should weed be legal?  

135 members have voted

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The government puts flouride in our water for years.

Hitler did it to prisoners in concentration camps.

People questioned it then and they were pissed.

Now we don't even care and we are as care free as ever.

U know why?

Flouride keeps u down. It screws with your mid and makes u calm and content

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I don't really see the point of smoking weed, not saying that there is anything wrong with it. I just hate the overwhelming stench of it that and the people that constantly brag about smoking weed, I guess it makes them feel cooler in the presence of others. When not to long ago nobody really spoke about smoking weed as openly as they do now. Which is the same thing with video games people use to never really talk about it in public. Should it be legal? I don't really know i'm not really for or against it.

Also I don't quite see how this belongs in rants and raves. But it's not my problem to care so since it is. Fuck you.

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Quite a lot of people on here do, but i'm not one of them. Never tried it, never will. I don't particularly like the idea of not being in control of my actions, that's why I stopped drinking too. It doesn't appeal to me whatsoever. I expect a lot of replies that will contradict what i'm saying and telling me "it's totally safe and doesn't screw your mind up" and whatnot, but at the end of the day it's my opinion and i'm entitled to it.

Yeah i'm fucking boring, like I give a shit.

Anyway that's my input for this topic.


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I think i'd rather have micro amounts of fluoride (i'm pretty sure your liver deals with this anyway) than cholera.

On topic: i've only smoked it once, an I didn't feel anything. Apparently it doesn't always work first time, i've not bothered since.

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I don't really see the point of smoking weed, not saying that there is anything wrong with it. I just hate the overwhelming stench of it that and the people that constantly brag about smoking weed, I guess it makes them feel cooler in the presence of others. When not to long ago nobody really spoke about smoking weed as openly as they do now. Which is the same thing with video games people use to never really talk about it in public. Should it be legal? I don't really know i'm not really for or against it.

Also I don't quite see how this belongs in rants and raves. But it's not my problem to care so since it is. Fuck you.

Agreed. Never done it never will.

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I voted yes, because I think it should be legalized everywhere. But in the Netherlands its legal anyways, so I don't really care :P

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If you ask me if I smoke the doobs, you should be slapped, dropped off a bridge, rolled in dog shit, then saw dust, then have to watch gay three way porn with Jackie Gleason and then be thrown under a train. Because you clearly aren't intellectual enough to be in this world

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Of course it should be legal. The government would tax it like everything else and we'd be out of the recession within a day lol. Don't smoke it anymore, doesn't mix well with alcohal lol. And Alcohal is cheaper and more sociable. Only problem you'd have is finding new jobs for the dealers, cos if it went legal no one would buy illegal shit anymore, there'd be no point.

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Quite a lot of people on here do, but i'm not one of them. Never tried it, never will. I don't particularly like the idea of not being in control of my actions, that's why I stopped drinking too. It doesn't appeal to me whatsoever. I expect a lot of replies that will contradict what i'm saying and telling me "it's totally safe and doesn't screw your mind up" and whatnot, but at the end of the day it's my opinion and i'm entitled to it.

Yeah i'm fucking boring, like I give a shit.

Anyway that's my input for this topic.


Weed definately does not make you less in control of your actions. Shrooms don't make you loose control over actions. Even when your tripping you still make decisions.

All it does it make it more likely that you'll do the thing your thinking about without thinking about the consequences... but you still had control over the decision.

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Alcohol u get in drunken rages and assault people and kill people and/or yourself in a car accident

weed u get baked sit on the couch watch tv or play Xbox eat hella munchies and chill

?????y is alcohol legal and not weed??????

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Because alchol has kinda always been part of our way of life. Much like smoking, but as you can tell, we are slowly discouraging it. Drinking and driving is a skill, And the new drunk drivers we have, who don't even know how to drive a stick, are the people you should be worried about. A 50 year old farmer drunk driving? That guy knows what he's doing

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Because alchol has kinda always been part of our way of life. Much like smoking, but as you can tell, we are slowly discouraging it. Drinking and driving is a skill, And the new drunk drivers we have, who don't even know how to drive a stick, are the people you should be worried about. A 50 year old farmer drunk driving? That guy knows what he's doing


I suppose alcohol isn't really that bad because your liver deals with it and your liver can regenerate anyway. As long as you take breaks between drinking seasons. I'm don't really know much about the long-term effects weed has on your body so I can't comment there.

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Weed definately does not make you less in control of your actions. Shrooms don't make you loose control over actions. Even when your tripping you still make decisions.

All it does it make it more likely that you'll do the thing your thinking about without thinking about the consequences... but you still had control over the decision.

I tend to just sink into the couch and not get back up for a while. Bad things happen when I don't think about consequences, so it's best if I don't move until the munchies set in and I'm too distracted by that to get into any shit.

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Never smoked weed and never probably will. Haven't got much of a desire to do it either. Not getting involved on the legal or not debate. But I know I will probably never smoke weed, as I am a super paranoid fuck at the best of times, so no way am I adding Marijuana paranoia on top of that.

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I smoke chronic everyday. I don't break laws or get out of hand. I use it to chill after a long day. It relaxes me and takes my mind off of the shitty day i had.

I don't know of anybofy who died from directly smoking it. Cant say that about cigarettes.

People usually don't do stupid shit when they smoke it either. Well maybe 13 year old children who get their grubby fingers on their parents stash. There should be laws set up to promote it not criminalize it. Taxation laws and such. Think of all the bi- products pot can make. Think of all the time and money saved not busting people for it, no paperwork and no 5 month long court process. Statistics say every 30 seconds a marijuana user gets arrested. Think of that. Google it for more pot statistics. The war on drugs has failed and its costing more money than its making. Truly an epic fail.

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I used to smoke weed, until i realised how much of a lazy cunt it made me. So i did something about it. I don't smoke cigarettes, or take any other drug. All i have left is drinking. I might even give that up at some point. Although i do like a good beer or whiskey once in a while.

Like Vicey, i like to be in control of my body. Not monging out in a corner somewhere hoping someone will bring me food, even if i'm the only person in the house... Weed makes people lazy and paranoid, that's from personal experience and from observation of others.

Anyway, that's my opinion.

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