Deniz Mert Yayla

Far Cry 3

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I've just got the collectables left to do.

Yep I have like 6 more Relics and 2 more Japanese Letters.

Not even close on finishing the storyline though.

That is what is keeping me from the rarest of collectables.

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it was sick. i was going to take over an outpost without being detected. a tiger ran in the outpost, killed the dog, and 4 of the 5 guards,I pecked off the last dude with my bow and the post was mine hahaa. got the undetected reward too lol. watched it all with my camera

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driving through the jungle is fucking hard. cant see shit. especially on my shitty SD tv.

Driving through the jungle even off-road seems easy for me.

I actually like the HUD, and haven't went off a cliff yet.

What totally sucks is your recursive bow L0L. On the hunting missions,

it takes like what 500 arrows to kill a leopard? Mine is fully modded as well, primo scope.

It makes that funny downward video effect thing when it shoots.

Got through the scarlet kimodo well enough, but it's not happening for the

4 leopards, with Hunter's Instinct or even Deadly Hunter.

Maybe shooting up with "Untouchable" or "Touch of Death" syringes...

Have all the weapons, all modded, and the signature weapons as well. *Those things rock*

That bow is the only one I can't master.....what is the F*&*ing secret here dude?

L0L can't wait until I figure it out, I bet it's something simple.

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Just aim for headshots, look for rocks etc. to stand on (same as Skyrim) and keep moving back as you're loading arrows. Think there's a bear challenge andd tiger with the bow yet. Just keep mobile and you'll be alright. :)

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Just aim for headshots, look for rocks etc. to stand on (same as Skyrim) and keep moving back as you're loading arrows. Think there's a bear challenge andd tiger with the bow yet. Just keep mobile and you'll be alright. :)

Cheers mate. Points taken well. :)

Got through the Maneater Shark as well. It's just those fucking leopards.

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driving through the jungle is fucking hard. cant see shit. especially on my shitty SD tv.

Driving through the jungle even off-road seems easy for me.

I actually like the HUD, and haven't went off a cliff yet.

What totally sucks is your recursive bow L0L. On the hunting missions,

it takes like what 500 arrows to kill a leopard? Mine is fully modded as well, primo scope.

It makes that funny downward video effect thing when it shoots.

Got through the scarlet kimodo well enough, but it's not happening for the

4 leopards, with Hunter's Instinct or even Deadly Hunter.

Maybe shooting up with "Untouchable" or "Touch of Death" syringes...

Have all the weapons, all modded, and the signature weapons as well. *Those things rock*

That bow is the only one I can't master.....what is the F*&*ing secret here dude?

L0L can't wait until I figure it out, I bet it's something simple.

Just cheat and take the Bull Shotgun with you on the Hunting Challenges. Everything usually dies from one shot up close anyway.

But I like the idea of using the Recursive Bow, it sounds like a lot more of a challenge. But I don't know how it would work with the Warrior Dificulty level. 2 swipes from a Bear and your usually dead, and it takes an unholy amount of arrows to kill any of the predator animals.

I haven't even started on the 'Path ofthe Hunter' missions yet, I've been to busy unlocking all the regular gear from hunting, climbing the Radio Towers looking for Relics and just generally exploring. I haven't even touched the Story Missions since the beginning of the game.

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driving through the jungle is fucking hard. cant see shit. especially on my shitty SD tv.

Driving through the jungle even off-road seems easy for me.

I actually like the HUD, and haven't went off a cliff yet.

What totally sucks is your recursive bow L0L. On the hunting missions,

it takes like what 500 arrows to kill a leopard? Mine is fully modded as well, primo scope.

It makes that funny downward video effect thing when it shoots.

Got through the scarlet kimodo well enough, but it's not happening for the

4 leopards, with Hunter's Instinct or even Deadly Hunter.

Maybe shooting up with "Untouchable" or "Touch of Death" syringes...

Have all the weapons, all modded, and the signature weapons as well. *Those things rock*

That bow is the only one I can't master.....what is the F*&*ing secret here dude?

L0L can't wait until I figure it out, I bet it's something simple.

Just cheat and take the Bull Shotgun with you on the Hunting Challenges. Everything usually dies from one shot up close anyway.

You can't. They make you use a specific weapon for each path of the hunter and if you use a different one you fail the mission.

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driving through the jungle is fucking hard. cant see shit. especially on my shitty SD tv.

Driving through the jungle even off-road seems easy for me.

I actually like the HUD, and haven't went off a cliff yet.

What totally sucks is your recursive bow L0L. On the hunting missions,

it takes like what 500 arrows to kill a leopard? Mine is fully modded as well, primo scope.

It makes that funny downward video effect thing when it shoots.

Got through the scarlet kimodo well enough, but it's not happening for the

4 leopards, with Hunter's Instinct or even Deadly Hunter.

Maybe shooting up with "Untouchable" or "Touch of Death" syringes...

