Stoic Person Eater

Walking Dead - AMC Sunday Nights 9PM EST

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I bet he comes around, displays all the signs of an infected (the eyes, bloody nose etc) but isn't (still alive) and is some way of getting a cure. With the way the TV show has gone I wouldn't be surprised if this is the start of the ending and they just skip negan, alexandria sz etc

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Okay, this show is officially the dumbest piece of shit. I'll watch it two weeks more and then I am over it and locking this fucking thread.

Last night's shit episode had the most promise and delivered the least. It started off with the black dude, Tyrese trying to bang out the spanish chick. She said no and went to wash her face where Patrick had bloodjizzed out his face and turned into a zombie. Luckily for her and the "plot" of the show, Patrick doesn't get her in the spooky bathroom OR when he follows her back to her cell - because someone else coughed. So Patrickzombie goes to that guys cell and eats him all night long. All other zombie outbreaks have been somewhat quick and devastating, but Patrick took all fucking night and then he and his victim lumbered out after morning had broken. They could have wiped out the whole cell in one night, probably one hour. But that would be consistency; fuck that.

So all the heroes here some gunshots and kill the ten or so zombies that have turned within the cell. That's right, more half a dozen people are turned to walkers in a matter of moments; they turned almost instantly and came back to wreak more havoc. They were more energetic or motivated than Patrick apparently. What could have caused the outbreak? Rick figures it out along with the help of the drunk black guy new character - it's a flu! Everyone is infected with the zombie virus, and now there is a zombie flu. I would love to find out that the disease comes from fucking zombies - that would make Patrick the coolest character ever on the show.

Well, they solved that mystery. Everyone who came in contact with the sick zombies/people need to be quarantined so they don't get anyone sick with zombie AIDS. Simple as that. OH NO THE FUCKING FENCE IS FALLING DOWN! Where the fuck has the fence crew been? If there are walkers on the fence, get out there and kill them. Also, the zombies they previously killed are no longer there. Zombies don't eat zombies, where are the piles of bodies by the fence or on the stabby sticks? The same thing happens in Call of Duty... why can't there be a pile of victims? I guess they just faded away. Anyway, it turns out the metal fences weren't cemented into the ground and all it takes is some force on the fence before those things start to crumble.

Rick has issues killing zombies now and has to overcome them so he can help poke them in the face. But that's no good. One zombie has seen "World War Z" and decides to go up on the fence and the whole thing gives in. Rick comes up with a plan to get the zombies off the fence, by sacrificing his tainted piggies to the zombies outside of the fence. They could have easily ran over all of the zombies along the fence in the truck, but fuck that, Rick cripples his pigs and throws them from the back of the truck to the zombies all the while choking back tears because his porcine fleshlights are no more.

The fence is fixed - for now. Turns out it just needed two wood braces to hold it up. It should last until another interruption in the shitty soap opera the show has become is needed. Tyrese, who wasn't helping on the fence or anything brings the spanish chick some flowers to make her feel better about her eye-periods (it's part of being a woman). Turns out someone dragged her ass outside and burned her to a crisp to the ground. There is someone else who has been burnt up next to her, but the black dude only cares he won't be eating pink tacos tonight.

Who burnt up the spanish chick? That's called a fucking cliffhanger, see you proud americans next week. Was it Rick who just used gas to burn down the pig house? Was it Carl, being a total dick? Was it the black dude's incestuous sister? They could have gotten to it last night, but they needed to sell more shitty Hyundais and shitty beers. The should call it the Walking Commercial Breaks; six minutes of show where not shit has happened followed by eight minutes of Hyundai. Blue Moon and douchebagchrishardwicktryingtosalvagehisshitcareer advertisements.

Fuck, I hate Chris Hardwick, I hope his new show on Comedy Central lasts one episode.

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I hope it was Carl, I'm tired of Rick's wimpy shit and he's quite possibly the worst at running a fortress, why aren't there people on fence duty at all times?

