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Guest Marney-1

San Andreas Memories

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Guest Marney1

I totally lold yeah that barber wqs quite the Guy.

Too bad its been 20 years everyone we knew from gta sa is dead now....

Yes. Dead. Spread the word, tell the noobs, their beloved CJ isn't coming back. If they refuse to accept it, smash their head in with a claw hammer.


^That guy is dead too.

And bury them in a hole in the fuckin' desert! Sorry, watching The Sopranos.

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We'll just shrug it off with our regular member immunity card. But then we won't have to as they're not going to be in, fuck that. Can I emphasise that not any more?

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I always used to have cheeky dildo knockin about in case I ran into a gang of ballas. I thought i was helping rep their gang colours. either that or I just used to enjoy giving them a slap about with it.

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Hmmm... i'll take a look.

Well editing the file took all of 30 seconds, now where's the nearest dildo spawn in LS?

Ah, in the police station, thank you GTA wiki...

Heeeere ya go.



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Chuck Knoblaunch? Epic.

Thought i'd upload some random pics i've taken to invoke some memories of SA with everyone.

Hey look it's Pieface's mum.





I added The Da Nang Boys and Rifa to a lot of areas in Fierro, now they spawn together and have gang fights. While editing the script to give them better weapons I accidentally gave DNB AK-47s and the Rifa rocket launchers.


Here's the resulting carnage after a Rifa member decided to open fire on a DNB. Peds aren't known for their accuracy and he hit another passing Rifa car in the mayhem, who got out and started blasting at him.






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Can't decide what weapons to give the gangs. I was thinking rifle and sawnoff for DNB, micro SMG and tec-9 for Rifa. Dunno about the Mafia and Triads though, I thought the Triads would be more organised so I was gonna give them the MP5 and M4, with Mafia having AK and Shotgun (and possibly Deagle if the third slot works.)

0237: set_gang 3 weapons_to 27 27 27

0237: set_gang 4 weapons_to 29 29 29

0237: set_gang 5 weapons_to 36 36 36

0237: set_gang 6 weapons_to 28 28 28

Just testing out at the moment to find out which weapons relate to which numbers.

37 is flamethrower BTW.

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§A Memories.....

Just a few of the best memories I had on PC with this game.

Must have taken hundreds of screen shots, this is just a few.

Saint Mark's Bistro :




A Home in the Hills mission....fools, I'm fireproof L0L:


New Model Army Battlefield...Z's best and final mission:


The last horse shoe @ the Victim Billboard:


4 FCR's @ Verdant Meadows:


Fireproof in the Grove:


Fort Carson Tunnel hidden cop chopper executions:


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But the graphics seem so shit on there nowadays, I played both SA and Vice on my PS3 and it seemed to make it twice as worse.

Also does anyone else have a routine they go through when they start a new game? Mine is always the same; kill Ballas by bunnyhopping over them at high speeds (you can just crash into them but it knocks you off the bike, if you bunnyhop it flattens a whole group of them if you're lucky. And you stay on the bike.) And take their weapons. Kill drug dealers until you've got about $10000 (about 5-6 dealers) and buy the safehouse south of Grove Street. Then go to the gym at the beach and work out, stopping off at the hotdog stall on the way back to save your game (and get the armour pickup at the convention centre.)

That's before i've gone back to Grove Street.

Oh I forgot, I also pick up the MP5 spawn at Unity Station and increase my stat with it. And also the katana from behind a nearby fence.

I do the missions until I unlock the robbery missions and then rob a load of houses. then go to the horse betting and hopefully win more money. Ahaaaa thank you horseys :P

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Being able to swim. Being fireproof and working your way up to 6 stars using only molotovs. Riding a motorcycle to the Blueberry betting track over and over and over until I won $12 million. The sheer variety of terrain. Jetpack. The Venturas strip. That helicopter at the north end end of the map. Finding the 100th tag.

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