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Playstation Vita - Tech thread

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We had a thread on the old forums, but the NGP (Next-gen Portable) has changed a little since then i think. So here is the official PS Vita.


ARM® Cortex™- A9 core (4 core)



External Dimensions

Approx. 182.0 x 18.6 x 83.5mm (width x height x depth)

(tentative, excludes largest projection)

Screen (Touch Screen)

5 inches (16:9), 960 x 544, Approx. 16 million colors, OLED

Multi touch screen (capacitive type)

Rear Touch Pad

Multi touch pad (capacitive type)


Front camera, Rear camera


Built-in stereo speakers

Built-in microphone


Six-axis motion sensing system (three-axis gyroscope,

three-axis accelerometer), Three-axis electronic compass


Built-in GPS

Wi-Fi location service support

Keys / Switches

PS button

Power button

Directional buttons (Up/Down/Right/Left)

Action buttons (Triangle, Circle, Cross, Square)

Shoulder buttons (Right/Left)

Right stick, Left stick

START button, SELECT button

Volume buttons (+/-)

Wireless Communications

Mobile network connectivity (3G)

IEEE 802.11b/g/n (n = 1x1)(Wi-Fi)(Infrastructure mode/Ad-hoc mode)

Bluetooth® 2.1+EDR (A2DP/AVRCP/HSP)

Also, some good news. Finally Sony have done something good, and turned to solid state memory card games! instead of discs.




The game cases are a bit big though. I don't see why they're that big. I guess they need to fit a load of legal crap on the back of it though.

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Total waste of time. Would rather play games on my iPhone than carry a lump around like that. 90% of it's features won't even be used for anything apart from gimmicks anyway.

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  On 9/19/2011 at 8:01 AM, Psy said:

Total waste of time. Would rather play games on my iPhone than carry a lump around like that. 90% of it's features won't even be used for anything apart from gimmicks anyway.

So like the ipad then? :P

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The iPad can be used for computing reasons too though. The VITA (shit name, sounds like it should be a disease) is only for gaming. So you'd have to carry around your phone, and that thing. Would rather just need to carry 1 thing. Less stuff to get nicked :)

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I might buy it if they get a GTA that won't be ported to consoles later (like LCS or VCS, not Chinatown Wars), or in the unlikely event they ever make Fallout for portables. If not, fuck it.

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i am more interested in the sony xperia play phone... even then, what's the point anymore?? the app stores for apple and android are loaded with gimmick games that the vita and xperia will have as well...

but, no uncharted... maybe xpreria will get a down-graded version perhaps... still, if anything, at least the xperia has the android market so i can at least tinker around with that... the vita has nothing going for it except for being just a HD portable gaming device...

EDIT: actually, after seeing that it has wireless connectivity, i would foresee some sort of online market... but is it just the PSN, or can it access the android market?? i know it won't be the apple store... i just think the vita is about 3 years too late...

the xperia phone does have a roll-out controller underneath, but can't play the games that the vita can...

but i still think the xperia is the winner here because it does have playstation games a well... portable games and classic games, network games and the android market... HOWEVER, you also have to be willing to pay for a data plan, upwards of $70/mo, which makes the xperia the pricier endeavor... but vita games cost a lot more too...

xpreia play = $99 (free with a new service plan with verizon or possibly cheaper with a new contract)

PS vita = $299 (...)

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PSN and the store are going to be integrated yes, Trophies and playercards also blend seamlessly between Vita and PS3. I'm not sure if there will GTA games available for it yet though. Unless they announce it in the near future.

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Guest Marney1

Can anyone put in really simple terms for me how the power of the Vita compares to that of the PS3?

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They had to cut RAM before production due to high costs that they didn't want to pass on to the consumer. But i think it will be around a 1/4 less powerful than the PS3... that's just an estimate though, looking at the specs, and reading from what people have been saying,.

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Guest Marney1
  On 11/20/2011 at 7:51 PM, DuPz0r said:

They had to cut RAM before production due to high costs that they didn't want to pass on to the consumer. But i think it will be around a 1/4 less powerful than the PS3... that's just an estimate though, looking at the specs, and reading from what people have been saying,.

That sounds to me like one hell of a powerful hand-held then.

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Xperia (the PSP phone) question: Anyone know what the games selection is like, is it pretty much just whatever the PSP has?

Verizon has a Black Friday deal where I can get one for free if I extend my contract.

Edit: Never mind, found a list, the selection is shit right now. Not going to bother.

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  On 11/27/2011 at 9:33 PM, assknuckle said:

Same thing, different label

sure its a little more beefy than the psp but its an excuse to try and get an extra buck that Nintendo has with the 3ds

I actually think it is a giant overhaul of the Sony handheld. With new cartridge formats, new control layout, greater engine this is more than another PSP Go.

I think I'm done with handheld gaming, I always hate the neck strain of looking down at the screen when playing for hours on end. I know a portable is suppose to be for quick games but the GTA's for PSP were never like that.

Edit: will be interesting to see what Sony can do with this. I'm also interested in the battery life of this thing too. Hopefully it is alot better than the fat PSP's was.

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Now the PS Vita is out on Japan, i thought I'd get some live footage up on here, so we can discuss the visual quality.

Not sure if this will be the final look at it's only a trailer:

Over-all i'm pretty impressed with the size of the console. The graphics look really impressive, which i think out-perform most pc tablets at the moment.

Any bad points?

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It's pretty amazing. I watched a tech demo of uncharted the other day, drawing paths of where to climb on the touchscreen and punching with swipes on the touchscreen. But you can also just use controls if you prefer. If they get lots of apps that come to iOS and android and good actual developer support it could be very successful. Or it could flop next to a DSiLite3dslite 4i... Just depends on how many people take it up. I'd love one for bus rides, when I can afford one I might grab it if just for uncharted and probably gta game.

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I'm a fan of the PS controller, more so than touch screen, so I'd prefer this to a tablet pc. But as you said, it needs a good sucess rate or it will flop. I might give it a year before i get one, just to see if it takes off well.

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Remote play your PS3 games on your PS Vita when you're not at home? Apparently BF3 is playable due to a hacked PS3, but there are a hand-full of games that use this remote play function officially with Sony.

Personally I'm liking this feature, and would love to play my PS3 games through my Vita when I'm out. But this would only work with games i have fully installed to my PS3, and i don;t have that many due to my small 60gb capacity. If i had a slim with loads of games installed on the other hand, i would love this more...

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My view is, its way over priced. I will probably buy it but not for a while. At the end of the day its portatble not a complete console, i wouldnt wanna pay as much for that as a console.

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