
Review The Last Thing You Watched

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If you're needing some good spoof stuff, check out Police Squad! It's the TV show that became Naked Gun. It's even better than the movies. Kentucky Fried Movie is also killer, and made by the folks that brought us Airplane!

Series 7 is my favorite reality tv spoof. 7 people are chosen at random to kill each other. Low budget, cheesy, and over the top. Just like reality tv. Which are actually game shows.

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Troll Hunter.

It's a Norwegian film, with Subtitles, but it's probably one of the only foreign Sci-Fi films (other than REC) that i actually enjoyed watching.

After i got over the fact i had to watch a film with subtitles, i was actually really into it. When a film grabs you in even in a foreign language, you know it's got to be good. The film's about a group of college students trying to report the goings-on behind the death of protected bears. They soon find the culprit, and end up getting more than they bargained for.

The only thing that really makes this film work is the handycam documentary style they use. Otherwise the film would have seemed too low budget.

Great film, completely different from anything else i know of. And more importantly, you don't have to endure them chasing the shadows of a single troll the entire way through the film, which i feared it would be like (cloverfield).


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oh wow, i haven't posted in here in a while...

i bought man on fire a while back because i figured i'd like it... it was good, and a true vintage denzel flick... it's denzel being denzel, playing a drunk like usual and having to save the day once again... but holy ripoff batman!! max payne 3 felt exactly like this movie outside of the narrative from max for everything he did... a drunk who finds himself halfway across the world hired as a bodyguard for some rich family... and shit goes south real fast and he's forced to shoot his way to the solution...

mama... i don't really like horror movies because they all go for the shock and awe and the gory shit... it's usually a pretty fucking boring story filled with cheap tricks to scare the audience... this movie wasn't much different than any other PG13 horror drama... however, the origin story was a pretty cool concept... two orphans raised by a ghost mother trapped in our world doomed to repeat her days until the wrong has been righted... the opening scenes were by the far the best parts (and the reason why they became orphans)... but the rest of the movie was typical boring shit... i really don't like this genre but the origin story was one of the most original ones i've heard in a while... and guillermo del toro directing definitely added to the visual feel...

i am planning on watching heat tonight :D...

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Just watched the first four episodes of Blue Bloods. Probably one of my new favorite television shows alongside SouthLAnd (now over) and Revolution.


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i've seen a few of those... you're quite fascinated with one of the most popular genres on TV, but i'm tired of every show being some kind of police spin off... tom selleck and mark wahlberg's brother are good actors though so it makes the show more credible... but still, it's another fucking cop drama :lol:...

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it's the rug man... it really ties the room together...

so i watched heat and every single preview of GTA V a couple weeks ago spoke of an armored van robbery demo... with the trio wearing masks and planning out the hit... and holy crap, heat was the same way... there's a ton of GTA influence from this film, and not just for GTA V, but for the entire series... it was a great film and i saw all three GTA V characters in the story... deniro plays michael, and val kilmer plays franklin... trevor, well, he had a minor role in heat, he was played by kevin gage... he looked like the dude from kane & lynch yet he reminded me so much of trevor...

great movie though, i'll probably watch it again before GTA V drops...

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Whom is this Lebowski you speak of, and what makes him big?

"Who is this" -- have you ever heard of a little film called Fargo? Fuckin' Coen Brothers did The Big Lebowski too. Not exactly lightweights.

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star trek into darkness... wow, JJ abrams has brought a fresh new approach to the world i love... it's edgy without stomping on the characters we all know and love... simon pegg was the perfect choice for scotty and karl urban was perfect for mccoy as well... all around it's a brilliant cast, and holy crap is the villian in this film well played by a guy no one really knows... he is one of the best villians i've seen in years... the only other villain i can think of that is even close is javier bardem in 007 skyfall and no country for old men... his deep powerful voice and confidence in what he is doing is unmatched...

i am simply blown away with the new star trek series and can't wait for more... all you star wars junkies out there should be pretty excited to see jj abrams at the helm... he's great a developing characters and building the world around them...

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it's been out for a couple of weeks now, you would of heard a buzz about it by now if shatner made a cameo... hell, IMDB gives away something about the movie i didn't know about until i saw the film... thankfully i didn't catch that before i saw the movie, it made it that more awesome... but traveling across parallel universes is always a possibility, it's how leonard nimoy made his appearance in the first film...

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Anybody else fall in love the George Clooney??

Bad ass performance. Sexy tattoo. His best film in my humble opinion.

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A movie about honkys that was on netflix called "Snow on tha Bluff"

Realistic, the way they talked and acted was very fucking real, they were so honkyly that sometimes it was hard to understand them.

Shooting seemed realistic, not bad for a generic "Found Footage film"


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I watched now you see me a couple of days ago, it was alright I guess.

I can't say I saw the big twist that was revealed in the end, but it was less of a "wow! What an amazing twist", and more "what the actual fuck?"

I also started watching the new season of Arrested Development and I don't understand why that show ever got cancelled. It's a bit confusing to keep up though, since they're showing how the past couple of years have been for the different characters. I recently got to watch Tobias's last couple of years and his ANUSTART! He's probably my favorite character in the show.

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Went and saw The Purge.

Instead of showing the shit in one house, they should have showed the riots in cities, that would have been fucking awesome, it was basically The Strangers with a moral undertone.

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