Stoic Person Eater

Walking Dead - AMC Sunday Nights 9PM EST

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Just watched the last two episodes...

Fuck, I was NOT expecting Axel to get killed.

And Andrea that motherfucker, could have just killed the governor and ended it...

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Just watched the last two episodes...

Fuck, I was NOT expecting Axel to get killed.

And Andrea that motherfucker, could have just killed the governor and ended it...

She's got that jungle fever and by that she loves that cock in her loose cunt

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Lot of differences between the comics and the show. Where is the line drawn between artistic liberty and injustice to the comics? :fuhrer:

In all seriousness, I liked what they did with

The CDC story, that was an enjoyable touch of drama. Also, I noticed that Shane survived Season 1! I wonder what else they'll alter for TV?

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The CDC part was stupid. They didn't learn anything useful, and they found all that shit out on their own in the comic. It was my biggest issue with season 1, other than the bad casting, which isn't really a problem anymore,

Other than Lori, who still hasn't fucked off.

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What did you all think of Vatos?

Damn, that was ages ago.

I felt like killing the kid that screamed for help, though.

When is the new episode out today? As in how many hours, as I believe it's tomorrow morning for me because of timezones.

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Bla bla bla just got bla bla bla and he's bla bla bla and rick was like ahhh.

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They wouldn't off a protagonist. I'm not stupid.

Would they? Am I? **commits suicide**

Guess you've never seen Game of Thrones.

About the recent episode:

Rick/Michonne scene at the end was good, nice little nod to fans of the comic.

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They wouldn't off a protagonist. I'm not stupid.

Would they? Am I? **commits suicide**

Guess you've never seen Game of Thrones.

About the recent episode:

Rick/Michonne scene at the end was good, nice little nod to fans of the comic.

I saw Rick get stabbed and started shouting expletives. Glad he lived

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I was kind of shocked when Rick got stabbed. Not what you would expect to happen to a protag, but then I realized it was on his shoulder.

P.S: Carl seems like a little asshole-brat kid to me, sometimes.

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Early on, there are twin brothers Carl and Sophia's age. One of the twins, Ben, goes batshit crazy because of all the violence and starts experimenting with killing things while no one's around. The adults discuss him being a problem, and Carl ends up killing Ben before he can cause problems.

I don't remember if Ben kills his brother, or if he dies some other way. I think he kills him.

Ultimately, Carl becomes very cold and unfeeling, and is pretty awesome.

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"The people like you, the good people, they always die... and the bad people do too... But the weak people, the people like me... we have inherited the earth."

That made my cock twitch.

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I dont need help, wah wah wah.

Takes off. Tries to get away without her seeing.

That shit was annoying. I dont like whiny kids

While true, but they didn't know if they could trust her. As you can tell she surprised Rick and Carl at the end when she was trustworthy and actually saved Carl's life.

Besides he's a kid, all kids are whiny assholes

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