Compulsive and haven't even done the last few missions.

Need the last 2 jumps (last mission) and the last 4 cards (last 2 missions)

Forgot that you get the achievement "rage cup", and that was a welcomed surprise.

For whatever it's worth, the bang for the buck ends at the races for me.

Easily, the hardest part of the game. The rocket rallies are 10x harder than actual racing.

If only the storyline was about 50 hours longer.

I'll be going back to Fallout New Vegas after this, to do a Hardcore Game.

That is unless of course anyone can convince me that Skyrim is as cool as Fallout.

I've never liked those fantasy / castle / elf type games, but someone might be able to convince me.

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Oh, the fucking rally points. Yeah, I hated those. After a while, I memorized the patterns and got 1st in most of them. The rocket combat races are easy, though, they'll waste time trying to shoot me while I'm just hauling ass along the track. The combat races are easier than the non-combat, in my opinion.

As for Skyrim, when I first reached the top of the game's largest mountain, the view completely surpassed exiting Vault 101 for me, it's that epic. The graphics are incredible, the character models are some of the best I've ever seen, and the first time a dragon lands in front of you? Shit, you'll be blown away ( sometimes literally, if you're too distracted by the graphics to get out of the fire). The combat is harder than Fallout, but the crafting (alchemy/enchanting/blacksmithing/cooking) will produce enough supplies to keep you alive. In fact, you can go through to game without buying any items at all if you keep up with your crafting.

Think Fallout, with bows and magic instead of guns, and infinitely more badass armor and melee weapons. The enemies are more varied and more intimidating (A simple mammoth or troll could scare off a deathclaw and never have to fight it), and they all drop something related to crafting. There are at least eight cities, that I can think of, with tons of smaller settlements all over. There are buildings and ruins everywhere, but the world is so huge it never feels cramped. As impressed by the game as I am, and as engaged in it as I am, when I play it, I can't help but think about how incredible Fallout 4 is going to be on this engine. If nothing else, rent the game so you can at least get an idea of what Skyrim is like, and what the next Fallout is going to be like.

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To get 100% completion you will need 130/130 in the Obsessive Compulsive stat.

I finally got the achievement for this last night, here is everything I kept notes on.

Quick Break Down:


Every available storyline mission

11/18 Jumps

13/19 Schematics

6/9 Job board missions

43/54 Rage Frenzy Cards

3/4 Mini-Games (First round only)

Stanley's 3 Delivery Missions

First Place, All Races

Subway Town

Every available storyline mission

7/18 Jumps

6/19 Schematics

3/9 Job board missions

11/54 Rage Frenzy Cards

1/4 Mini-Games, first round

First Place, All Races


Detailed Break Down:

Complete every storyline mission available.

Note that some side quests are only available during certain missions.

Example being the Ramos mission in Outrigger Settlement.

Complete his mission, and also obtain a card and a schematic by doing this mission.

Before entering Wellspring, the Outrigger Settlement closes, and never re-opens.

I missed this side quest on my first play-through.


Five Finger Fillet (Round 1) Available in both Wellspring and Subway Town.

Rage Frenzy (easy also counts) Available in both Wellspring and Subway Town.

Tombstone (Kill all mutants atleast once) Available in both places but dissappears near game end.

Strum (Round 1) Available only in Subway Town, and dissappears near game end.

Tombstone and Strum dissappear actually, after accepting the final mission from Portman.

I missed doing Strum on my first play-through.

Stanley's 3 Delivery Missions:

Stanley 's Delivery Missions are available in Wellspring only.

These will dissappear once the Authority move in, so they must be done before that.

I missed doing the 3rd delivery on my first play through due to this.

First place in all races, both Wellsprings and Subway Town:

Note the Subway Town races are closed after accepting the final mission from Portman,

and must be completed before this.

I missed one of the final races due to this on my first play through.

Sides quests:

Richard's quest in Wellspring's bar. (Health / Scavenging)

Ramos in the Outrigger settlement (Must be completed before unlocking Wellspring)

Both races against Starky (1 in Wellspring, 1 in Subway Town)

Norbu in Subway Town. (Health / Scavenging)

Dietrich - The Distillery

Job Board Missions:

Must complete all 9 standard missions.

The Sewer Missions do not affect stats because they are DLC's.

Only the 2nd level of each sewer mission appear on the job board.


Missing Person - Return to the Ghost Hideout to find them.

Stolen Merchandise - Return to the Wasted Garage for the stolen beer.

Mutant Menace - Protect the worker from mutants while water pipes are repaired.

Caravan Cover - Protect the Caravan as it heads out of Wellspring from bandits.

A Proposition - Leads to RC Prototype - Find the RC Prototype in the Shrouded Bunker.

The Exchange - Provide sniper cover for Sheriff Black.

Subway Town

Bounty Hunter - Stop the thief at the Distillery.

Eviction Notice - Evict the Shrouded Clan from the Blue Line Station.

Help Wanted - Shut down the Authority's Mobile Generators in the Gearhead Vault.


You only need to do Mutant Bash TV for the race sponsorship storyline mission.

While you can re-do the game anytime, and for the $750 achievement, it's not required

as returning multiple times did nothing for my stats. It's just a fun way to make money.

The Feltrite Meteor Shower road collection, Sally's Bounty, and Brick's Bounty,

are on-going mini-games that did not affect my stats.

The 3 Field Goals did not change my stats, nor did beating Teague's hardest deck for those achievements.

Each time I won a mini-game basic first round, I noticed a stat point. The other rounds are for achievements.

You should have at least 128/130 going into Capitol Prime.

In my case the achievement went off after the last jump, before I even physically went in to the Prime complex.

Going in, I needed the last 2 jumps, and the last card, all 3 are only found in the last section of the game.

While I did everything available, one of the best findings was the DOOM Bobblehead worth a

fortune, in the secret DOOM room in the Gearhead Vault.

That brought the total Bobblehead count up to 3. Good to sell.

By far the best way to max out your money to $9999 is to buy Viper Rockets from Stew in Subway Town,

and sell them back to the girl in the Subway Town Shop.

Then you can buy all the ammo and supplies you'll ever need in the game.

Although I was a Road Warrior so I did it twice, for vehicle ammo.

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  On 12/31/2012 at 4:27 PM, DuPz said:

Wasnt there a new DLC being released fo this game? if they've been working on it over a year, im sure it'll be worth while...

Don't remember reading that. Would be good though. Fire up the old RAG3 file.....

Looking back on it, the storyline was way too short. DLC's would be good.

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  On 12/31/2012 at 7:30 PM, Synch said:
  On 12/31/2012 at 4:27 PM, DuPz said:

Wasnt there a new DLC being released fo this game? if they've been working on it over a year, im sure it'll be worth while...

Don't remember reading that. Would be good though. Fire up the old RAG3 file.....

Looking back on it, the storyline was way too short. DLC's would be good.

I agree. The game was beautiful, just too short.

The Scorchers DLC


Rage's first bundle of DLC, "The Scorchers," is available now on PC and Xbox 360 for $4.99/400 MS Points, with the identically priced PS3 version dropping with this evening's PSN update. The package adds a new clan, new weapons, new areas to be angry in, a new "Ultra-Nightmare" difficulty level and the added ability to keep playing the game, even after the story has ended.


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