should weed be legal?  

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Most users don't become addicted, but rather dependant on it. They use it to cope with things or to function with certain things, like Gingin and sleep. You can experience withdrawal if you seriously smoke enough, including irritability, headache, GI problems, etc.

Come up with all the excuses you want, many of you need marijuana for reasons all in your mind. Even if you claim to need it for medical reasons, it's not a miracle drug, it only does so much and there needs to be way more studies done.

I'm not against it and do recognize its benefits, but weed culture annoys the shit out of me, and when people talk about it non-stop I also find it extremely annoying.

Then stay out of the weed topic.

Discussing it =/= to hearing about it all the time in irrelevant places or inappropriate situations.

For example with Otiz, whether he's an addict or dependent or whatever is not important. The fact that literally every other thing he posts is about weed shows.

I'm all for different points of view, but if weed discussion annoys the shit out of Brian, he can refrain from participating. I hate baseball, do you see me in our baseball topic all the time complaining about it? No. At least you're actually contributing to the conversation, Qd. Brian isn't, so he can fuck off.

Brian, you're spouting an ignorant point of view based on your complete lack of knowledge about life-changing chronic pain. It isn't addictive, and it isn't all in your head. No one here is claiming it's a miracle drug, but when you look at the side effects and potential for crippling addiction of opiates when compared to weed, and how easily our doctors prescribe extremely strong medications for pain or sleep, well I'd much rather be consuming cannabis both for the buzz as well as the positive medical benefits. No one has overdosed on weed, or ended up with an addiction that ruined their life. As other wise voices have said here, if you tend to have an addictive personality, that's the person, don't blame the weed.

If there's a need for more studies done, whose propaganda machine has prevented it? Why has there been billions of dollars invested in developing Viagra or other frivolous pharmaceuticals, but somehow there 'aren't enough studies done' about a plant that's been around and used for centuries, if not longer? If the plastics industry hadn't decided to suppress the hemp industry, an easy scapegoat because of the THC association, perhaps we'd be living a more sustainable life over all instead of draining the planet's oil resources to make petroleum and petrochemical products. Think about that the next time you bring home a plastic gadget, shrink wrapped in plastic, in a plastic bag. The priorities are skewed by the corporations that post billion dollar profits and lobby government into their back pocket, rather than it being dictated by the citizens. If it were up to me, they'd have spend money on studies by now and have medical marijuana production down to a scientific art, with THC levels controlled down to a tee - including the non-THC strains that help children with epilepsy.

I'll stick to my plants, thanks very much.

I'm not against it and do recognize its benefits

I'll prefer to not fuck off either, thank you. Unlike baseball, marijuana and its usage is a pretty hot political topic right now. If you use marijuana to help yourself, fine. If you want to talk about it with people who want to hear it or in the right area, like here, fine. Like I said, hearing about it in the wrong places or at the wrong times, and when it's repetitive, it gets annoying.

God forbid I talk about my car, or my "gadgets" that you once literally went on a rant about in chat.

I know Marijuana can help users feel better when it comes to depression, I know studies show it could aid Alzheimer's, and I know it helps with physical pain or with cancer patients and the terrible side affects of chemotherapy, I stated I don't dismiss this, but when it comes to the 420 culture, it gets fucking annoying.

I do think about the endless amount of plastic in practically every product, but no one can change that for a long time. Marijuana however does have a changing political platform, many states allowing medical marijuana will help studies done compared to decades earlier. You can blame corporations all you want, it's the government that made it illegal, and it will be the government that'll make it legal again, granted with the hype from people. Thanks to modern technology we can more than ever before voice our opinions and organize ideas on things like this.

Am I for legalization? Yes. Do I see the benefits medically? Yes. Otherwise it's overrated.

I don't see why you're getting so defensive. The second someone does voice their opinion, as QD said, they shouldn't be tolerated when it comes to you guys.

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I'm not against it and do recognize its benefits, but weed culture annoys the shit out of me, and when people talk about it non-stop I also find it extremely annoying.

i liked your post just for that statement... my friends annoy the shit out of me when all they want to talk about is weed... i smoke it, i get high... i don't care what strand it is, and i don't care to talk about someone's smoking device for 10 minutes straight... my buddy uses dabs now and has a fucking blowtorch to heat up his bowl... a FUCKING BLOWTORCH!!... i mean, come the fuck on, why do we need more than a bowl or pack of paper?? i think he's gonna catch his house on fire with that thing...

i agree, the weed culture that i am apart of, can be pretty annoying at times... just smoke it, we don't need to hear your life story... that'll kill my buzz having to listen to it while i smoke that joint...

