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Guest Marney-1

School Memories

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Me and my friends found this comic in English someone made and there was this girl in it sucking a dick. Stick people, this was like two days ago. I think I know who it is since he already gets in trouble for like writing notes. This teacher Mrs. crone which is very good looking by the way found this note the kid wrote that said im going to finger you after school. The kid gets pissed about it. We call him dirty I think because that's what a senior gave him our freshman year and because his dad is a cop. Holy shit I think that's the longest post I ever made :D

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another story time. this one is a good one i've told it to two people and they both agreed it was good.

at lunch time one day it was in the summer in england and at summer here it is usually quite mild and nice and breezy but today was an extra hot day and i spent break time putting my face horizontal next to the ground and i could see heat waves so it was really really hot. i had a nice brown paper bag my mum made for me with my cheese and pea sandwich but i don't like peas because they taste of a garden so i took the peas out when i was walking to school and left the cheese sandwich and the peas in the brown paper bag on the hot day. at lunch time i came up to my bag which had been by the window with everyone's lunch food and i opened it and my whole cheese sandwich was melted and i just had a cheese and pea soup left in the bag and it was disgusting so i showed my teacher miss hope and she was very nice and she said come with me and smiled and i went into her office room and she closed the door and then looked at me and then gave me two big cookies because she brought three in for lunch and i was very grateful for it and we ate the cookies in her room and i said thank you after every three bites and we talked about advanced calculus questions.

she was great so i decided never to correct her mistakes in maths ever again to be nice. x

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thank you very lot fellas i'm glad you liked it. that is now four people that like my story this could be my best one yet.

jobo i don't know what a bj is but i will assume is it something tasty or good but i think the cookies were more tasty than what a bj is and i got two cookies as opposed to one bj. x

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I call bullshit on the advanced calculus part, since this sounds like a primary school tale mate ;)

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I call bullshit on the advanced calculus part, since this sounds like a primary school tale mate ;)

this was in primary school i study maths almost all the time at school because i'm very good at it i have already finished my as and a2 maths and further maths a year early and now i'm learning university maths for next year when i go to the university. x

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Nice qwob! I like maths too, maybe we can discuss some Arzela–Ascoli or Banach space soon!

Here is something to keep you busy:


i have heard of the banach tarski paradox i read it in one my books ealier this year in march it is interesting because the book proposed it in such a way that we could copy and paste anything we wanted essentially but then went on to state that only if the said object was divided in non-measurable sets and then reassembled which is the key point but i believe this maths is more modern maths and at the moment i'm trying to familymarise myself with more classical maths before moving on because i like to do things in chronological order so at the moment i'm fascinated with infinitesimal series. x

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