Hope Carl goes full Shane. Also hope Daryl gets killed off and all the QDs whine about it, but it turns out it was a dream

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Daryl is one of the few characters worth watching. They ruined Tyrese and Michonne needs to get over this baby shit immediately, because I do not give a fuck about the obvious "I had a baby but a zombie ate it" rant that's coming.

Daryl had his weird-faced crying moment, then got his shit together. He and Carl are the only characters not pissing me off every time they're on screen.

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Having not read the comics, I think it allows me to enjoy the show more than the rest of you lol

My issue is that as a person that understands prepping, it flies in the face of basic logic.

Why aren't the fences manned 24/7? Why aren't kids being educated as children basic survival (Carol was but not with approval of the leader of the group). Why are precious resources wasted on communal areas that a PRISON is bound to have?!?

In terms of logic, the train derailed, did a barrel roll and blew up killing everybody on board.

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ya i guess that did bother me. I was thinking why the fuck are they letting the zombies build up so hard. I think Carl even mentioned its a problem. I think we just have to assume everyone is fucking stupid.

I still enjoy it tho. and i dont know how awesome the black dude and michonne are supposed to be so that dont bother me.

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The fense isnt fixed... They clearly show that it was just a temporary fix as the zombies are already shaking the fence in the second fense scene.

Also, the zombies were being fed at the fense (remember the dead rats, and one lf the characters points it out, that would have attracted the zombies. That, combined with the shooting from inside the prison, attracted more zombies that usual, which ultimately caused the fense to partially fail.

Finally, it was stated that the guy who was bit by the infected sleep walks, so he locks himself im his cell, hense the outbreak was slow to spread until someone checked in on him that morning, and at that point the outbreak spread rapidly.

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Hey gize................. Rick is still in a coma ;)

That would be badass, but if it turns out to be true, fuck you for spoiling it.

Daryl is one of the few characters worth watching. They ruined Tyrese and Michonne needs to get over this baby shit immediately, because I do not give a fuck about the obvious "I had a baby but a zombie ate it" rant that's coming.

Daryl had his weird-faced crying moment, then got his shit together. He and Carl are the only characters not pissing me off every time they're on screen.

Carl's a prick.

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I‘m just going to agree with whats being said in here, as most of it‘s been ranted about already... It seems like the producers are more concerned with paving ways for Zombie Violence than focusing on actual survival.

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This show is just getting depressing episode after episode. Why not have a decent plot that involves the origins of the virus or something that is about rebuilding. All that seems to happen is 1 step forward, 2 steps back.

Also I hope they introduce some new characters and actually keep them on instead of killing them off. I think someone like Rick will probably have to die to move the show forward.

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This show is just getting depressing episode after episode. Why not have a decent plot that involves the origins of the virus or something that is about rebuilding. All that seems to happen is 1 step forward, 2 steps back.

Also I hope they introduce some new characters and actually keep them on instead of killing them off. I think someone like Rick will probably have to die to move the show forward.

What would expect to happen in an apocalypse of that nature, it always be 1 step forward?

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This show is just getting depressing episode after episode. Why not have a decent plot that involves the origins of the virus or something that is about rebuilding.

It's not about the virus, it's not about the zombies. What caused the infection is irrelevant. They tried to explain it when they went to the CDC building in the first season, and it was stupid and very out of place. There is no reason to explain how the infection started in the first place. They sure as hell wouldn't know what to do about it, and it's not going to get rid of the millions (probably billions) of zombies.

The story is about the people, how they interact, how they deal with this new world. Other people have been a bigger threat than the zombies and have caused more problems than the zombies. The zombies are nothing more than a plot device. Zombies damaging the fence is no more of an issue than running out of food would be. In fact, the zombies and fence are easier to deal with.

