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I can actually fall completely asleep sometimes and then be fully conscience that i'm asleep and i can't wake myself up, and i'll just be there unable to move, just trying to wake myself up. Sometimes i can't wake myself, but other times i drift back to sleep, it's really weird cos if the TV's on when i do eventually fall back into a dream what evers go on on the tv i end up dreaming about. Strange i know but its true, don't know how or why it happens but it does on rare occasions.

I always remember the last two or three dreams i have before i wake up in the morning, unless i haven't had enough sleep and so haven't got to that stage of light dream sleep or whatever the technical word is, but i end up forgetting them after 10 or so minutes.

One i do have consistently is about a tidal wave, always has been since i was about 8. Always used to wake up just as the tidal wave hit, but slowly and surely i remembered while haven't the dream again that i'd been in the situation before and i change what i did, and eventually i managed not to wake up when the wave was about to hit and let it hit me, and obviously survived, cos we never die in our dreams/nightmares.

Another weird dream that i only had once but i'll always remember it, I was being chased by a T-Rex, for whatever reason i don't know, and we were both just going round and round and round in cycles which felt at the time like forever, so i just stopped (in the dream) and turn around and thought "fuck this" and pressed a Restart button, like the button on the old Sega's, but it was up in the air, and i woke up. Like i said, sometimes i can be conscience in my dreams, or at least half conscience, not knowing i'm asleep but aware of whats going on. I dunno, it's weird to describe. Meh, that's my two cents.

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Had a weird one recently. Actually, had two weird ones, but I'm only going to bother typing one out.

I was in a McDonald's during a nice summer afternoon/twilight (it was in between the two), but it wasn't a stand-alone McDonald's, it was part of a building that was several stories high. The dining area was set up mostly conventionally, but there was a balcony area jutting out behind elegant French-style doors, which had some tables and chairs under parasols. So, I ordered something called "Apple Bacon" (probably my brain bastardizing "Applewood Bacon") and some other items. I sat down, enjoyed my meal and was getting ready to clean up when I heard these faint little *pop*...*pop*...*pop*s somewhere. I realized it must have come from outside, so I went through the French doors, onto the balcony. I waited, then heard it again, and realized it was gunfire. I tried to look for the shooter, but couldn't see him. I stood there like a moron and then heard a bullet hit the concrete wall behind me. So I turned on my heels, ran back inside the Mickey D's and ducked. Some guy wanted to go out to try and find him, but I warned him not to. Somehow, he resisted my compelling and persuasive voice :rolleyes: and went out anyway. I heard the *pop* again, and he ran inside as well. I figured, for whatever reason, that I would be able to find him for sure this time, so I crawled back out, scanned the buildings across the road, and finally saw him. It was an old man, with long white hair, and he was pacing back and forth across his rooftop (I'm pretty sure he was yelling, too, but I couldn't hear it if he was). He noticed me and aimed at me, so I ran back in once more. Everyone was panicking, so I called 911. For some reason, the operator knew my location exactly (all I had to tell her was McDonald's) and told me that officers would be there soon. So I hung up. I didn't hear any more gunshots after the call. So we all waited, but no police showed up. After that, I woke up.


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Years ago, probably three months before San Andreas released, I had a dream I was Carl Johnson. I threw up in a garbage can behind the Well Stacked Pizza Co., then I woke up.

I have no idea why I am remembering this now.

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Years ago, probably three months before San Andreas released, I had a dream I was Carl Johnson. I threw up in a garbage can behind the Well Stacked Pizza Co., then I woke up.

I have no idea why I am remembering this now.


Did you, or did you not have the High Jumps cheat enabled?

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I had some weird dream the other night, where i was walking down a city high street that I've never seen before. I go to cross a road, and a 'couple' walk in front of a bus looking into each others eyes instead of the road. I step back on the curb as i witness them being crushed together under the wheels opposite me. Then i woke up.... appears that I watch too much liveleak. :S

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Lately i've had some weird dreams that I can't explain in any conceivable way. So I thought i'd post what I remember about them here for no apparent reason, feel free to join in or offer your insights.

