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It's been apart of the map this entire time we just weren't aware that it was a different town till recently. So the river leads into an inlet which leads into the ocean? I'm curious as to what's around that area? Is that near the military base

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Sooo I was hearing that we MAY possibly get a official show of the map previous to the launch of the game? I mean its happened for previous games so i'm like 90% sure it's gonna happen ,but what I wanna know is what day would that be?? Saturday? Sunday? Monday?

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Good God, looks like there's an awful lot of info to be gleaned from the new screens. 'Dem vistas.

  On 9/9/2013 at 11:59 AM, king1787 said:

I just wanted to give bacm to this amazing forumn

gtagrl would approve.

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  On 9/10/2013 at 1:52 AM, king1787 said:

Sooo I was hearing that we MAY possibly get a official show of the map previous to the launch of the game? I mean its happened for previous games so i'm like 90% sure it's gonna happen ,but what I wanna know is what day would that be?? Saturday? Sunday? Monday?

If they do I'm sure it will be with the rest of the website updates so I think saturday or Monday

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So i think i'm gonna call it a day with this map, seeing as the game is out in 7 days, and we'll have the real map then, there'll be no use for this one.

Fan Map Complete. (As complete as i can get it)


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Really looking forward to comparing this with the official one. With the information we have I think this is pretty much spot on

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Not a big poster on here, but have to say thank to DuPz0r... You've created a fantastic map which from the information gathered I'm sure won't be far off the real thing.

Thanks for all the work you've put in to this.

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I knew the base was there for a while, i just hadn't seen a decent enough view of it to be mapped in.

Also, it appears i was wrong. Malibu was named Chumash/Ghumash. Pacific Bluffs was the areas near Del Perro.

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