Guest Marney-1

The Sub Killer & GTA (Here we go AGAIN)

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Guest Marney1

Some of todays newspapers.


Source of article below - The Guardian

A Royal Navy sailor fascinated with violent video games and "gangsta rap" has pleaded guilty to shooting dead an officer on board a nuclear submarine and trying to murder three other crewmates.

Able Seaman Ryan Donovan, 23, admitted murdering Lieutenant Commander Ian Molyneux, 36, while HMS Astute was berthed in Southampton.

He also admitted trying to murder Petty Officer Christopher Brown, 36, Chief Petty Officer David McCoy, 37, and Lieutenant Commander Christopher Hodge, 45, as he opened fire with an SA80 rifle.

Winchester crown court was told that Donovan had previously told shipmates he would be famous and had been obsessed with the video game Grand Theft Auto, particularly its "kill frenzy" feature.

One witness to the attack said Donovan had a "faraway" look in his eyes as if he were in a "dream" or was in a "video game".

The court also heard that Donovan was nicknamed Reggie Moondog – a gangsta rap persona he had adopted. Lyrics of his were read out. Among the lyrics he had written were: "Tell the quartermaster I caused disaster. SA80 – more palaver. It's another bollocking off the navigator."

Nigel Lickley, prosecuting, told the court that in the lead-up to Donovan's murderous spree in April this year he had been in trouble for refusing to get out of his bunk to help clean the submarine. His refusal to obey orders meant a deployment to another vessel that he had been looking forward to was cancelled.

The court also heard that he had just returned from two days of shore leave in Southampton, during which he had been drinking heavily. As he rejoined the boat he told a colleague: "I'm going to kill somebody. I'm not fucking kidding," adding: "Watch the news."

Donovan fired the SA80 seven times in a 13-second spell within moments of picking up the weapon at the start of a sentry duty. The court was told Molyneux, a father-of-four, was shot as he charged towards Donovan to try to stop him.

Lickley said: "Lt Cdr Molyneux reacted to the noise of the shots. As he turned to tackle the defendant he was shot in the head at very close range and died instantly.

"The defendant stepped over the body of Lt Cdr Molyneux and continued his progress towards the control room."

Donovan entered the control room where Hodge was shot through the body and seriously injured.

Lickley said: "The defendant was wrestled to the ground by the leader of Southampton city council, Royston Smith, and the authority's chief executive, Alistair Neill.

"There can be no doubt they displayed remarkable courage that day, acting against an armed man. We will not know how many more he would have killed if he had not stopped."

The court was told Donovan had been resentful after he had been told he would not be attached to the royal fleet auxiliary ship Cardigan Bay because he had disobeyed orders to clean part of the submarine.

He had been particularly upset with Brown and McCoy over the incident. But Lickley said the shooting spree had long been planned. The previous year Donovan had told a colleague he was trying to "create a massacre" and the pair had discussed the computer game Grand Theft Auto, in which players took part in a "kill frenzy".

Donovan sat in the dock dressed in a light blue shirt and wearing glasses. He was flanked by three security guards. Molyneux's widow sat a few feet away and wept quietly as the circumstances of her husband's death were relayed to the court. Donovan's mitigation begins later.


Also, this piece from the Daily Mirror which reveals no source as to who has slammed the game for glorifying violence. Bandwagon jumpers I reckon:

Cyber kids ‘dabbling with death’ in Grand Theft Auto game

ONE of the most addictively popular and controversial computer games ever made, Grand Theft Auto has been slammed for glorifying violence.

It is accused of inciting vulnerable youngsters to commit horrific crimes as players take on the role of a wannabe crook who rises though the ranks by completing a series of ever more bloodthirsty tasks.

The drama is played out in modern urban settings, often involving the gruesome deaths of other drivers, police and military personnel.

Some critics have dubbed it a “killing simulator”. Launched in 1997, it has been linked to a number of multiple murders, mainly in the US


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When in any GTA do we kill people on a sub?

These Phyco Lunitics give GTA a bad rap, Then the media wants the game pulled off the shelves and yada yada yada. Bunch of horseshit, Its not Rockstars fault some deranged fuck decides to open fire on his commander because he likes the game they make.

Its like when a guy gets killed while street racing and they blame the empty Need For Speed disk case on the floor of his car to be the reason he street raced.

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Launched in 1997, it has been linked to a number of multiple murders, mainly in the US

Breaking news: I've 'linked' the media to being a colossal proud american. Someone arrest all the reporters.

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Like I just said on Twitter/FB...

Grand Theft Auto invented guns and the idea of shooting people. No crime existed before GTA "glorified violence". FACT (according to the stupid media).

People this fucking retarded were going to go mental without any computer games. Why can't people just get it through their fat fucking heads that games can't be blamed for everything. The next time I get caught speeding I'm going to say Need For Speed made me do it, and write to the newspapers suggesting they make a big fuss about it and get it banned. Because it's evil. Why the fuck isn't CALL OF DUTY not blamed for this? THAT IS A FUCKING MURDER SIMULATOR! The whole game is based around shooting people with army weaponry. A bit like this fucker did... I can't quite remember the mission in GTA where we were in a submarine and were told to kill innocent soldiers... Oh, cos there hasn't been one.

The media are complete cunts. Everyone knows that. They haven't got a clue about anything besides ILLEGALLY hacking people's phones. But I bet they only did that because they hacked stuff in BioShock and thought it was ok.

