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MY Ps3 setup is looking messy atm, so i ain't posting pics.

But here's my PC, it's been upgraded a bit since then.




Antec 900 Case.

Gigabyte GA-EX58-UD3R Motherboard. (Good for over-clocking)

Intel i7 930 2.8Ghz.

I have an enclosed circuit water cooler for my cpu.

Corsair TX Series 650W Modular PSU (needs upgrading soon)

Mushkin DDR3 16GB (4x4GB) 1333MHz Dual Channel Memory.

Gigabyte GeForce GTX 460 OC 1GB NVIDIA Graphics Card

1TB SATA II Hard Drive.

Windows 7 Ultimate.

Looks awesome! My first thought was "Alienware". ^_^

I wanna build a full tower pc, but the plan is on hold because I don't have room for it on my desk. But I guess this place is the right place to ask for advice when the day comes. ;)

I have only decided one thing: Water cooling. Those stand-alone water-cooling towers look awesome.

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To be honest, if you get an i7 you get a pretty decent sized Intel stock fan with it which works as well as any fancy cooling. Maybe 1 or 2 degrees difference, which wont hurt. Water cooling can be a pain to set up, but you could get the cheaper looped water cooling system which just cycles the liquid around in an air tight tube over the heat-sink and back to the cooling chamber.

Mushkin DDR3 is very reliable and very affordable to be honest, i got 16GB for 160GPB. And it makes a huge difference to the speed things open.

If you do get a high end GPU then you'll need at least 750W PSU to run it without worries of burning things out or cut outs. Mine is dangerously low atm, so i need to upgrade asap really.

Want the ultimate vented pc case?


Antec skeleton ftw!

The cooling system is entirely about paranoia, I don't really need it and I'll probably change my mind about it. I have an AMD Phenom Quad Core that came with a good fan, and I bought the most powerful case fan they had at the shop. I forget what brand it is, but it's called the Tornado and it's loud as shit and blows out air so fast that I could turn my computer around and use it to cool the room.

I'll definitely be looking into that case (or rack, rather), $180 isn't bad. The only problem is that I'd have to make a screen to lay over it, lest the cat start pawing at the computer's innards and force me to murder him.

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Awww, Massy has a widdle pussy. I never knew you were affectionate towards anything, anything living that is.


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I've always valued animal life, it's humans I don't care for. Someone threw him out of their car (without even slowing down) and I brought him inside to chill for a few days until his cuts healed. He healed up, and I just decided to keep him.

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I've always valued animal life, it's humans I don't care for. Someone threw him out of their car (without even slowing down) and I brought him inside to chill for a few days until his cuts healed. He healed up, and I just decided to keep him.

Yes I remember you saying that before and I said i'm the same. It just feels... weird. Poor kitty for getting thrown out of a car, callous bastard.

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I've always valued animal life, it's humans I don't care for. Someone threw him out of their car (without even slowing down) and I brought him inside to chill for a few days until his cuts healed. He healed up, and I just decided to keep him.

Yes I remember you saying that before and I said i'm the same. It just feels... weird. Poor kitty for getting thrown out of a car, callous bastard.

At least we know that if there was a post apocalyptic "event", Mass would be the guy with the pet walking along with him.

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As i moved into a smaller flat last year, i had to adapt my computer space. I built a compact computer desk which can hold everything i need. Now all i need is a wide-screen monitor!


I love my keyboard. It's a saitek cyborg!


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Damn. What did that keyboard run you, and do they have a cheaper version that doesn't glow? Don't have a problem with it glowing, but I assume a non-glowing version would cost less.

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For some reason after a long stint of playing RDR I have the urge to respond in the manner of a 19th century western hillbilly, so with that said:

"Whass a poynt uv all thaym faynce gizmos an' stuff. Ain't dey laayk jist a waste'o muuney? Dem don't serve no prayctical purpuse an' all. Dey jist look flayshee."

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For some reason after a long stint of playing RDR I have the urge to respond in the manner of a 19th century western hillbilly, so with that said:

"Whass a poynt uv all thaym faynce gizmos an' stuff. Ain't dey laayk jist a waste'o muuney? Dem don't serve no prayctical purpuse an' all. Dey jist look flayshee."

Looks fancy, but is also good for gaming and is nice and large/spread out, meaning i can press most the buttons in the dark without fucking up. Which is good when using it in the games engines where one wrong button press could fuck something up.

i only got it because i really needed a new keyboard, and one that lights up so i can use it in the dark when i do most of my work. And i happen to come across this one and bought it on impulse!

It cost me £50 which isn't too bad tbh. Cheaper than some gaming boards out there, and it has all the same features.

