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Website Improvements

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How would you guys improve the front-end website? - I know most of you skip it and come straight to these here forums, but ensuring the main website is as useful and user friendly as possible is my main priority. The forums effectively run theirself, but I need to ensure that visitors are enjoying browsing through the content on the site.

I appreciate any and all feedback on the website. Whether you don't like the colours, the fonts are too hard to read, you'd like to see specific features implemented (e.g. the ability to log in and post comments with your forum account)... Let me know here.

Not promising to make all requested changes or developments, but if enough people think something will improve the site, I'm all ears.


  • Confused 1

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Guest Marney1

Only thing I think needs to stand out more are the navigation links across the top - forums, images etc. Maybe make the text a brightish green?

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Guest Marney1
  On 10/27/2011 at 11:23 PM, Psy said:

Suppose I should make it clear that the website colour scheme, banner and other assorted graphics will be modified after the trailer launch.

Yeah, pointless doing anything before as depending on what's shown in the trailer it could all get binned. Nothing wrong with ideas now though I suppose.

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Guest Marney1
  On 10/28/2011 at 1:33 PM, Psy said:

We've already done one much better than that

Ooh, can't wait! :D

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Ok guys, the website is now integrated with the forums. If you're logged in on here, you can post a comment under that name on the website. If you lot could test it for me by making comments (particularly as guests and people in different user groups - mods, admins, gold members, regular members) it would be appreciated.

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Guest Marney1

You must complete the following fields:

- Display name

That's what I see in a pop up box when I try to post a comment.

Edit: I can post as a guest but that box pops up when I'm logged in. Doesn't give me anywhere to go except to click the OK button which does nothing.

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  On 10/28/2011 at 7:22 PM, Marney1 said:

You must complete the following fields:

- Display name

That's what I see in a pop up box when I try to post a comment.

Edit: I can post as a guest but that box pops up when I'm logged in. Doesn't give me anywhere to go except to click the OK button which does nothing.

CTRL + F5 the page or clear your browser cache entirely.

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Ok guys, you'll now see there's a "Your Account" block on the website homepage. If you're logged in, the website should know who you are. If not, there'll be a login form for you to fill out with your forum account details and you'll be logged in.

Doing this means you can now post comments under your forum name.

I will also be adding more new features to the website specifically for logged in members in the future.

Let me know if there's any problems.

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Guest Marney1
  On 10/29/2011 at 10:46 PM, Psy said:

I changed it slightly to make it a bit easier on the eye. Made the line height bigger. And added slight letter spacing

Looked weird at first but it is easier on the eye.

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How does it work, exactly? Do you only have a short list of fonts to use, or can you use your own?

Also, how heavy are the post-V trailer changes going to be? I might have a few decent fonts in my collection, depending on what the theme of the game ends up being.

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I can only use about 8 different fonts which are installed on all PC's by default. Any custom fonts can only be used on images otherwise people wont be able to see them and it'll default to times new roman or something shit.

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There are ways to use custom fonts on web pages as actual text now, I think through HTML 5 or some form of Javascript/CSS development. I'm pretty sure Rockstar use it on the social club website, definitely for LA Noire. I might look into it but the only issue with new technology is that it probably won't work for certain web browsers or mobile devices etc so I'm always cautious about overdoing it with those type of features.

Doyou guys think the image gallery could be improved? If so, how? Bigger image thumbnails? No popup box? More images per page?

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I would say increase the thumbnail size just a little (the spacing is off and it drives me crazy), and possibly add a drop-down menu to choose how many images to display per page.

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Guest Marney1

The image gallery is ok.

Can you change the gay blue background in the forums to something darker though? Thanks.

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I would like some reshuffling to allow the first news posts title in the first page of the site (i.e no scroll down) You would also be doing yourself a favour to have the second add banner in that first page break as well.

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  On 10/30/2011 at 8:47 PM, Marney1 said:

The image gallery is ok.

Can you change the gay blue background in the forums to something darker though? Thanks.

If the trailer implies that green is going to be an important color in the game, I'd really like to have all the blue on the site made green.

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