should weed be legal?  

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Strawberry Blue is almost done, maybe two or three more weeks. What an incredible smell.







Edited by GunSmith
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I'm happy to share some, Ging'. :v This wait is interminable, though.

Also, the fall foliage came out overnight:




So that's why it's Strawberry Blue...

Edited by GunSmith
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Now I have room and light for a cannabis bush, some baby habaneros, a crippled tomato, a primrose + daffs and other ornamentals, grain sprouts and catnip for the kitties, and psilocybes. All the plant-sweat and O2 filling the air makes this tent smell/feel exactly like a sunny meadow. Talk about endless summer. :D Old Man Winter can go fuck right off.

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Welp... I'm officially making the effort to quit. I had a bout of cyclical vomiting brought on by my massive pot smoking habits (and a combination of other things) and had to spend three days in hospital with severe dehydration. It's been five days since I've smoked anything and I'm about ready to start fucking murdering people. I know a few others on here have successfully quit. Any strategies for not flipping shit over the stupidest things?

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Drink more? :drunk:  


No, seriously though. Being dehydrated to the point of hospitalization must've been horrible. It would take a long time for your body to feel normal again after reaching such an extreme state. Never mind undergoing a serious change to your system by going off weed. Good for you, sounds like it's the right time for you to make a change. 

You've been a habitual user for a long time. It will take some time for your body to adjust to being off weed, detox symptoms can include anger, headaches and insomnia. Give yourself some time, it absolutely will get better after several weeks, realistically maybe a couple of months, until your body regulates itself again. When rage hits, take a deep breath, remind yourself your body is going through a change, don't take the anger personally, remember it is temporary and will get better (though not overnight), and it's for your personal betterment and health in the long run and therefore worth it. Then take another deep breath. In general, drink more water and try to get as much sleep as you can.


I don't blame you for flipping shit over stupid things - people are dumb and much of what happens around us is beyond our control. All I can offer is this: one's energy is a precious resource, especially so when you're sick, and being angry takes up a lot of energy. It's just not a productive way to spend your time, so choose to spend those energy points on other things. 

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i stopped liking the people i was hanging out with whose life revolved around getting high first before doing anything... i hated being in public stoned, i hated the way it took over my life... i finally made an effort last year to give quitting a shot... i relapsed a few times, and someone brought me a quarter ounce for my birthday, which i think was an attempt to get me back into it... after i smoked it up, i quit for good... i'm now a year off weed...


my biggest revelation came when a few of us went to cedar point (the best roller coaster park in the world) like we do every couple of years, back in march or may of last year... and we arrived 30 minutes early at the gates... after already smoking two joints there, and being stoned as fuck, they got upset and went back to the car to smoke another... i laughed and said fuck that, i'll sit right here in the park entryway on the bench while you guys have at it... after getting the "are you fucking serious?" tone from them, i explained how i was already high, whats the point?? well, after the park opened and we all rode the first ride, their buzz wore off and were already looking forward to lunch so they could get high again... this is the day i realized i can't hang out with people like this anymore...


it just wasn't me anymore... i think much more clearly now, people noticed a change in me, my own family has seen me differently... for some, they can live the lifestyle... for others, it takes over their lifestyle... i was a latter, i had to move on, i was tired of living my life bag to bag... and i am glad i did quit...


but to each their own, quitting anything is hard to do, and don't let anyone tell you weed isn't addictive... they're probably addicted to it themselves... but being mean about it or ranting isn't the solution... i hope you can find that zen moment where you can be yourself without being high... when i found that moment, i never even thought about taking another hit since B)....

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1 hour ago, CFO Charles said:

Any strategies for not flipping shit over the stupidest things?

Way more gay sex. Chills you right the fuck out. As long as they only cum when and where you give them permission to. A stray shot in the eye will undo any progress you're making. Avoid glory holes.

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I've smoked on and off for about 10 months now. The first four, was daily with my best friend. Typical senior year shit. After about three months, I started dating my girl, winter got cold as hell, and smoking outside just wasn't as feasible. He got a girl too, and we started hanging a little less. We smoked still, a few times a week almost daily, but not every day. Then in February he and I had a falling out, didn't really talk or hang for a month or two, and I barely smoked then. Longest I went without was a month, and I didn't crave it at all. Not headaches, no constant thoughts, nothing. I found falling asleep a little harder at night, but I always have and relied on melatonin before I smoked. Now I smoke maybe twice a week, sometimes I'll go a few without. I guess it's really about moderation or willpower.


My biggest suggestion is, try and have another distraction. For me, it was my girlfriend. We spend a lot of time together and she keeps my busy. I also don't really have an addictive personality. 


Weed didn't change me as a person per say. But it allowed doors to open for me. I became more social because of it, cared less about trivial shit, and just had a good time finishing my final year of high school. I grew as a person, and I think part of it was because marijuana brings people together in a way. It gave me oppurtunities to socialize in ways I never would have. Would it have happened anyway? I'm sure it would've, but it allowed it to happen sooner. My friend was a big reason for it too, but right now he's head over heals infatuated with his girl. She's his first, so I get it, but it sucks losing a friend because she hogs him basically 24/7. His cousin is a good friend of mine though so he keeps me in the loop.


Anyway, I was never too open about my use here, or anywhere. But I figured I'd share my short story. Plus, smoking daily was easy since some girl we knew hooked us up with fire O's for $50. We got lucky meeting her lol

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I found drinking myself into a coma helped me stop for a while. Needless to say that wasn't a long term solution. Best advice is as much exercise as possible to help you sleep, and try to stay as busy as possible so you don't have time to sit around missing it. Oh, and don't lose motivation even if you do relapse. Just try again. 

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22 hours ago, Darth Sexy said:

Trailer Park Boys is fantastic. Doubt we'll see any of their products in Australia, though. 

Too bad you don't know anyone in Canada that could ship you something. :whistle: 

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25 minutes ago, gtagrl said:

Too bad you don't know anyone in Canada that could ship you something. :whistle: 

Yeah that wouldn't go well. Even bongs are illegal here now. Everywhere else is legalising it and we are going the opposite way. We will have medicinal soon...about fucking time. 

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That sucks. At least you'll have access to medicinal, that is life-changing in terms having an option other than opiates to manage chronic pain, among the other things it can be used to treat. 

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Ive been coughing violently every time i smoke lately, but not really otherwise. Ive been smoking daily, so stopping will probably lead to spme serious anxiety issues because of the situation. 

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Not coughing as violently but my chest still tightens when I smoke toor much. Definitely some kind of respitory infection.


The anxiety I feel when I dont smoke is more irritating... ive been really depressed anyway maybe I should just let myself succumb to this bronchitis or whatever the fuck it is. Copd would be like the worst way to die though

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That sounds like you need to go to a clinic and see a doctor.

If smoking is too harsh, try edibles instead. You can use the weed you have to make cannabutter, then make your own treats like brownies or chocolate balls. Or try vaping, that's way smoother than smoking it. 

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