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Euro collapse imminent, could happen as early as the beginning of December

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Guest Marney1

It's quite scary really, once the world leaders get this New World Order they keep talking about what are they going to do with us? I mean us as in the world's population.

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It's quite scary really, once the world leaders get this New World Order they keep talking about what are they going to do with us? I mean us as in the world's population.

Worker slaves. We basically are already slaves as we work and our tax dollars get spent by the elite. I am no conspiracy theorist, this is the truth.

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Well, i guess were not quite ready for revelations just yet. Damn, and i was looking foward to meeting jesus for the first time.

It's quite scary really, once the world leaders get this New World Order they keep talking about what are they going to do with us? I mean us as in the world's population.

That didn't really work out to well for "leaders"

See: Egypt

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So by the time GTA5 is released, no one will have money to buy it anymore.

What's happening here (from a Dutch perspective) is that Greece has had serious problems, and has lied about their economy when joining the Eurozone (aided by no other than Goldman Sachs bank, is even on wikipedia afaik).

Then countries like Italy have immense investments in Greece, which can be regarded as losses. So while Italy's economy on itself is decent, it's also undermined by Greece. Then in Spain and Portugal they have a crisis for investing too much, I think mainly in building projects, similar to Ireland.

So then the richest countries, with the best economies (Germany, Holland, Austria and Finland) have to promise the Chinese and others that their investments in Southern Europe are safe, by giving them the promise that we (rich countries) will pay if it goes horribly wrong. This is OK still, but if France and Belgium will also collapse (which is happening right now), then the rich countries will not have the money that is required to guarantee Chinese (and other's) investments, so then the whole structure will collapse under its own weight.

There is no solution to this problem. All current solutions basically prolong a state of relative stability (stability of this bad situation). So eventually they are only postponing the big collapse. But that can be said about the worldwide economy too, because the whole worldwide economy is (in my opinion) sick from the inside.

But the rich countries in Europe are contemplating to split the Eurozone in a North and South region. Unfortunately the name of the Northern Euro would then be... Neuro... But even in that situation we would have to give up a lot of money that's simply lost in the current Eurozone, while some people still hope we will get it back.

Poverty has not struck us (Holland) yet, but in Spain there is currently like 40% unemployment among young people, and they are actually forced to eat from trashcans already (seen by Dutch tourists there). When that stuff comes to Holland I might decide to go to family in rural areas.

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WW3. Thats what I'm thinking. But once you step back and look at the whole situation, It's the human race setting itself up for failure and the only solution is to forgive and forget, start fresh, all that mumbo jumbo. So if the worlds economy fails, It's both ironic and sad

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Euro collapse will happen. Not sure when, but it will. The rich northern countries aren't prepared to accept eurobonds, because that would mean interests on obligations would go up for them. Those eurobonds are necessary to save Europe though. Now the Netherlands and Germany, together with some other countries keep putting money in Greece (and soon maybe Italy and Spain?) which, I hope I'm wrong, is a bottomless pitt. So we'll either lose a lot of money, or we'll even lose more. That's my objective (dutch) point of view

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So if this all happens, does that mean that those countries that are in debt will become third world countries?

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So if this all happens, does that mean that those countries that are in debt will become third world countries?

A financial reset? Where all countries will become equal. This wouldn't go down well with countries that have a lot of money and power, so i doubt it would ever happen. This would put all currencies to 0 so the £ would be the same and the Euro, same as the $ etc.

Rouge countries like somalia and Zimbabwe have tried to print new money in the past to boost hardship, which eventually devalues their money in a major way. Some countries have like 1,000,000,000 notes that are worth 5p/c. A reset would make those counties equal to more developed countries, and that would sort of be a bad thing, considering most third world countries are corrupt.

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So if this all happens, does that mean that those countries that are in debt will become third world countries?

No, because they are in the eurozone we can't let that happen, basically their debts will be devalued. That costs a lot of money because we'll have to print new euro's and shit. Obligations would probably disappear also, which means people won't get any money anymore when they retire.

In my head this all makes sense, I just don't possess the ability to write my thoughts down :P

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Guest Marney1

I heard the privately owned Federal Reserve is stepping in to help out with the Euro crisis, cool, now everyone is fucked.

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The economy will do what it has always done, not much us lowly commoners can do about it. We are unimportant in the equation and just have to get through it as best we can.

I'm sure the politicians will make sure their pockets are lined before anything else though.

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Guest Marney1

The economy will do what it has always done, not much us lowly commoners can do about it. We are unimportant in the equation and just have to get through it as best we can.

I'm sure the politicians will make sure their pockets are lined before anything else though.

Exactly, anyone who thinks our governments are trying to fix the economy needs to grow a brain.

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And when the economy hits rock bottom, Invest the fuck out of it. Shit will be dirt cheap. Never pull your money out. It may take awhile for the stock market to pick up again, but you will make a killing at the stocks.

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