Oh and marney, i think it was actually based on the knight rider dash :D I read somewhere that was an influence for sure.

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Guest Marney1

For some reason after a long stint of playing RDR I have the urge to respond in the manner of a 19th century western hillbilly, so with that said:

"Whass a poynt uv all thaym faynce gizmos an' stuff. Ain't dey laayk jist a waste'o muuney? Dem don't serve no prayctical purpuse an' all. Dey jist look flayshee."

Looks fancy, but is also good for gaming and is nice and large/spread out, meaning i can press most the buttons in the dark without fucking up. Which is good when using it in the games engines where one wrong button press could fuck something up.

i only got it because i really needed a new keyboard, and one that lights up so i can use it in the dark when i do most of my work. And i happen to come across this one and bought it on impulse!

It cost me £50 which isn't too bad tbh. Cheaper than some gaming boards out there, and it has all the same features.

Oh and marney, i think it was actually based on the knight rider dash :D I read somewhere that was an influence for sure.

Damn, I was trying to take the piss. :P

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For some reason after a long stint of playing RDR I have the urge to respond in the manner of a 19th century western hillbilly, so with that said:

"Whass a poynt uv all thaym faynce gizmos an' stuff. Ain't dey laayk jist a waste'o muuney? Dem don't serve no prayctical purpuse an' all. Dey jist look flayshee."

Looks fancy, but is also good for gaming and is nice and large/spread out, meaning i can press most the buttons in the dark without fucking up. Which is good when using it in the games engines where one wrong button press could fuck something up.

i only got it because i really needed a new keyboard, and one that lights up so i can use it in the dark when i do most of my work. And i happen to come across this one and bought it on impulse!

It cost me £50 which isn't too bad tbh. Cheaper than some gaming boards out there, and it has all the same features.

Oh and marney, i think it was actually based on the knight rider dash :D I read somewhere that was an influence for sure.

Damn, I was trying to take the piss. :P

I know :P

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'Recently' built a PC:

AMD 555 Black Edition

Forgot the name of the motherboard, some Gigabyte one

4GB RAM...G.Skill

HD 5770

and the other shit like 500GB Hard drive, Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit etc

pretty much your standard bang for buck PC, at that time

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'Recently' built a PC:

AMD 555 Black Edition

Forgot the name of the motherboard, some Gigabyte one

4GB RAM...G.Skill

HD 5770

and the other shit like 500GB Hard drive, Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit etc

pretty much your standard bang for buck PC, at that time

You gonna show us pics then? How well do you look after it? I don't clean mine as often as i should but meh.

Just got a hold of my new 850w PSU today :D so I'll be giving the whole thing a spray with compressed air along with my paintbrush and hoover treatment!

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My computers spec's something like

Intel Q6700 Quad Core

Nvidia GTX 260

2GB DDR2 Ram

1.32 TB HDD

Blah, blah. Built it a while ago now, could do with an upgrade, but I have more important things to spend money on at the moment.

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I'm getting an Acer Aspire laptop soon. It's nothing special, but it's heaps better than the Dell I've got at the minute.

Current specs:

Intel Pentium M 1.2 GHz



Intel Extreme Graphics 2 64MB

I'm running PCLinuxOS at the minute because it really struggles with Windows.

Yes, it really is that good...

New specs:

Intel Core i3-370M 2.4Ghz - 3MB L3 Cache



Don't know about the graphics card, but I'm guessing it will be better than the one I've got.

Windows 7 Home Premium 64 Bit.

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Upgrading my graphics card in two maybe three weeks.

I decided to stick with Nvidia because of it's awesome tessellation capabilities and physics.

I've been looking at what bang for buck i can get, and i've decided to spend no more than £200 on it. The card i've decided to get is a kfa2 geforce gtx 560 ti ex oc 1gb


check out the specs on the link above and tell me what you think.

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Acer Aspire laptop;

IntelCore i5-430M processor (2,26Ghz, 3MB L3 cache)

ATI Mobility Radeon HD 5650 up to 2651 MB HyperMemory


640 GB HDD

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Got my new laptop today. I decided to go for a Toshiba Satellite C660 instead of the Acer as it was on offer at £349.99 (normal price £499.99)

Intel Core i3 380m @ 2.53Ghz

2GB DDR3 (soon upgrading to 8GB)


Intel HD Graphics (Integrated) up to 761MB at the moment but I will probably buy a new graphics card somewhere down the line. *Edit* Scratch that, I don't really care though, it is ample for my needs.

All in all I'm quite happy with it (especially for the price tag) it is quite nippy and can run YouTube vids in 1080p etcetera without slowing down. I haven't tried any games in it yet.

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