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You don't get it, it was PC irrelevant, the game ran absolutely fine on my machine, but I remember at the time Cygnus having issues and he had a boss pc, countless people posted every day about not being able to play the game at all.

Gta has always had shit ports, and it gradually gotten worse, to the point where even the controls made no sense (wtf @ driving with a mouse)

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Jesus, that really sucks then, I've played it on all kinds of hardware [both spectrums in terms of processor and gfx card] and never ran into an occasion when it ran like shit. I know Bully and GTA IV especially are god awful but thought San Andreas was relatively good for it.

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bought manhunt for £1.49 for steam, the first fucking gate on "born again" doesnt open and needs a .exe replacing.

Rockstar are the worst company is the business for PC ports.

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I recently did some reorganization of my room. I've still got to repaint, remount my TV higher and do a ton of cable management and hiding. This is just the desk/work space after cleaning. I hand made the desk back in 2011.


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I get to see this one factory worker bopping about, she doesnt even have earphones in, she's just hearing some shit in her head so everytime we see that it's pretty humorous.

PPS, the view of the factory isnt the worst bit, its the fact we work with paper so everything gets covered in this white bullshit. EVERY surface.

And then being I work in IT I have to crawl on the fucking floor every so often to fix cables, dig out malfunctioning computers etc.

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Shogun posted his work setup, so here is mine:


I would have more screens if I could. And yes, that is a pink scented candle.

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Shogun posted his work setup, so here is mine:


I would have more screens if I could. And yes, that is a pink scented candle.

fancy shmancy fellowes screen height increases?

We usually don't give those out, the price isn't worth it, instead we just tell people to balance there screens on packs of paper.

There's literally a pack of paper dating back to 2005 in the other unit.

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brah I don't give a shit if those things are expensive or not, not my paper $$$$$.

Baller fellowes screen height increases status.

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I have a monitor stand on the left and two reams of paper under the right monitor. Moar support for my "the answer is always both" philosophy.

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Apparently I've never used this thread, weird.

Old photos but what the hell.



From top to bottom that's a PS3, my HDPVR, Sega Genesis, PS2, and Xbox 360.


Current Gen


Retro Gen

As for the Computer

Don't mind the aquarium I'm currently using as a coffee table.




Gundams everywhere....


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