Then again, the Metro (free toilet paper) and Daily Mirror are shite anyway. The same people who enjoy playing the games will happily write about them negatively to sell papers. Unfortunately for them, all they're actually doing is creating MORE HYPE about the game. Free advertising for Rockstar. I bet they're laughing their cocks off. And inevitably, because of the publicity, whenever some other spacker goes mental with a gun, they've been given a free excuse to blame GTA.

How come 99.9% of people who play the game are perfectly normal? Well, maybe normal isn't the right word knowing some of you on here :roll: but seriously 1 in every million people who play the game does something stupid, yet the game is obviously causing mass terrorism or some shit. They haven't got a friggin clue.

Still, free advertising for GTA. If people search for it and find my site, free traffic and potentially free advertising revenue. Cheers scumbag media :thumbup:

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Guest Marney1

Launched in 1997, it has been linked to a number of multiple murders, mainly in the US

Breaking news: I've 'linked' the media to being a colossal proud american. Someone arrest all the reporters.

The headline says he was talking to you, did you egg him on?


But seriously, I've never even gotten the urge to drive fast after playing GTA nevermind shoot someone in the face. When I turn the game off my mind is set on whatever I'm doing next, I don't obsess about it all day long and imagine role playing the part in reality. This idiot had been drinking alcohol not long before he did it and had a seemingly long standing grudge against his victims.

Saying "I'm going to do a Grand Theft Auto" could be seen as just a figure of speech like when you say "I'll kill him!" - You don't really mean you're going to kill him.

If you can't seperate real-life from what's on a screen then maybe there's something already wrong with you mentally, plus to go ahead and carry out such an act you referred to as "A Grand Theft Auto" proves you're immature and at the least - mentally ill.

I'm surprised the Royal Navy never spotted that he was a Walter Mitty during his basic training who just signed up so he could play with a real rifle. He's the type that's bound to have been told off for calling a rifle a gun the first time he ever held one, it's always a dead giveaway that they're a potential Walt.

I blame both the Royal Navy and his parents.

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All I got from that is the navy is crap because they only have crappy old gta. Gta hasn't had rampages or points for your kills in a long time.

But seriously, In a long time someone else on the boat will come out and admit to superior officers or their friends physically or mentally abusing other seamen on the boat, that will most likely be the cause of his wanting to be tansferred, not wanting to participate or help clean and want to kill the lot of them.

If that does happen the media will not retract their blame of gta.

Oh p.s - don't worry too much about what people think when they place only slightly more importance on the death of servicemen over the winners of tv show awards.

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Launched in 1997, it has been linked to a number of multiple murders, mainly in the US

Breaking news: I've 'linked' the media to being a colossal proud american. Someone arrest all the reporters.

I'm surprised the Royal Navy never spotted that he was a Walter Mitty during his basic training who just signed up so he could play with a real rifle. He's the type that's bound to have been told off for calling a rifle a gun the first time he ever held one, it's always a dead giveaway that they're a potential Walt.

Thats The British Navy for you.

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@iGrandTheftAuto iGTA Staff

Since #GTA is blamed for everything in the media, we want to know what you blame GTA for. #GTA caused World War 1, 2 & sunk the Titanic BTW.

Haha... Should be good :)

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Guest Marney1

Gamers try to use 'virtual skills' in real world (BBC)

Alfie Binyon

"I was badly addicted to GTA and people would ask me what I did today, I would think I've been out but I've been sat in at home. The problem got worse when Call of Duty Modern Warfare came out, spent a total of 32 days playing it and lost touch with reality."


"Grand Theft Auto 4 came out and I got it for my birthday. I was playing it for about 15 days straight. I came home from school and I would just play it constantly. I went outside one day and I had this sudden urge to punch everyone and steal all their money and cars and stuff."

I take it Jenny was in a school where they have pupils above the age of 18? As for Alfie, what a knob.

Can we add Alfie's pic to the emoticon list?


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Winchester crown court was told that Donovan had previously told shipmates he would be famous and had been obsessed with the video game Grand Theft Auto, particularly its "kill frenzy" feature.

Training for more than ten years and 1 kill and 3 injuries? Pathetic.

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Guest Marney1

Not GTA related but it's more on how mentally ill people can be affected by playing videogames.

When PlayStation turns nasty: Father, 46, tracks down and throttles schoolboy, 13, in revenge attack for 'killing' him on Call Of Duty

'I'd been playing the whole day and he was baiting me and baiting me and just would not shut up. He went on and on and I just lost it'

Boy's mother: 'If you can’t handle losing to a child then you shouldn’t be playing games'

  • article-2043589-0E27DDB000000578-222_233x517.jpg

  • Looks like he escaped from a cage doesn't he?

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Guest Marney1

He handled that situation correctly.

I agree, little bastard!

Violent video games 'reduce crime'

Violent video games may actually reduce crime as aggressive players are "too busy" shooting virtual enemies to cause trouble in the real world, experts claim.

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Well, yeah. I can't count the number I've times I've played Fallout or GTA when I felt like murdering the entire population of a small rural town. Who knows how many people I would have killed if it weren't for video games.

And this is regular Massacre talking here, not Asylum Massacre. Video games keep me out of prison.

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Guest Marney1

Well, yeah. I can't count the number I've times I've played Fallout or GTA when I felt like murdering the entire population of a small rural town. Who knows how many people I would have killed if it weren't for video games.

And this is regular Massacre talking here, not Asylum Massacre. Video games keep me out of prison.

I always thought you were in prison, just had access to a computer. Seems America has a crazy on the loose!

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