Deniz Mert Yayla

Far Cry 3

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Note a very cool feature and advantage about side missions:

In a later story mission you get an enemy's clothes. This allows you to explore the final islands and do all the side missions without hassle or interruption by disguise. I mean they will not fire on you at all! This rocks. You have to take advantage of it when it happens, otherwise I don't know when the feature will be revoked and/or removed. I've not taken over their outposts yet, just getting all the hard-to-reach relics and such, but this is a VERY cool feature of the game to take advantage of.

while doing side shit I dont find them too intrusive. I have fun killing the black people so I'm not bothered. but it is pretty cool

I don't think they're black. If they are Why isn't a burning cross a weapon.

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Note a very cool feature and advantage about side missions:

In a later story mission you get an enemy's clothes. This allows you to explore the final islands and do all the side missions without hassle or interruption by disguise. I mean they will not fire on you at all! This rocks. You have to take advantage of it when it happens, otherwise I don't know when the feature will be revoked and/or removed. I've not taken over their outposts yet, just getting all the hard-to-reach relics and such, but this is a VERY cool feature of the game to take advantage of.

while doing side shit I dont find them too intrusive. I have fun killing the black people so I'm not bothered. but it is pretty cool

Dude those people call you brother and friend. Just a note. You're being a bad guy there.


Ok, finally found the 100% breaker issue. Not a glitch. It's built-in like with later GTA games.

There is a side mission that will prevent you from getting 100% completion, and I knew I would find one.

It is a side collection mission, but has to do with story missions. Ready? Here you go, for the 99%ers:

There is a hidden relic, not on the regular map, or the purchased loot maps.

It can only be found in the cave under the Doc's house, where your friends are stashed.

After you rescue your second friend (Oliver) then it can be found by some careful climbing and exploring.

(It is unlocked after rescuing Oliver)

The cave will close via an invisible wall near the game end. You must get that relic after you rescue Ollie.

By the time you are on with Sam and after Hoyt, the cave is closed for business, and you won't be able to grab it.

This will leave you at 99% after collecting all of the other 119 out of 120 relics.

Just thought I would share that. I always find the weak points in these types of games.

It is so like GTA with the "I missed it during that mission" issue.......

Needless to say, I'm now on my second play-through! Yay!!! Long live the Rakyat. B)

Oh yeah, I almost forgot....I finally beat the Ubisoft developers at their own game.

Here are screens of my name on the rock for a Trials of the Rakyat challenge.

Posing with various weapons of mass destruction after the trial. I love my signature weaponry.

Surely someone beat my high score later but hey I got another 15 minutes of fame going on.

I haven't been back there to check to see if my name is still on the rock......




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p.s. bOnEs where are you? this is the sort of game i'd expect you to be playing! If you do in fact read this, FC3 pisses all over FC2 in a good way.

You shouldn't get too bored with this game, as there's plenty to do, not to mention co-op gameplay (which is independent from the story) and competitive multiplayer, but that's a bonus. The Single player is well worth the price.

- Best game last (2012) year.

what?? me?? hmm... i will look into it... maybe i should change my pre-order of the hitman trilogy to getting far cry cry 3 now instead?? everyone seems to be enamored with it...

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After playing it for a while now, and completing it, i still find the game great fun. Like Synch, i couldn't get the 100% because of the 'missed collectable', so i'll be playing through again, whilst vacuuming up any remaining trophies.

Just go in with an open mind, and don't over-hype it as that always disappoints, even with the best games.

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Far Cry 2 was crap. You couldn't do anything without being constantly ambushed, it just took forever to get anywhere. Enemies had super x-ray vision, stealth wasn't a tactic as you would have expected in a dense jungle environment. And the whole malaria thing was a pointless game mechanic too, the fact you would die without warning because you didn't press LB every so often to take your malaria pills.

So no, I'm not particularly interested in FC3.

I guess I'm eating humble pie. My copy arrived today and while it's far from perfect, it's a very fun game. I'm just wary of completing it because there won't be any enemies to kill at the end of it? We'll see.

I play the shit out of any game with hunting in it, It's Red Dead's fault.

I love how it forces you to hunt. I'm surprised they don't let you buy skins/pelts but I'm glad they haven't. It makes you work for your upgrades.

