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I pulled something out of a dream once into reality. = True story.

i really i could do that!

I seriously did that once. I had a dream that was really bizarre, and was playing a guitar in the dream. I woke up and remembered a song I had been playing in the dream, and recorded it right then (at like 4 am int he morning, in a hotel room in Montreal). Turned out to be a cool song idea also.

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I pulled something out of a dream once into reality. = True story.


Have you ever heard of someone being able to actually bring an object out of the dreaming world into the real world? I did it once when I was a kid, my parents will verify this, so I know it wasn't something I imagined. And I swear to you that this is a true story.


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I pulled something out of a dream once into reality. = True story.


Have you ever heard of someone being able to actually bring an object out of the dreaming world into the real world? I did it once when I was a kid, my parents will verify this, so I know it wasn't something I imagined. And I swear to you that this is a true story.


LOL! A physical object, and I immediately become skeptical. :D I still have the original recording when I had freshly woken up. (as sloppy as it is haha)

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Good thing he does that worlds most shocking video thing...

Otherwise hed be completely irrelevant,

Phil Cassidy is not irrelevant. -_-

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Whoan nigguz.

I just woke up from a crazy dream.

Me and my family were heading to china for vacation. We where on a large ferry, almost like a cruise boat, and it was dusk.

Anyway, we were staring out the window and therr was another cruise ship in front of us and we were wondering how it was going to get out f the harbor because thee ground was shallow.

It suddenly started moving full steam ahead. Then, all of a sudden and to my surpise we started moving, following the ship.( i didnt know we were on a ship until we started moving)

We road a long the city scape then


We are in a subway and it is rather empty but we grt to the next stop and a lot of people get on and now mot seats are filled, but nowt all them. A someone as her leg propped up on the seat in front of her, and a fat black woman who was sitting in the seat in front of her got up and called her a stupid bitch and moved seats..


I had to make a phone call so i went up to a pay phone. For what ever reason, i didnt put any change in put picked it up and got a dial tone.

I dialed a number, but instead of makeing the call the "operator" voice (the one that says "please deposit 10 cent) kept giving me weird semi threatening messages.

I decided to take the payphone home.


The payphone was attached to the front of my house. I picked it up but the operator would still make semi threatening messages. Also, when i made a call, the drive way would turn red and purple, like if it was some sorta on screen display for the operator. I asked my mom if they seen the colors on the drive way and told them to listen to the phone with me, but she heard or saw nothing. I was growing increasingly concerned becuase the operator was making increasingly scarier threats. I finally used the pay phone to call 911. When i did, a photograph of a stereotpyical photograph of a family appeared on the driveway (not mine) and i woke up.

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I was working in a crawl space repairing electrical connections and I cut the line that we thought went to the crawlspace so that it could be removed. It was late and i thought we should finish up the next day, but it was my co-workers house and he wanted to finish it the same day.

We ended up finishing it quicker than i expected and turned on power.

On my way home, i stopped at a minimart to get a drink. It was a "hood" minimart, and when I walking in, the cashier greeted me with a "whatcha doin in hear, white boy?"

I walked past her, giving her a glance with a "dont fuck with me swagger." As i made my way to the back of the store, i turned right and was met by a black dude who had a black ps3 in one hand (although it looked square, more like the original ps2) and a white ps2 slim in the other. He was trying to sell them, but i tried to motion to him that i wasn't interested. However, as i was walking by i reached out for the ps2 slim, before quickly realizing what i was doing and moving my hand quickly back. I could feel the quick burst of hope of a quick sell in his eyes fade away into nothingness.

As i walked by him, in the right-back corner of the minimart, i had apparently walked into the "home theater" section of the minimart (or pawnshop, now, i guess). There were old tv's, a vcr here and there, nothing too spectacular, except the performers. There was a group of 4-5 black skinny-ish dudes rapping, i was thinking to myself, "damn, they sound pretty good, almost too good to be performing in this place".... I cant remember exactly what they were rapping, but it wasn't a well known song.

