should weed be legal?  

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A crack in the foundation has opened up! :) This, plus the upcoming federal election in October, should help change the state of legal affairs in my country of potheads.

I thought Canada was already a de facto legal locale. Isn't weed pretty much tolerated by your law enforcement?

I don't give two shits about marijuana becoming legalized and it's not a big enough issue to sway me politically. As a daily smoker, tbh, I'm not a huge fan of the culture surrounding it. That being said, it's foolish to have it illegal yet we can get piss drunk.

The only shits I'm investing into legalization are solely for convenience. I'd love to waltz into a storefront and buy whatever buds, seeds, resin, or treats that appeal to me, all without waiting on a dealer's ride or fucking with an ATM. As long as the legalization efforts preserve the right to cultivate a personal supply, I'll keep waving the green flag.

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Maybe it can happen in Canada. Not in the states. The Cartels control marijuana down there, grow in the legal states, and distribute at higher prices throughout the country.

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There's a mess of permits involved in growing in legal states, and you can still only grow what you can use, unless you're a wholesale operation, in which case every scrap you sell has to be documented. If you don't jump through those hoops, you can't legally grow weed. Cartels mean absolutely jack shit in legal states. Hell, Cartels mean jack shit once you're 300 miles from the border.


Cartels don't control shit, in the states.

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There's a mess of permits involved in growing in legal states, and you can still only grow what you can use, unless you're a wholesale operation, in which case every scrap you sell has to be documented. If you don't jump through those hoops, you can't legally grow weed. Cartels mean absolutely jack shit in legal states. Hell, Cartels mean jack shit once you're 300 miles from the border.


Cartels don't control shit, in the states.

That's not true. Not a great counter argument I know, but they have plenty of pull. It's why they're allowed to run wild like Hulkamania south of the border. 

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But I thought that Californian Prop-215 compliant, card-carrying patients can grow within the limits established by their municipality. All you need to become a patient is a doctor's recommendation, just one document.

D.C has an equivalent set of restrictions for their recreational privileges, too.

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A crack in the foundation has opened up! :) This, plus the upcoming federal election in October, should help change the state of legal affairs in my country of potheads.

I thought Canada was already a de facto legal locale. Isn't weed pretty much tolerated by your law enforcement?


Law enforcement, I'd say they tolerate recreational use, to a point...they do go after gangs trafficking large quantities of it, along with guns and way harder shit.


Government, not so much. This current government is incapable of seeing weed objectively, they're too caught up in the partisan rhetoric. Our current government just got smacked hard on the nose by our Supreme Court over medical marijuana restrictions...get this...they argued that the only way patients should be allowed to take their legal, prescribed marijuana, was dried stuff you have to smoke; they wanted to block it being dispensed in oils, edibles etc. Medical weed. Medicine. Used for cancer patients, people with tremors, suffering chronic pain, PTSD, epilepsy and more. The ones that are doing it on the record, with the help of doctors with guts enough to step up and write the scrips, who want an alternative to strong addictive narcotics with side effects.


So, the Supreme Court basically said NO, if a patient is being prescribed medicine, they get to be able to take it in other ways than one, since smoking doesn't necessarily work for everybody and alternatives are available. In reply, the health minister said she was outraged by their decision and took a shot at the third party leader (he has pretty hair, and they like to pick on him) saying he wanted to put drugs in the hands of children. The fact that her rebuttal has nothing to do with the issue at hand shows how far off they are. And that's the bajillionth time the SC has basically told them to sit down.


It'd be nice to have an adult open conversation about legalization in Canada. Not gonna happen till Legohead isn't in charge anymore.

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The government would just tax and regulate the fuck out of it anyway. It would probably make it more expensive. How many people do you know who got arrested for smoke that wasn't driving around smoking it like an idiot? I don't mind it being illegal, especially around here. The cops give zero fucks about it.

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Great article. It'll all be as it should be, within ten years. It's falling into place, slowly but surely.

Meanwhile, here's the current situation in the States:

Im so fucking high right now.

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:drool: How many watts? Wish I could keep the heat down enough to manage an HPS setup. :( I'm stuck with LED panels. I've got a few different Sativa beans on the way, very anxious to get them started.

Also, I threw a seed on the ground a few weeks ago, only just discovered that it grew up. Slugs are doing a number on it, what keeps them away?

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You should, it's so much fun.

Never heard of the dwarf plants, a plant's yield depends mostly on genetics and how long it grows before flowering. You can always flower a plant from seed to keep it short, but a three-month+ wait isn't really worth it for a small yield.

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Truth, what kind of training do you do to your plants? Do you pinch the tops, bend the stems, anything?

Also, legalization initiative has made the November ballot in Ohio. :)

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I suppose I would still have an advantage. There's something ridiculous like a 27% sales tax on weed, in Colorado. People seem more drawn to legal shops than dealers, though.

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imo, I gotta believe that the quality from a store is a lot better that your local dealer...

At a minimum, I'd bet there's a lot less kiestering going on...

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I'd imagine the difference between commercial weed and locally-grown stuff from a dealer to be akin to the difference between supermarket tomatoes and farmstand tomatoes.

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