Have all the weapons, all modded, and the signature weapons as well. *Those things rock*

That bow is the only one I can't master.....what is the F*&*ing secret here dude?

L0L can't wait until I figure it out, I bet it's something simple.

Just cheat and take the Bull Shotgun with you on the Hunting Challenges. Everything usually dies from one shot up close anyway.

You can't. They make you use a specific weapon for each path of the hunter and if you use a different one you fail the mission.

Yeah I just played some of the missions today.

It makes sense though, since it wouldn't be much of a challenge with the signature weapons.

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This game really is my game choice of the year. So polished, and so much to do. They've done a great job keeping on top of the Surivial FPS genre.

For those of you that haven't played this yet, play it, you wont be disappointed. The story has elements of Uncharted, Dead Island, and FC2 obviously, The Beach (film) - in terms of young travelers.

When i look at the mountains, i think GTA V map could look this good!

Also, i have a question about gameplay:

Once you've taken over all territories, will gangs still be around the map? Because i want to get some of these trophies out of the way, but i need people to shoot at. If i wipe them all out, i don't want to have to start a new game just to finish up on some of them.

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The pirates still spawn every now and again in small numbers.

which is why im only gonna take enough to get the signature weapon

I though as much. I will probably leave territory for last then.

p.s. bOnEs where are you? this is the sort of game i'd expect you to be playing! If you do in fact read this, FC3 pisses all over FC2 in a good way.

You shouldn't get too bored with this game, as there's plenty to do, not to mention co-op gameplay (which is independent from the story) and competitive multiplayer, but that's a bonus. The Single player is well worth the price.

- Best game last (2012) year.

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The pirates still spawn every now and again in small numbers.

which is why im only gonna take enough to get the signature weapon

I though as much. I will probably leave territory for last then.

p.s. bOnEs where are you? this is the sort of game i'd expect you to be playing! If you do in fact read this, FC3 pisses all over FC2 in a good way.

You shouldn't get too bored with this game, as there's plenty to do, not to mention co-op gameplay (which is independent from the story) and competitive multiplayer, but that's a bonus. The Single player is well worth the price.

- Best game last (2012) year.

I agree, this is my 2012 Game of the Year as well.

Every other game last year feels dissapointing in comparison to Far Cry 3.

The environment is so interesting to explore, with the terrain being so diverse, going from small islands and underwater ship wrecks surrounded by shark infested waters. To valleys deep in the jungle with tigers, bears and komodo dragons in them. Caves and old forts in the hills with loot, relics and lost letters from the past in them, full of mystery. There are Crocodiles lurking in the rivers waiting for you to walk by on the bank or swim past ( they're the only animal you can't target with your camera, so you never really know where they are ).

The vehicles are heaps good as well, from the suped up Buggy ( fastest vehicle in the game, but with the engine exposed in the rear ), to the Quad Bike which is perfect for off-roading through the bush ( other vehicles might not be as agile or be able to fit between the smaller gaps ). And the vehicles with mounted guns which when properly deployed own everything on the island, the Technical is good but the gunner platform isn't well protected from gunfire like the Armoured Scavenger is. And I would say the patrol boat is better than the RHIB, because even though it's slower it's gunner platfrom is better protected, and the rest of the boat is generally better armoured as well. When you pick up the evasive driving perk that gives commandeered vehicles 50% extra health and the cool gunner perk which doubles the amount of time you can fire mouted guns before they overheat, nothing can stop you. You can also take the repair torch to repair the vehicle after a firefight.

But really the game is at it's best when you're stalking through the jungle, using your camera to tag patrolling pirates so you can quckly shoot the first one with the bow, then before the other one knows what happened, stick your knife straight through his kneck. Or the ability to take on outposts any way you see fit. From sneaking into the compound with a silenced weapon, going through a hole in the fence to stab and head-shot everyone in the place like a ghost. Or sitting on a hill surveying all the enemies for a minute or two getting to know their patrol routes, and silently picking them off one by one with your suppresed sniper rifle, taking time to headshot every one. Or you could take the Rambo approach and strap C4 to a scavenger ( jeep ), and drive that straight through the gates bailing out to trigger it right in the middle of a group of surprised-looking pirates ( attaching C4 also works for the Hang-Glider as well ). Then pull out a machine gun or maybe the flame thrower and rain death on everything that moves, chucking molotoves and grenades as you go.

It's so much fun experimenting and thinking up different ways of taking outposts and patrols, setting up C4 traps all over the camp, then shooting the door off of a tiger cage and watching as it draws all of the pirates attention, then setting off your carefully placed C4 trap, and then multi take-downing the last few left alive after the inital attack. You can also ambush the mobile patrols with mines, and this usually draws some more enemies to the scene to see what happened ( other vehicles or on foot ), which you can then ambush using whatever weapons and tactics you want. On the Warrior difficulty head on attacks can be risky, because you can die pretty quickly from concentrated fire ( especially from vehicle-mounted machine guns ), so it's great that you can actually flank around their position to attack them from the side or behind them.