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I'm not against it and do recognize its benefits, but weed culture annoys the shit out of me, and when people talk about it non-stop I also find it extremely annoying.

i liked your post just for that statement... my friends annoy the shit out of me when all they want to talk about is weed... i smoke it, i get high... i don't care what strand it is, and i don't care to talk about someone's smoking device for 10 minutes straight... my buddy uses dabs now and has a fucking blowtorch to heat up his bowl... a FUCKING BLOWTORCH!!... i mean, come the fuck on, why do we need more than a bowl or pack of paper?? i think he's gonna catch his house on fire with that thing...

i agree, the weed culture that i am apart of, can be pretty annoying at times... just smoke it, we don't need to hear your life story... that'll kill my buzz having to listen to it while i smoke that joint...

Exactly, it should be something to enjoy and be taken simply and personally. I was considering trying it but I figured it would be best to wait until I'm out of school altogether and have a steady job going for myself, once I know I can settle a bit, might as well see what it's like, plus I'll be done growing.

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I know Marijuana can help users feel better when it comes to depression, I know studies show it could aid Alzheimer's, and I know it helps with physical pain or with cancer patients and the terrible side affects of chemotherapy, I stated I don't dismiss this, but when it comes to the 420 culture, it gets fucking annoying.

If you don't enjoy hanging around nice friendly people who simply want to get to know you better through mutual activities, that's cool too. However I am guilty of going on about my smokeware for a speech or two. I'm a collector, and glassware is just yet another beautiful addiction to go with the drug. Plus, I did the whole extract/blowtorch thing last year, way overrated. I'll stick to the herb.

God forbid I talk about my car, or my "gadgets" that you once literally went on a rant about in chat.

Sorry about that again... but in my defense it was fucking hilarious.

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@fanboy - if i partake in said discussion about weed with someone who wants to get to know me, he's gonna think i like to talk about weed all the time because that's what we talk about when we get together... i've teied to change the subject with potheads like that and it always comes full circle right back to talking about weed again...

and to honest, there's not a lot to talk about with weed that interests me... i'd rather get high and talk about other things, but like i said, i seem to get stuck talking about weed... i say "yup" "mmhmm" and "cool" a lot just to hurry the convo along... i think my good friend is FiNALLY catching on that i don't really care...

i dunno... i like to get high, but it's not a lifestyle or culture i want taking over my life... my friends like to point out how i don't smoke as much as them these days, and i like to point out that i'm not in high school anymore...

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When I quit smoking weed and my pothead friends asked about it, I told them I upgraded to heroin. There were no further questions or weed discussions.

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@fanboy - if i partake in said discussion about weed with someone who wants to get to know me, he's gonna think i like to talk about weed all the time because that's what we talk about when we get together... i've teied to change the subject with potheads like that and it always comes full circle right back to talking about weed again...

and to honest, there's not a lot to talk about with weed that interests me... i'd rather get high and talk about other things, but like i said, i seem to get stuck talking about weed... i say "yup" "mmhmm" and "cool" a lot just to hurry the convo along... i think my good friend is FiNALLY catching on that i don't really care...

i dunno... i like to get high, but it's not a lifestyle or culture i want taking over my life... my friends like to point out how i don't smoke as much as them these days, and i like to point out that i'm not in high school anymore...

Get high. Discuss Reality.

I hang out with intellectual stoners.

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unless yer gonna get into some serious scientific talk about weed, there's not much to say about it honestly. in game online none of us talk about it much other than to say we're preparing it to be smoked, or to say we're smokin it. we've spent A LOT of time together there, and all of our weed chats are about 3 sentences long. 'what'cha doing?' 'rolling/smokin/steppin out for, a joint' 'ahh, i see ok' 'yep, i'll brb'

sums it up with us smokers, pretty much

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Smoking everyday=/=addiction. Addiction implies that you'd struggle to not smoke it, that you'd have withdrawals, that you're dependent on the substance. I know plenty of people who smoke basically every day who can put it down indefinitely if, for example, their parents are staying with them for a week. Some people just like to smoke, man. It's a great buzz. It doesn't mean you're dependent on it because you smoke. I've had this argument with the social conservative types a lot. They think that because you smoke that you're dependent unless you only smoke a couple of times a month. They're all psychologists when it comes to this particular subject.

