Epsilon Seminar Winners

Posted by TreeFitty September 05, 2013 : 8 Comments : 10,697 Views

Rockstar picks a unique way to debut the contest winners from the Epsilon Seminar.

GTA 5 Cult Stoppers

Check out CultStoppers.com - which may come into play during GTA V's story...

Comments (8)

  • carl0s (Guest) September 06, 2013
    Thankyou ALL Kenge84 is correct Rockstar released the photo with all winners tagged. Narnabear is Tiana :)

    DuPz0r - i am proud! and dw the first thing i said to her is you better hope you cant be killed ;)
  • Danielsun14 (Guest) September 06, 2013
    there was a contest O.o
  • kenge84 (Guest) September 06, 2013
    You can find most on Instagram ... The name and the pic match to me any way here are the Instagram names @hayleehendricks @the_meerkat @narnabear congrats fans
  • bOnEs (Guest) September 06, 2013
    @KRice717 - that is a fake account, they even confessed to it...
  • TreeFitty (Guest) September 06, 2013
    Congrats again Carlos (and Tiana too)!
  • @KRice717 (Guest) September 06, 2013
    Check out @hayleeQuinn on twitter. she dropped four dates and said something about traveling to San Fierro on Feb 17th!!! Do you think these are dates of the releases of DLC and next gen systems?
  • DuPz0r (Guest) September 05, 2013
    @carl0s for real? Congrats man, you'll have a million guys abducting your misses (in-game) and dumping her in the senora desert after having their way with her, in just over a week. ;)

    But, joke aside, i bet you're proud. Nice one.
  • carl0s (Guest) September 05, 2013
    SO KEEN! Tiana is actually my girlfriend in real life.. so keen to see her in the game!
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