Have to say, I love the tattau mechanic as well.

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Just collecting look and relics lately. Not even done the main story, its just fun. Fuckin love the wing suit.

I like collecting the shit in enemy territory. Break up the search with some fire rights. Luring enemies into mines or c4 traps is my new favorite thing.

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I really appreciate you guys putting spoiler tags in. 1, it prevents the game from being ruined for me, and 2, it's the ultimate advertising. Fuck, if Ubisoft knew they could make someone buy a game just out of the temptation of clicking spoiler tags, they should just send out 100 or so copies to a couple of people and make them post spoiler tags everywhere they go. Easy enough.

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Update (much easier method) on getting the hidden item preventing 100% completion :

You don't have to wait until you rescue Oliver, you can grab relic #1 after you rescue Liza from

Pirates Cove / Sunset Cove prison camp. Just do some clever exploring and climbing to reach the hidden area of the cave under the Doc's house.

I never saw it on the map at all this time, but I got it on my current 2nd play through.

That is MUCH earlier in the game, so grab it then.

First game I must have gotten side tracked by the many times you can trip on the psychedelics.

I did it at least 3 times. I think the first "Eat Me" trip, unlocked an achievement. But yeah, those trips

were a big highlight for me so I never explored the area.....Just went back to trip.

Another interesting thing is the achievement called "Never saw it coming".....

If you have finished the game and taken over all the outposts, some

pirates still spawn at Pirates Cove. There are a few points to use a zip line,

to attract them throw rocks, and then zip down and detach with A key.

Using the A key will cue the cinematic to do the machete takedown for the win.

I still think the best place to get this achievement is the Chinese General's Tomb mission

for Buck, as there are levels of zips leading down to 2 pirates per level, like 12 times.

I am going for that this play through. But the pirates are still spawning at the cove if you need.

I haven't been able to slow the hang glider down at all for this, so zip line is my way.

The game is going much easier this time now that I have previous experience.

No DLC's yet. Still rocking the Trials of the Rakyat. That is the shit.

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Far Cry 3 100% Completion List.

I just got the 100% on my 2nd play through.

These are measured in fractions like GTA games, but I never figured it out, I just did everything.

100% Completion List 1-31-13

  • Missions 38/38
  • Radio Towers 18/18
  • Outposts 34/34
  • Relics 120/120
  • Letters of the Lost 20/20
  • Memory Cards 20/20
  • Trials of the Rakyat 12/12
  • Wanted Dead 24/24
  • Path of the Hunter 23/23
  • Supply Drop 19/19
  • Story Quests 14/14 <---Not main story
  • Skills 54/54
  • Recipes Acquired 38/38
  • Weapons Acquired 43/43
  • Vehicles Driven 12/12


These mini-games and activities only give you XP or money:

  • Race Contests
  • Knife Throwing Challenges / Weapons Challenges
  • Poker Contests (Achievement for a certain high score - Poker Bully)

Assisting villagers or Rakyat against animal/pirate/privateer attack can be rewarded with money.

Repairing broken vehicles can also be rewarded with money.

Headshots and other types of takedowns can be awarded with XP.

Many activities or in game actions other than missions can build up to achievement rewards.

These include crafting, strategic battle, survival, stealth, take overs, collections, and hunting.

Of course many of the main story line missions give major achievement rewards.

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Kay, I've been going after all the loot. Now im at one in on an island in the top right corner of the map, in this compound. Pretty sure its a mission where you go after Vaas.

It appears to be in the building at the very back but I can't get it in. Is it one of those "cant get unless you get it during the mission" cause I see no fucking way in.

Pretty much given up getting the loot now. If I can't get that one. No point in getting the rest.

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I never got to beat the game because my issues were never patched, I think I gave it away.

I watched the ending on youtube since I wasn't to far off.

I found it pretty fucked up that you basically lost on the ending where you kill your girlfriend, sure you got to bone citra but then she just finishes you off after you plant your seed. I'd would've laughed had he not impregnated her when he boned her. The other ending would've been the ending I chose. I don't know how Jason lost part of his finger and haven't found that out.

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Kay, I've been going after all the loot. Now im at one in on an island in the top right corner of the map, in this compound. Pretty sure its a mission where you go after Vaas.

