Stoic Person Eater

Walking Dead - AMC Sunday Nights 9PM EST

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Tyresse finally shows up and they kick him out after 3 episodes?

Rick's a fucking racist.

Are you serious? He was kicked out by accident.

Spoiler: When he saw the ghost, he started going crazy, shouting 'get out' or whatever it was in reference to her, not the group of people (Although he did want to kick them out in the first place), Herschel was persuading Rick.

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I don't remember her in the comic. Massy would know for sure.

Things seem to be taking an interesting turn after this episode... (11)

Meh. If anything it's starting to get a little too predictable now. Everything that's transpiring is basically made up and has nothing to do with the comics. Merle and Darryl were barely gone for an episode before they decided to trek back to the prison (I would have liked to see them on the road for at least a few episodes, and to learn more about their history). Andrea went back yet still likes that fuck The Governor. Rick's psycho because his wife died, yet everybody else who's lost somebody in a similar manner has managed fine.

Yet, I could have looked past all of this IF THEY HAD JUST LET TYRESE STAY IN THE FUCKING PRISON. Then I keep coming back to Glenn Mazzara and what he said about a "difference of opinion." Tyrese was probably the most badass character in the comic, yet in this one's he's served absolutely no purpose apart from a brief chat with the Governor. So far this season has set me up for a big cup of disappointment.

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The ghost thing wasn't in the comics. Remember the episode where Rick was talking on the phone? That was his craziness in the comics, and it went on for a long time.

Re: Tyrese... By this point in the comics, he had already been with the group since before Herschel's family and

Had been beheaded by the Governor - with Michonne's sword, no less.

The fact that he's still around and with the Governor obviously means they have bigger plans for him. He was a pretty major character in the comics, so if he's gotten to this point, he's clearly going to be more than a redshirt.

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The ghost thing wasn't in the comics. Remember the episode where Rick was talking on the phone? That was his craziness in the comics, and it went on for a long time.

Re: Tyrese... By this point in the comics, he had already been with the group since before Herschel's family and

Had been beheaded by the Governor - with Michonne's sword, no less.

The fact that he's still around and with the Governor obviously means they have bigger plans for him. He was a pretty major character in the comics, so if he's gotten to this point, he's clearly going to be more than a redshirt.

I agree, he probably will be important. But he'll be the exact opposite of what he was in the comics. Remember...

When he took out that entire gymnasium full of zombies with nothing but a hammer? The group left him for dead, only to come back and find him chilling amongst the piles of rotting flesh.

I want THAT Tyrese. Not this faggy "We don't want any trouble guys" pussy that they turned him into. The best thing about Tyrese was that he had no remorse, no will to live, he was the guy who ran into packs of zombies with nothing but his bare fists. (At least until he started banging the two girls).

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To be fair, no one is safe on The Walking Dead. Same with shows like Sons of Anarchy. Con knows what I'm talking about.

Carl will be the only one who doesn't get killed. <_<

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To be fair, no one is safe on The Walking Dead. Same with shows like Sons of Anarchy. Con knows what I'm talking about.

Carl will be the only one who doesn't get killed. <_<

I haven't read the comics but in the show Carl has done some stupid shit, that surprised me he made it this far. Also yes it's true, nobody on either show is safe, pisses me off when somebody I like gets off'd.

**glares at Kurt Sutter**

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