The whole point is that these people are unprepared for this, and the fact that zombies are on the back burner while the group deals with human enemies and their own psychological issues demonstrates this. They're more worried about themselves and the human events around them than the zombies. In addition, the Walking Dead universe is clearly one in which zombies were never a part of pop culture, and there has been no indication that anything resembling a prepping community exists in this world, either. This is a completely alien situation to them, and the constant human-related issues force common sense to take a back seat while they deal with them.

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and there has been no indication that anything resembling a prepping community exists in this world,

Tyreese mentioned he and his sister stayed with a friend in a bunker until they ran out of food.

"As the outbreak began, he and his younger sister Sasha stayed in a bunker in their neighbor Jerry's backyard for about 7 months until they ran out of supplies. After that, they met up with Allen, Donna and Ben and joined a larger group, which had about 25 survivors at one point. The camp was eventually overrun, and many were killed. For about 6 weeks they wandered until they arrived at the prison. "

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This show is just getting depressing episode after episode. Why not have a decent plot that involves the origins of the virus or something that is about rebuilding. All that seems to happen is 1 step forward, 2 steps back.

Also I hope they introduce some new characters and actually keep them on instead of killing them off. I think someone like Rick will probably have to die to move the show forward.

What would expect to happen in an apocalypse of that nature, it always be 1 step forward?

You are right, but this is a TV show after all. I watch Revolution too, that's post apocalyptic and the story line there is good and makes you want to keep on watching. I think the characters too, some have been their way too long, Michonne is the only decent newcomer to have actually survived.

I guess I'm still pissed that they didn't kill

off the governor

last season.

This show is just getting depressing episode after episode. Why not have a decent plot that involves the origins of the virus or something that is about rebuilding.

It's not about the virus, it's not about the zombies. What caused the infection is irrelevant. They tried to explain it when they went to the CDC building in the first season, and it was stupid and very out of place. There is no reason to explain how the infection started in the first place. They sure as hell wouldn't know what to do about it, and it's not going to get rid of the millions (probably billions) of zombies.

The story is about the people, how they interact, how they deal with this new world. Other people have been a bigger threat than the zombies and have caused more problems than the zombies. The zombies are nothing more than a plot device. Zombies damaging the fence is no more of an issue than running out of food would be. In fact, the zombies and fence are easier to deal with.

The whole point is that these people are unprepared for this, and the fact that zombies are on the back burner while the group deals with human enemies and their own psychological issues demonstrates this. They're more worried about themselves and the human events around them than the zombies. In addition, the Walking Dead universe is clearly one in which zombies were never a part of pop culture, and there has been no indication that anything resembling a prepping community exists in this world, either. This is a completely alien situation to them, and the constant human-related issues force common sense to take a back seat while they deal with them.

I know what you mean. I was only thinking about the origins of the virus thing because they are all technically still 'infected'. Even the survival bits though are weak, I mean they could have built a moat around the prison or put some barricades about.

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Carl annoys me.

He's been a complete douche thus far, but he appears to be going towards the Carl in the comics who was for all intents and purposes, a very good character.


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Carl annoys me.

He's been a complete douche thus far, but he appears to be going towards the Carl in the comics who was for all intents and purposes, a very good character.

I'm disappointed there are no twins. I want him to kill Ben.

People that haven't read the comics are getting babied, honestly. Things are so much worse in there. Fucking Tyrese...


Almost used the lol emoticon. Almost.

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Carl annoys me.

He's been a complete douche thus far, but he appears to be going towards the Carl in the comics who was for all intents and purposes, a very good character.

I'm disappointed there are no twins. I want him to kill Ben.

People that haven't read the comics are getting babied, honestly. Things are so much worse in there. Fucking Tyrese...

ben was a dick man. Best thing Carl ever did was that. It's moments like that that make me miss Shane.

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As far as they've strayed from the comics, I would've been fine with keeping Shane. Excellent actor and better written than the rest of the characters.

Every time Shane pulled Carl aside, he gave him better advice than anything Rick's had to offer. They would've been one hell of a pair by now.

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