This wouldn't work in some other games because once an enemy has seen you they automatically always know where you are. But that's not the case in this game, since once you've broken their line of sight, and taken out any attack dogs on your tail they will continue to search your last known location ( where they last physically saw you ), or they will keep heading in the direction you were last seen heading in ( this means you can also set up some traps for them ), you can then use the terrain to flank them. Turning the hunters into the hunted.

Couple this with the enemies smart AI, that sets up searches when gunshots are heard in the distance and comes looking for you ( even when they're pretty far away ). When they chase your vehicle and they lose sight of you, and you bail out of it to hide in the jungle they stop where your vehicle is and spread out to search that area. Also the first thing any of the guards will do in an outpost if they see you is set off the alarm to warn all other pirates in the vicinity ( not just in the camp, because I've seen nearby water patrols come to their aid ), and to also call for reinforcements which will have mounted guns on their jeeps and who only take about 30 seconds to reach the outpost ( it's a good idea to have an RPG or Grenade Launcher for them ). Having different enemy types like machete wielding berserkers, snipers, molotove throwers, armoured heavies. And the different groups, from the more poorly equiped pirates to the better armed and organised mercenaries.

The Music and Sound Design are top notch, songs on the radio are catchy but don't take away from the atmosphere of the island and jungle, the sound of the an arrow being successfully fired into an enemy is soo goood, and really makes you feel like the ultimate badass ( like Rambo on some Hardcore Drugs ). The RPG features help turn you from a fresh-faced noob, into a Master Hunter of the deadliest game of all; MAN. I'm not kidding, no other game makes hunting people such an Artform, stalking and killing pirates should be made a national pastime, and when you have all or most of the perks and the game inevitably starts getting easier. It doesn't even matter, because it's so satisfying mastering all of the combat elements and combining them together to silently and efficiently slaughter everything in you way.

The Story missions are great as well with great characters in the cut scenes and interesting design for the actual missions themselves. But the game really shines when your just exploring the islands yourself; hunting animals, collecting relics/letters/memory cards/loot chests, climbing radio towers, killing pirate patrols, taking outposts, playing poker, doing races ( jet ski ones are great ), and generally just soaking up the ambience. This is just a great game, and I'm only halfway through it. Just do yourself a favour and take your time with it. Try not to plough straight through the story missions all at once, and try and just explore the island, and enjoy this unbelievable game world that Ubisoft has made for you.

PS. If you're reading this and you haven't bought Far Cry 3, stop what you're doing and go out and buy this game.

PPS. If this game sells well enough a Far Cry 4 is inevitable for the nex gen consoles ( and PC of course ), and can you imagine what that would be like ( Holy Shit! :D ).

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I'd just like to say fuck you Ubisoft. I've spend almost a month with an "end game glitch" and you've told me it's been patched multiple times yet I still can't play single player. I'd like to say this.

Ubisoft, Lick upon my nutsack.

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yah man, what are you talking about?



3rd reply lists some

Pretty close to the end of story. Relatively no glitches on XB360.

A few funny things, like dead dudes under trucks so you can't loot them, that's about all.

No game-breaking glitches so far......


A few missions away from game end. Haven't read the spoilers here.

Just exploring, collecting the remaining relics, doing the last few races and shooter trials.

Best game I've played in awhile.

Note a very cool feature and advantage about side missions:

In a later story mission you get an enemy's clothes. This allows you to explore the final islands and do all the side missions without hassle or interruption by disguise. I mean they will not fire on you at all! This rocks. You have to take advantage of it when it happens, otherwise I don't know when the feature will be revoked and/or removed. I've not taken over their outposts yet, just getting all the hard-to-reach relics and such, but this is a VERY cool feature of the game to take advantage of.

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Oh dear. I hope I dont encounter the same problem as you man... Is it a proper game breaker?

I don't quite know what happened, but basically I cannot use the Camera Function or Distraction function on the controller (Up & Right on D pad). I also see the recurve bow when I look down and it's like I'm wearing Skis'. The Single player requires use of these functions so I cannot pass single player after unlocking the Southern Island. It also makes all the side tasks fucking impossible

My game glitched out, I can't use the Camera or the distraction. I also see a rather large bow when I look down.


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Note a very cool feature and advantage about side missions:

In a later story mission you get an enemy's clothes. This allows you to explore the final islands and do all the side missions without hassle or interruption by disguise. I mean they will not fire on you at all! This rocks. You have to take advantage of it when it happens, otherwise I don't know when the feature will be revoked and/or removed. I've not taken over their outposts yet, just getting all the hard-to-reach relics and such, but this is a VERY cool feature of the game to take advantage of.

while doing side shit I dont find them too intrusive. I have fun killing the black people so I'm not bothered. but it is pretty cool

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