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  On 11/24/2011 at 3:49 PM, Massacre said:

I'm not worried about getting a bunch of logos done because it'll all be surrounded by other non-logo tattoos. Besides, some companies will pay you upwards of $20k to get their logo tattooed on you.

And I didn't play the first Assassin's Creed, so cutting off a finger doesn't apply to me.

A friend of mine got the Assassins Creed 'A' logo tattooed on the back of his neck, and gets all the AC games for free as they come out.

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  On 9/30/2012 at 8:24 PM, DuPz0r said:
  On 11/24/2011 at 3:49 PM, Massacre said:

I'm not worried about getting a bunch of logos done because it'll all be surrounded by other non-logo tattoos. Besides, some companies will pay you upwards of $20k to get their logo tattooed on you.

And I didn't play the first Assassin's Creed, so cutting off a finger doesn't apply to me.

A friend of mine got the Assassins Creed 'A' logo tattooed on the back of his neck, and gets all the AC games for free as they come out.

Who gives them to him for free? Ubisoft?

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Probably. Companies do things like that all the time.

  On 11/24/2011 at 3:49 PM, Massacre said:

... some companies will pay you upwards of $20k to get their logo tattooed on you.

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I'm planning on getting a tattoo when I become an adult. Probably somewhere on my upper arm/ torso, so it's not seen when I'm going for a job interview. Maybe a wolf/tiger or a dragon, or some cool shit like that. Preferably something non-gang affiliated so I don't get killed.

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As I often say, I think it's "cooler" nowadays to not have a tattoo, every motherfucker has them its become so unoriginal.

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I've got a sun tattoo of my own design, it started with a circle to symbolize eternity, a spiral inside the circle, which is an ancient female symbol, then added the sun rays extending from the circle, since the sun is the source of life. The guy who inked me did an excellent job, it has held up beautifully. I've played with other design sketches, would love some abstract non-literal wings on my upper back, and wouldn't mind a maple leaf or a combination of symbols from my cultural backgrounds.

I like the look of the Assassin's Creed graphics, I always thought it would make a cool tat or centrepiece of a bigger design. I'd only use my own sketch or a custom drawing by a tattoo artist, no cookie cutter butterfly crap for me.

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I agree GTAgrl. I think if you chose it out a book it isnt the same as having input.yourself.

I generally likr colour tats more but I think I will only ever have text.

I have one on the back of my neck which is Latin and I got that when I was 18.

I have recently thought of other designs, I would like something angelic related but not tacky and I won't get that for a few year's anyway.

where is the best place for a woman to get a tattoo? in everyobes opinion.

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  On 11/18/2011 at 9:04 PM, Mercedes Cortez said:

No its not my tattoo, just from photobucket. I have a tattoo on the back of my neck, its Latin words. I like tattoos but not loads, I mean maybe a couple on a guy, but it depends how u look tbh...if you look like a scrawny twat then u will look stupid, if your a chav u will look more chavy.

I think on women having a tattoo on your wrist looks horrible and having a tramp stamp is slaggy. Having one on your arm or foot is a bit chavy. Just my opinion.

You should post a picture of the tattoo... I mean, if i had a tattoo, i'd post it... What to the words say? You ain't one of those attention whoring wiccan people are you?

Best place to ge a tatoo on a women is on the ankle. Its Cute there.

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I'd like to one day have a proper piece in my arm, like a full sleeve, but I worry about what it would mean for my corporate life, I cannot wear a damn shirt and not roll the sleeves, it's fucking hot out here.

I'd also have to spend top cash on it, I don't want an half ass local doing it, I'd like to have it done by a true professional/artist, someone like Jun Cha for example:




fucking beautiful.

guys page:

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haha, its the family motto for Hennessy. it is also a legal tern refering to trespassing.

it basically means I live by force and violence and in law it is used to show that someone trespassed a person or property with violence.

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I worked in this town in Ontario for a few summers doing theatre...they'd get tourists visiting from all over the world who'd come just to get inked by these two guys. There are some awesome photos from the Canadian guy, but I can't find photos from this guy's Finnish partner. The Finnish dude did a huge back tattoo on a friend of mine, of a fairy/pixie sitting on the planet Earth, in full colour. She had to sleep on her front for weeks while it healed, which was no small feat considering the girl is stacked.

Here's a taste:

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  On 10/5/2012 at 12:28 PM, Mercy said:

haha, its the family motto for Hennessy. it is also a legal tern refering to trespassing.

it basically means I live by force and violence and in law it is used to show that someone trespassed a person or property with violence.

Oh. Sorry to hear that.

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