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  On 8/20/2013 at 1:16 PM, gmt said:
oh hard to gather this one as I found it on the german ign only which links to cvg which, in turn, links to this 3djuegos article published yesterday showing an interview with Leslie Benzies.

looks like the multiplayer gonna be epic, they say there's a total of about 700 missions available in multiplayer, 500 of which are permanently available or "respawn" regularily once done.

L.B. Creo que son cerca de 700 misiones en este momento. Esperamos que haya unas 500 siempre disponibles, y que se renueven continuamente. También puedes ir al Rockstar Social Club y bajarte más misiones. Así que puedes conectarte y descargar misiones de cualquier jugador para poblar tu mundo online, tanto procedentes de amigos como del resto de usuarios.

I saw this on gamepur but wasn't sure if it was for real or not

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I'm not 100% sure it's true either, because that's an insane figure.

but then, on second thought, why would the biggest spanish-speaking videogame info-network go ahead and spread false rumors, namely citing LB ?

and on third thought, there's so many activities that we know now (different types of races with and without all kind of transport from mountainbike to airplane, deathsmatches, heists, all the sports we know of) and there's other activies that seem plausible, from new fighting-based missions (capture the flag sort of things, maybe some sort of defense-based stuff where one crew hits another crews hidout) or even turnament-based competitions in sports and fighting... I can even think of a cops vs robber like scenario of hunting down an individual for whatever reason, or something protect the vip like...

of course all considering the area they take place at, asking for different approaches when downtown or in the open wild

I don't think outlining 500 recurring multiplayer activities is that much of a problem really. And with a nice leaderboard system the replay value would rise aswell.

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  On 8/18/2013 at 2:40 AM, GunSmith117 said:

Definitely plausible, but given the sketchy nature of the source (GTA WIki, I believe), my Bullshit Finger is very itchy.

Late quote, but I think it will just be like the cinematic view of previous GTAs.

500 missions? Bullshit.

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  On 8/20/2013 at 10:07 PM, gmt said:

I'm not 100% sure it's true either, because that's an insane figure.

but then, on second thought, why would the biggest spanish-speaking videogame info-network go ahead and spread false rumors, namely citing LB ?

and on third thought, there's so many activities that we know now (different types of races with and without all kind of transport from mountainbike to airplane, deathsmatches, heists, all the sports we know of) and there's other activies that seem plausible, from new fighting-based missions (capture the flag sort of things, maybe some sort of defense-based stuff where one crew hits another crews hidout) or even turnament-based competitions in sports and fighting... I can even think of a cops vs robber like scenario of hunting down an individual for whatever reason, or something protect the vip like...

of course all considering the area they take place at, asking for different approaches when downtown or in the open wild

I don't think outlining 500 recurring multiplayer activities is that much of a problem really. And with a nice leaderboard system the replay value would rise aswell.

If there's 500 re playable missions then that means that there will be around 200 one-time or unique missions/activities. With that many multiplayer activities I cant help but wonder how many single-player missions there would be since surely R* wouldn't make the amount of single player missions inferior to multiplayer?

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I guess a couple of singleplayer activities repeat themselves in multiplayer, mainly sports of all kind from racing to golf. that's things you can easily swap an npc with a real person. I deem it possible even to port some of the heists over to multiplayer so you ain't fighting against security/cops but against other players impersonating them, leading to some sort of team deathmatch with an extra objective.

there's just so many possibilities to make for an interesting multiplayer...

but I think the single-player will offer less activities in total figures. there's just no real room for deathmatches, last man standing and so on in single player, at least not to the extent it can happen in multiplayer mode. I can imagine R* to implement such things here and there, but certainly not to the extent possible in multiplayer.

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Few new minor details from a Czech gaming site.

  • Character menu while playing enabling little customization (masks, etc.)

  • You can own just one property at a time, you can move to better one once you have enough money

  • You can customize your home with expensive wood, fancy accessories, big TV's and more

  • You can install tracking device to your car (in case someone steals it you can track it down)

  • Convertible car rooftops are still in

  • Quick races: just mark the finish line on the map and race

  • Very good handling of the car (real racing feel)

  • Lap racing, Classic GTA race (with guns), ralley racing and more

  • You can improve your gun skills, stamina and such

  • Hundreds of mission (you can replay them)

  • Each mission has table of results (similiar to TBoGT)

  • Can hire coordinator, spies, drivers and more

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"You can own just one property at a time,"

Are you telling me I can only have 1 place to stay at on this big ass map? That's gay as fuck, what about all the money I spent on the previous properties before the current one? Are you saying I wont have them anymore, and I just wasted money on something I'm going to have for a limited time before buying a newer one? I might just be reading this incorrectly, but it sounds retarded to me.

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Tbh, I wouldn't believe anything from foreign gaming sites or mags. There's a lot of bs that comes from them. Unless it was an interview with Rockstar or they confirmed it, I don't believe it.

Also, when I read that "parent" part, I took it as "use them for a default look and change them" rather than a parent gene thing. That's just me though.

Edit: Nevermind. Read through it properly. I see I was wrong. I only skimmed through it before and missed a whole chunk.

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  On 8/26/2013 at 8:57 PM, ConQueSteD said:
  On 8/26/2013 at 5:41 PM, santiago919 said:

You honkys better not steal my pimped out Infernus. I'll go Taken on your asses

Gotta catch me first.

Exactly, I'm gonna enjoy having some stupid fuck getting frustrated while trying to catch me..

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I really hope they allow you to rig your own vehicles with explosives, so if anyone steals my car i can watch the fireworks, loot their corpse, then claim all damages on the insurance...

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That gives me an idea. Get a friend to steal my car, then use insurance to get another one. Then we'll both have nice cars. Insurance fraud ftw.

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  On 8/26/2013 at 11:30 PM, LEU said:

That gives me an idea. Get a friend to steal my car, then use insurance to get another one. Then we'll both have nice cars. Insurance fraud ftw.

Pyramid scheme! Win!

until R* North patch it... There's so much potential for exploiting the system, but i'm sure R* will have every angle covered, or ready to at a moments notice.

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  On 8/26/2013 at 11:44 PM, DuPz0r said:
  On 8/26/2013 at 11:30 PM, LEU said:

That gives me an idea. Get a friend to steal my car, then use insurance to get another one. Then we'll both have nice cars. Insurance fraud ftw.

Pyramid scheme! Win!

until R* North patch it... There's so much potential for exploiting the system, but i'm sure R* will have every angle covered, or ready to at a moments notice.

That means R* is Big Brother! :o

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They already referred to themselves as "the government" or something similar (Lesley Benzie interview), so yeah pretty much. I just hope they leave some of them in there, just like Bethesda left the basket head thievery in Skyrim.

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  On 8/27/2013 at 12:48 AM, beatnicpie said:

:o I want an all expenses paid vacation at R*'s Guantanamo Bay!


  On 8/27/2013 at 12:50 AM, Massacre said:

Rocktanamo Bay.




I would actually enjoy that. We should send in a petition with over 100k sigs and hope they build it into GTAO.

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