I walked into the next "area". It was a small stage at the front, which opened up to a massive crowd. On the stage were a few people fully dressed in african garb dancing and singing tribal music. I walked across the stage which ended up being the front right of the store/pawnshop. I made my way up the rows of seats, and as i was working my way up, the performers had finished one song an were polling the audience about what they wanted to hear next. While the question was in english, the names of the songs where very tribal. The audience was shouting out their choices, and as i was walking by, a white mother and her young daughter were in the crowd. They both had long flowing blond hair, and big bright blue eyes. They were both shouting out their choice, it was "bweee bweee" or something like that. Their faces stuck out to me for some reason.

After that, somehow i found out that the house i had worked on earlier was having electrical problems again. Namely, the houses dock and boat lift wasn't powered. The owner (not my coworker, who, as it turned out was just the tenant) told me that the dock wasn't working, and that the wire that was underneath the house that we had cut was the one that went out to the dock. I was pissed off at that point, because it was the house my coworker lived in and he had assured me that that wire didn't go to anything important.

Then, i was back at the house. The owner was in the home, explaining to me that the dock wasn't working and if i could help him. At that point, we both heard from outside the window "help her, why can't you help her, help her" in a woman's voice, shrill, ghostly, and full of desperation, yet soft enough to still leave some doubt as to what we actually heard. I headed towards the door, turned left, and started walking down the steps.

A figure was walking up to greet me. Dressed in something mostly black, skinny, with an oversized head. Pale white, skull like, but with huge black eyes with wide white ridges around the eyes. The figure's nose and lips existed, but they were shriveled in distress and distain for me. Out from beneath it's cloak of darkness it raised its arm to a point, pointing its finger at me "help her, why can't you help her, help her" followed by a shriek so cold and hopeless that it woke me up shivering, panicking.

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Regardless of the dream, which is creapy as fuck. You have a real talent for writing. I was really drawn into this. It's a hard thing to do with so few words. I want more.

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Since moving to the east coast 5 years ago I've had a dream 3 times about shit falling out of the sky.

Aircraft, aircraft parts, whatever. Maybe the effect that 911 had on people out here. Different than California.

I survive each time but it is graphic and weird.

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Had the weirdest dream last night. It was set in the world of The Wire but not Baltimore or anywhere recognizable.

I wasn't watching it on TV, I was actually there but none of the characters were addressing me.

All the characters were themselves except for Avon who was some kind of scorpion-man hybrid. But like a really shitty CG looking beast like something out of a Syfy original movie. At one point he was chasing Senator Clay Davis down a dark corridor and stung him with his tail. And yes Clay Davis's last word was "Sheeeeeeeiiiiiiit."

For some reason, Keith David was also there but I don't recall him ever being on the show.

This is the 1st time I've ever had a dream about a TV show. Let alone a show I haven't watched in over 5 years.

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If Rick Ross had appeared and started telling eveyone who he was, I would have given it 10/10.

But, because at no stage did anyone get called bitch, 9/10. 

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For the longest time now I have had nothing crazy happen in my dreams. I used to have all sorts of creative dreams when I was younger, nightmares too. But it's been years since I can recall the last time I had a nightmare. And when I say nothing crazy happens, my dreams are usually current issues going on in my life playing out in a way, or just things that could certainly happen in real life based off things that have or are happening, but something I might not do.


For example, I have dreams of me texting when I'm worried about someone or something is going on with them and my main form of contact with them has been with them on the phone. I'll dream about myself with other people doing regular every day things. I'll dream about me fighting or yelling at family that I never have or never would do that too, but that's just all it is. I even had an inception style dream where I woke up and did exactly what I would do if I were at my grandparents (shower first then breakfast), then I actually woke up again irl.


I'd say my dreams went from what dreams are always looked at (crazy or fun etc.) to just my mind sorting things out or imagining how things could go down (which is what many say is the reason behind dreams). But they're not all that fun or creative anymore from the ones I do remember. Anyone else have this? 

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Yeah, I fell into that pattern for a few months. Dreams would align with the boring routines of waking life, it was like Groundhog Day.

I don't even dream anymore, too much mind-noise.

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