It appears to be in the building at the very back but I can't get it in. Is it one of those "cant get unless you get it during the mission" cause I see no fucking way in.

Pretty much given up getting the loot now. If I can't get that one. No point in getting the rest.

There are at least 3 buildings where you will need to wait for a mission, and that's the only chance.

(Buildings/Temples/Outposts will be closed after)

You found one, another is on the southern islands, and it's funny because you can see one through the window.

There is also one temple you will need to wait for a mission.

I suggest getting all the outside surrounding ones, makes it easy to see what's left.

I just finished the DLC missions.

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uuughh fak. Im pretty sure its not needed for 100% but I wanted bragging rights lol. I missed the one so now im only gonna go for loot chests if I need money. Probably wont happen cause I have almost everything. On the very last mission. I know cause it tells me I cant stop the mission untill I beat it. its probably a long one

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uuughh fak. Im pretty sure its not needed for 100% but I wanted bragging rights lol. I missed the one so now im only gonna go for loot chests if I need money. Probably wont happen cause I have almost everything. On the very last mission. I know cause it tells me I cant stop the mission untill I beat it. its probably a long one

Loot chests not needed.

They can be annoying as well, when money is full at 10K and rucksack full......don't worry about it.

I just leave them alone until after I have cleaned out a bunch of stuff.

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beat the the ending...

It was pretty stupid.

I expected like, save his brother, return to friends. Either leave with them or say goodbye to them.

But the whole "Kill dudes girlfriend and keep fucking the native bitch..who at the end there got completely bonkers. Fairly out of no where she went nuts. Though look at her brother, runs in the family?

Or rescue Liza, and then the Citra gets killed by drunk angry Dennis.

Guess one had do die? :confused:

do you get an extra tattoo in the end for killing liza? extra ability?


Watched the other ending off youtube. So Citra kills you after you kill liza? Didnt really feel the need to play the story again.

I guess they tried building up to Jason being a "monster" after torturing his brother but I still didn't buy it. His friend didn't even remotely in the slightest, need to die. Could have just said peace. I guess they were going for unexpected. They got it. But they should have made it more believable.

It was

Compared to like the ending of MGS3. Wasnt a choice but it left you like.....o shit

Alright, time for side missions and dlc.

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beat the the ending...

It was pretty stupid.

I expected like, save his brother, return to friends. Either leave with them or say goodbye to them.

But the whole "Kill dudes girlfriend and keep fucking the native bitch..who at the end there got completely bonkers. Fairly out of no where she went nuts. Though look at her brother, runs in the family?

Or rescue Liza, and then the Citra gets killed by drunk angry Dennis.

Guess one had do die? :confused:

do you get an extra tattoo in the end for killing liza? extra ability?


Watched the other ending off youtube. So Citra kills you after you kill liza? Didnt really feel the need to play the story again.

I guess they tried building up to Jason being a "monster" after torturing his brother but I still didn't buy it. His friend didn't even remotely in the slightest, need to die. Could have just said peace. I guess they were going for unexpected. They got it. But they should have made it more believable.

It was

Compared to like the ending of MGS3. Wasnt a choice but it left you like.....o shit

Alright, time for side missions and dlc.

You get a right arm sleeve from the DLC, but no extra ink from the Citra ending. I did both endings.

About how evil J becomes, they suggest throughout the game that the jungle is changing Jason. The CIA dude mentions it, and even Jason himself says "what have I become"....but most people probably only remember Liza, and how she says he is "carrying all these weapons and has all these weird tattoos", then of course, she is devastated when finding out he is staying on the island. I couldn't believe he would actually fall for Citra's bullshit and decide to stay with her, and tell the others he is remaining behind. I mean it's great for us to be able keep playing, but ridiculous for a story. That conversation that occurs between he and Citra when she asks what about your friends, is also the only time you can grab that loot chest so far back in her temple.

About the DLC packs, some may think they are bullshit. I got all of them bundled, and kind of like them.

You may want to check them out on YouTube er whatever.

I think some of them are just the additional animals. Others are a weapon or two, and of course the new right arm sleeve. But there are 3 mini-missions. Then if you remember the Lost Letters, there is a main story quest involving one of the guys. A bit difficult, and that one is probably the best value of the money.

Once you get them, each time you start a new game, the DLC's are available for replay if you're using XB360.

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