
What type of Character Customization do you want in V?

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  On 1/31/2013 at 2:34 PM, Cloud said:

They should let you customize like they did in SA. i always changed CJ but in IV i rarely changed because it was pointless to me i guess.

Well they already confirmed that it won't be like SA because of 'complications' with having 3 protagonists.

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~ Different Hairstyles

~ Different Tatoos

~ More Clothing Options like shirts/ jackets/ pants/ jeans/ shorts/ shoes/ hats/ watches/ chains, and maybe more advanced options like costumes; for instance Ninja Robes, Police Outfit, Military Uniform, Mascot Costume, etc.

It's too bad there probably won't be much character customization ( if any ). But you never know, since Rockstar has delayed GTA V for 200 more days then the orginal Spring deadline. So they could possibly implement a few more features in that timeline.

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*looks around, doesn't see anyone*

I'd like customisable foreskins, I don't want to see any discrimination against either party - the roundheads or the cockaliers.

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my character customization hopes are ...

- more places to shop for your character (malls, outlets , online) i know the mall was in gta vice city stories for the psp xD was actually cool just that you couldnt do anything in the mall /:

- more styles

1. sports wear like running shoes, shorts, thermal shirts stuff like that

2. modern clothing like cargo shorts/pants, cool shoes, cool shades, hats, cool shirts

3. rich/fancy clothing (perseus in gta IV) as usual suit, ties, dress shoes, white button shirts. it would be nice to buy seperate ties , in gta iv the only time you got a tie was with a outfit

- the tattoo idea in SA was actually cool, hope its in gta v but maybe you can also create your own tattoo :D

thats about it right now :D

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I would like Didier Sachs, Urban clothing and Binco to return. I can't see Victim returning, unless it's for Trevor. What I really wanted was physique customisation but noooooo. Customization of fighting styles specifically for Franklin. Tatooing for Trev, and just awesome suits from Didier Sachs for Michael.

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<p>it would be good if we are able to buy a variety of different mobiles and computers for safehouse with different features it would be good if they give us more backgrounds for mobile phones. Even in GTA 4 we could call 911 and we would get an option to call police ambulance or firefighters. Even customising our parachutes would be great.Even nitro in vehicles would be good as far. like vehicle delivery from our friends and gun van we should get more options.</p>

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...........................................................Even. Even. Even.

So many problems in that post. The background of my phone is the last thing I care about in GTA5.

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  On 4/18/2013 at 5:43 PM, Moin said:
oh I sorry but my meaning you must have understood

You shouldnt say sorry, **** that guy. I want to make a picture of a dead stripper and set is as my background.

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Probably not just customization, but property as well. And whatever else they decided to add at the request bitching of fans.

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Tattoos that can be placed almost anywhere on the selected bodypart (e.g. chest, back, left arm, right arm), that can also be changed in size and colour.

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I would like to see facial hair this time around. I would also like for them to bring back a lot of good hair cuts & tattoos, & be able to place them where you want them to be & be able to choose a color for both tattoos, & hair. It would be pretty nice to see muscle building & weight gaining come back into play. It's cool how you can build certen skills but muscle would really be nice. The only thing is, is can the make it look legit if they were to bring it back?

Clothing, I would love to see. GTA IV had a nice suit store but nothing to impressive about the other stores. I would like to see the selection type of GTA SA & be able to change clothing color too, & it would be awesome if they added custom clothes so that you can actually pick a design to put on your shirt &/or pants yourself.

They said something about bein able to get a diving suit, & it would be cool if you could customize it to the way you like.

That's what I think they should do. How about you?

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  On 5/14/2013 at 12:36 AM, Pothatuu said:

I wonder what haircut options Trevor will have... I mean, he couldn't possibly grow MORE hair, could he?


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I think this time we would beableto place tatoos everywhere we want maybe change the scale and color of it. But the most interesting thing isn't tatoos i hopeagain taht they will apply the same system with car customization, and why not clothes to make your gang more recognizable.

Imagine customize your chopper or cars as you wish adding skull, flames etc... Where ever you want on the body (vehicle).

That would just be great more than tatoos, and i don't like the fact that we will add tatoos to already tatoo characters look at Trevor would he already has tatoo like that or it's just after the player decided to add some of them ? It sounds weird to me to touch to the work of the dev team.

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clothing stores lots of clothing stores like Rancher ,miss T's, DilerSachers, Pursues, Zip, Victim, Modo, Binco, Erise, Prolaps, Suburban, and any thing else i left out.

these would be nice stores to buy things from to wear.

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  On 5/14/2013 at 1:27 PM, fanman said:

clothing stores lots of clothing stores like Rancher ,miss T's, DilerSachers, Pursues, Zip, Victim, Modo, Binco, Erise, Prolaps, Suburban, and any thing else i left out.

these would be nice stores to buy things from to wear.

Well from what we've seen so far, there are a lot of clothes to choose from. I hope we can run around outside missions with the monkey mask on, wreaking havoc on people with a flamethrower.

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