Stoic Person Eater

Walking Dead - AMC Sunday Nights 9PM EST

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That was pretty fucking good. I am a fan of this new Rick.

Hopefully they don't lose momentum this season like they did last.

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Black Jim Norton, the alcoholic?

Yah, that guy...

He looked light skinned in that last episode, didn't really recognize him...


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In the comics, they dealt with the cannibals very quickly. Terminus wasn't even a thing, they were just in a house. It was Dale who lost his leg, and was still alive, at this point. The cannibals ate his other leg.


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Surprise guest on Talking Dead next week. We all know what the means.

Who do you think is getting the axe?

There's obviously a safe bet, but I anticipate a twist.

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Besides that safe you're talking about I think its gonna be glen or Maggie. One of them is gonna go.

And I think I know the safe bet you're talking about but I won't say it because for some reason the spoiler tag isn't working for me.

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I keep thinking about ricks hand. And I'm going into detail here and I'm on my phone so spoilers

Do you think they will over look Carl's eye the same way they did ricks hand? While ricks hand is kind of redundant as far as story goes. Carls eye sort of launches a new story arc.

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That's why I think they'll do it mass. They played it too safe last season. They need to shock the audience this season and show to them that no one is safe.... Even the fan favorites.

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If not Glen it will be Maggie.

There's only a few untouchable fan favorites.

Rick (obviously), Daryl and Michonne. Oh and Carl. But I would like to see that happen.

I can tell you deaths that I think will happen for sure this season:

Bob because reasons, Sacha, Rosita, Eugene (maybe) and if they wanna get real froggy they could take a swipe at Tyresse or Carol.

Oh and the lezbo will get the boot also me thinks even though I like her.

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Nah. The only ones who aren't safe are Bob, Sasha, and Tara.

Big things are coming.

The only way Glenn could die is if the second half of the season moves much too fast. No one important dies at the hands of the hunters, but someone has to die, in what comes next.

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do people have "white" and "dark" meat

I guess I'd have to ask an actual cannibal. would my boob have a different texture and taste then my arm and leg?


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Damn that episode made me wanna try honky meat. Pussy counts right? >.>

was a pretty cool monologue scene though. Chattin away, keeping him occupied with a story so he didn't notice that missing leg there.

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He's the only reason they're getting Beth back.

That's who Daryl had in tow, at the end of last week's episode. Daryl and Carol ran across him, he told them about the place, and they asked about Beth, whom he had met. Carol faked an injury to get inside, while Daryl returned to the group. They're getting her back (or starting to) in two weeks.

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