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New Xbox to Launch in 2013?

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For games I reckon Microsoft will avoid Blu-ray. Loading times with high-res textures will be too high reading off a disc, so everything will need to be installed. In that case, they might as well make everything downloadable and sell install discs (which could be Blu-ray, but equally could be a high capacity flash drive) in stores for people with crap internet connections.

Then the Xbox 4 will have SSD for blazing fast load speeds.

I kind of doubt this... If they are going to bother selling "install" disks to people with crappy connections only, they'll have problems with their supply chain on the customer side. No store (eg Gamestop) is going to want to let MS take up counterspace with that kind of product without higher profit margin...

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For games I reckon Microsoft will avoid Blu-ray. Loading times with high-res textures will be too high reading off a disc, so everything will need to be installed. In that case, they might as well make everything downloadable and sell install discs (which could be Blu-ray, but equally could be a high capacity flash drive) in stores for people with crap internet connections.

Then the Xbox 4 will have SSD for blazing fast load speeds.

I kind of doubt this... If they are going to bother selling "install" disks to people with crappy connections only, they'll have problems with their supply chain on the customer side. No store (eg Gamestop) is going to want to let MS take up counterspace with that kind of product without higher profit margin...

And yet these stores are quite happy with selling PC games that are also released on Steam... If a game store refuses to sell games they won't make any money anyway. They have to make do with what they've got.

If you look around the Marketplace (and with what's happening on Windows 8) I think it's obvious Microsoft is pushing downloaded content. When the next Xbox comes out and hard drives are adequately sized, it's the next natural step.

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Now please stop fooling around as if you guys really know that new xbox is commimg out 2013 only joblesa mofos can only think such odd stuff , imean microsoft might not have even thought to develop it. Its too early for saying yes I suggest no

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Now please stop fooling around as if you guys really know that new xbox is commimg out 2013 only joblesa mofos can only think such odd stuff , imean microsoft might not have even thought to develop it. Its too early for saying yes I suggest no

If you wish to troll, please find another forum.

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Can't find any pc games at my GameStop, crept ones for like 5.99 bargain bin.

I was also going to say that if ms is going to put a optical drive in its console, that's going to be the main distribution system.

Also, I wonder if at this point 5 gigs of bandwidth, associated storage costs, ect cost more per unit than a dvdrom.. I guess it's close

Here is something you can't understand, how my iphone could just kill a man.

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I agree that SSD is the next console format to go with. I think games will either come out on SD cards or digital distribution only. As much as i like blu-ray, discs are on their way out slowly.

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Cds have been on there way out slowly but distributers know that if they only produce it digitally then the sales would drop, people like something tangable, it adds more value. So SD cards ok but digital only, i hope not.

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Next gen will most likly be all digital downloads. no physical cds. It just makes sence. Y waste money supplys and hardware for disc when we have the technology for the next step. Discs r going to b if not already obsolete. Digital downloads don't get scratched or skip. Fuck I'm not reallt sober and dint know where I was going with this

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Because loads of gamers arent online. It would loose them thousands of pounds/dollars even trading games etc, it just wouldnt work, not yet.

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Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo, and all game companies would lose millions if they went download-only. The vast majority of console game sales are discs, not downloads, and 90% of those downloads (excluding XBLA-/PSN-only games) are PC.

Personally, I like the idea of games on flash drives/SD cards, since, last I checked, they go up to 64gb.

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For games I reckon Microsoft will avoid Blu-ray. Loading times with high-res textures will be too high reading off a disc, so everything will need to be installed. In that case, they might as well make everything downloadable and sell install discs (which could be Blu-ray, but equally could be a high capacity flash drive) in stores for people with crap internet connections.

Then the Xbox 4 will have SSD for blazing fast load speeds.

I'd love for the Xbox to have SSD, I'd also like it to take a normal fucking HDD like the PS3 so I can upgrade it as I need to and not when Microsoft releases bigger size. 20-120GB isn't shit for me.

In the original model inside that HDD cover is just a laptop hard drive isnt it? Cheap as chips.

The slim model has a normal HDD I think.

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64GB SD cards are expensive, especially compared to a 50GB blu-ray disk. I dont think the medium is that relavent (as long as it's big enough), but games have to be installed to a HDD (or dare I say it, SSD) to improve performance, right?

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and again M$ will hit market with a new console too early, while Sony will wait couple months, add more power to it. And at the finish people will make tests and later say ps4 is better than xbox....

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