I know some people who freak out when they don't have any. There's a very strong argument that that's an addiction, since I can't really think of one good reason why you would flip shit if you're not dependent. Some people want you to think that being an addict simply means that you do something on a regular basis, but the truth is that only you can really know for sure if you're addicted or not. It's a mental state, and other people can't read your mind. If someone's telling you that you're addicted to weed because you smoke it every 3rd day, or even every day, then they're just an asshole who's trying to pass judgment on you. Their egocentrism holds no water.

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So after all that some of you may think I'm against use but I'm not, like I said, it's really just the people who can't stop talking about it. Anyway, I've got several friends who have told me it's a life experience and should be tried once or twice, and I've got other friends who'd like me to try it with them. Now that summer is here I don't have to worry about anything interfering with school. I've got a friend heading off to college after summer and he's a regular user and he said he'd like to hangout with some people and let me try it, and I also have a friend who said if she is going to try it she'd feel comfortable if I was with her and she'd like to at least see what it's like (I myself have been curious about it). I've heard some people don't get high their first time, but I want to know how were your first times, is it better to wait until I'm out of school like I planned, or should I at least give it a try this summer?

If you guys say yes to trying it this summer, I'm going to buy a vape, cause I can always sell it or save it for the next summer or break or whatever.

Can I get in trouble for being high in public being a minor from out of state in Florida?

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Cops don't do anything to people who are high in public as long as they aren't holding and aren't causing problems. They won't arrest you, they won't do a thing. Especially in Florida. Florida sucks and there's nothing to do but be high, and the cops know this.

Besides that, if you're around cops, you're somewhere you shouldn't be, and if those cops can tell that you're high, you can't handle your shit.

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My first few times were uneventful, because I was totally oblivious to proper inhalation technique. Inhaling with a vape is tricky at first; that mist is very fine and harder to "feel" in your lungs than smoke. Once you learn to take it in (the knowledgeable people in the group will be happy to coach you) you'll notice the effects. Also, it might take a few uses to feel any effect regardless of how you inhale...everyone's body/mind makes use of cannabinoids differently. Most importantly, go into it with an open, RELAXED mindset and have fun.

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Another piece of advice. When you're high for the first time, really high, you'll think you're more fucked up than you really are. Your balance is fine, your speaking is fine, and it'll stay that way as long as you aren't actively convincing yourself otherwise. Stay composed.

Speaking will be the worst, if you're proper fucked up. If you don't have your shit under control, you won't be sure whether the thing you said seconds ago was out loud, or in your head. You'll probably be fine if the tunnel vision doesn't sink in too much, though. Tunnel vision probably fucks with you more than any other part of being high. The other shit wears off once you've been smoking for a while. Tunnel vision, not so much. I was still getting it pretty bad, after nearly a decade of smoking. If you're lucky, you won't get it too badly.

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My first actual *experience* of it was borderline psychedelic, lol...I had this eerie, unshakeable Cheshire grin on my face. Floating entities in my peripheral vision, I saw suggestions of faces everywhere I looked. My vision shook earthquake-style, and I felt like my body was totally distinct from my mind. Weirdly pleasurable, in retrospect. :lol:

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Another piece of advice. When you're high for the first time, really high, you'll think you're more fucked up than you really are. Your balance is fine, your speaking is fine, and it'll stay that way as long as you aren't actively convincing yourself otherwise. Stay composed.

Speaking will be the worst, if you're proper fucked up. If you don't have your shit under control, you won't be sure whether the thing you said seconds ago was out loud, or in your head. You'll probably be fine if the tunnel vision doesn't sink in too much, though. Tunnel vision probably fucks with you more than any other part of being high. The other shit wears off once you've been smoking for a while. Tunnel vision, not so much. I was still getting it pretty bad, after nearly a decade of smoking. If you're lucky, you won't get it too badly.

Tunnel Vision? If smoking weed gives you Tunnel Vision I think there's something wrong with your body, not the weed....

I've smoked for the last 7 years and I've never once experienced Tunnel Vision. Unless of course you're referring to being high to the point where you can barely open your eyes, but I've always know that as chink-eye.

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i don't know anyone who's experienced tunnel vision from puffin weed. i sure as shit don't get it. never have. yer smokin some lawn clippings mixed with dog shit or something dude. wtf? the literal term for tunnel vision that just the best way of describing what yer actually paying attention to? the later makes sense if so.

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