Anyway I had a dream where me and two other people (don't remember who) were walking down a gravel path between two open fields, it was a bright sunny day but there were a few fluffy white clouds in the sky. Now this is the weird part, there was some sort of giant gun or cannon type thing (the nearest thing I can compare it to is the galaxy gun from some Star Wars book) in the sky sucking up the clouds, I imagine it would have been about 20-30,000 ft in the sky, but even at that height it seemed huge. I was walking down the path looking at it, but I don't think it concerned me that much. Anyway then it either shot out some projectile or exploded itself and crashed to the ground beyond the horizon, causing a huge explosion. We saw the immense dust cloud approaching us and knew we were in trouble, but luckily this path had some sort of concrete fence with horizontal slats that were about 2ft wide which we could hide under to protect ourselves just as the dust cloud reached us and fire began raining from the sky.

That's all I can remember of that one, I do vaguely remember one I had a week before, about some zombie uprising where everyone was stuck inside buildings on the second storey looking down at zombies in the street, I think in the end we had to run to another building with zombies chasing us. We just made it through the door with zombies grabbing at our heels in typical Hollywood fashion. (Funny how my dreams are like Hollywood films.)

Dreams can sometimes represent your subconsciousness, and often relate to desires and needs you might unknowingly have, these things can be indicators to possible desires you might have or deficiencies in your life.

I think that particular dream ( the one in the Fields with the Giant Gun ) is mirroring your real life. The people you are walking with, probably represent people you deal with in your day to day life ( Friends/ Family or Acquaintances ), you not seeming to recognise them tells me you are, or were ( because this post was made some time ago ) ignoring these people in favour of something else.

This something else, seems to be what has drawn most of your attention for the rest of the dream. And this tells me that whatever this thing represents, it takes up a big part of your life ( Either the Desiring Part or the Deficient Part ). This Giant Gun in the sky could be a Symbol or Metaphor for something else entirely. To me because you seem to be heavily involved with Media like Movies and Video Games, this Huge Gun raining down fire on you could be a representation of those things, and how much they are impacting your life. Possibly at the expense of other things such as the annonymous people you were ignoring in the dream ( Friends/ Family, or other people ). It tells me your subconscious is possibly craving more stimulation from a larger variety of sources. And maybe a closer connection with these people, without Media sources intervening.

I don't know anything about you, so I can't really commentate on your life. But the size of the gun in your dream exudes an imbalance in your life, and that something, or things are to excessive for your Psyche to handle. How the dream made you feel when you woke up, is also a great indicator as to it's meaning. The stronger the feelings, the more important this dream probably is to your subconscious.

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Years ago, probably three months before San Andreas released, I had a dream I was Carl Johnson. I threw up in a garbage can behind the Well Stacked Pizza Co., then I woke up.

I have no idea why I am remembering this now.

Weird, I had one like that too, except I was at burger shot, ate too much, then I looked in the mirror and turned into fat albert.

We must have had some serious horomone induced dreams while waiting for San An.

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The moment was really intense, my girlfriend and I were getting into it, the good way, and we had the most passionate sex ever, then I woke up.

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I had a weird one last night. It started off with me at a sort of military base doing something I can't remember, then it morphed into me flying across a huge lake in Minecraft. I reached the other side of the lake and saw a huge Minecraft version of Hogwarts which was apparently the set of the Yogscast's (group of people who post various videos on YouTube about Minecraft and other games) Harry Potter Minecraft series (which doesn't exist). Then I'm a non-Minecraft Harry Potter who, for some reason, can't be seen by anyone. I'm then riding along the highway in a dark blue Jaguar E-Type with a red interior (interestingly the same colour as the one I own in TDU2) but I get out and decide to carry on by bicycle, still not on everyone's hit list. The chain comes off and when I stop to fix it, I get kidnapped by an evil woman who has a disorder that makes her look like a five foot baby and her evil Mexican nanny sidekick who happen to be driving the same blue Jag. When we reach her mansion, I'm standing there thinking "oh no, I've actually been kiddnapped. What do I do? If only this were a dream. Hold on this is a dream!" At this point I realise I'm dreaming and proceed to stab my baby-faced kidnapper in the face with a broom. Then I woke up :blink:

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Well, it was prior to San Andreas' release, so no one knew what the cheats were, yet. If I'd had the cheat enabled, I wouldn't have known.

Late, but...

Cuz liek it be cool if you had tha chet on, cuz you could liek jump hi.

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