Stoic Person Eater

Walking Dead - AMC Sunday Nights 9PM EST

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They should have went the zombie baby route. Tried a natural birth, it died in there. then pops out of her stomach like alien.


Then Rick would have it made. No stupid wife. And no fucking liability of a baby. Karl does pretty good to take care of himself. So yah

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They should have went the zombie baby route. Tried a natural birth, it died in there. then pops out of her stomach like alien.


Then Rick would have it made. No stupid wife. And no fucking liability of a baby. Karl does pretty good to take care of himself. So yah

No shit, Lori just fucked the group even farther. Not only does a baby need constant attention and care their cries are loud as fuck. That's the last thing they need.

Lori's just fucking them from the grave, that selfish bitch.

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haha ur mad angry.

This just happened in Punxtr's FB status. Hes never around here so i thought i'd post it cause its SO right and the first comment is fucking brilliant haha


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Although I disliked Lori, and was hoping she died, the way she went was sad. Also how Rick reacted, what will it do to his personality and judgment calls now that his wife is dead, even though he was mad he still loved her. Also I think you guys are forgetting to mention Carol. They assumed she's dead but most likely she isn't. Just her head piece was left behind. I like Carl a lot better this season, not only is he no longer a squeaky kid causing constant trouble, but he's actually becoming somewhat helpful now. Lastly the two prisoners, the black one seems all right, and although the other is really nice, I feel like he's gonna wind up doing something to get killed.

Edit: I wanted to see Lori become a zombie.

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The walking dead is a better show then prison break because they no when to kill off the bitch no one likes.

Edited by Massacre

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Wanted to see the black chick controlling Zombie Lori with chains, it could still happen, bet that kid twitched and missed the shot.

Edited by Massacre
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This show is getting laughable...

Well, at least the prison part is...

The governor segments were refreshing though...

Yea i agree, i wonder where there taking this show? Everyone hated last season because it was so slow because they were just surviving. Even something like killing off two main characters is not that big of a deal because its become almost normal for them to kill off main characters in this show. People expect it. It will be interseting to see where they take the show to keep it fresh.

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I was really disappointed by the new Governor. I really wish they had stayed true to the comic, but at the same time I really didn't think they would have been able to get away with that on TV. I think around this part of the comic he had raped Michonne about 3 times.

Seriously, the Comic governor makes the TV one look like Mother Theresa.

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I thought epsiode 3 was boring as fuck compared to the others this season case all it showed was the town

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I was really disappointed by the new Governor. I really wish they had stayed true to the comic, but at the same time I really didn't think they would have been able to get away with that on TV. I think around this part of the comic he had raped Michonne about 3 times.

Seriously, the Comic governor makes the TV one look like Mother Theresa.

Holy shit if it's really that different I need to get the comics.

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They kept the main story points in the TV show (prison, prisoners, the heli crash) but apart from that some of the content has been watered down compared to the comic, and yeah, do some research and see what you can find on the governor. Let me tell you he wasn't the two faced good-guy bad guy like he is now, he was just plain sick and twisted from the get-go

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