Game Informer GTA Online Hands-On Preview

Posted by TreeFitty via iBeNiko September 11, 2013 : 14 Comments : 15,885 Views

Game Informer has managed to get their hands on GTA Online. Digital subscribers can read up on it right now in their latest issue (October 2013, Issue 246). There isn't a ton of new information but a few points are reinforced:

GI October 2013 #246
  • Customization includes choosing mom, dad, and grandparents. Male and female avatars available.
  • You can choose your characters lifestyle which affects your skills
  • You can choose gestures (like flipping dual birds)
  • You can take pictures with your phone including selfies
  • During robberies clerks may be armed
  • When accepting a race invite you are seamlessly warped to the starting line with no lobby wait
  • Larger missions have a lobby where you can choose specific roles in missions (sniper, lookout, crew leader, transporter, etc...)
  • During missions your team has a set amount of lives
  • Over 500 missions currently
  • Passive mode protects you from harm by other players but is deactivated if you shoot your weapon
  • You can place bounties on other players if they kill/rob you
  • When at your safehouse you can do many activities such as having friends over, calling strippers, getting drunk, etc. More expensive pads have heist planning boards like in singleplayer
  • All safehouses have a garage but lower cost ones can only hold 2 vehicles while the most expensive holds 10
  • If other players in game are in a police chase you can watch it on Weasel News or even see it from your window
  • You have to unlock the content creator at a certain rank but should be able to gain access in an hour of playing
  • Created content can be ranked (as in rating how good it is) and Rockstar can verify it's awesome-tivity

Print versions of the latest issue should be reaching mail boxes soon. Join the discussions in the forums!

Comments (14)

  • LordZekrom (Guest) September 12, 2013
    When I finally get GTA 5 I'm gonna play Free Bird by Lynyrd Skynyrd to sort of symbolize losing my need to do anything outside my room ever again. And then I'll run to my house in slow motion when the song goes to the solo.
  • Benj B (Guest) September 12, 2013
    Damn... i can't wait!! Still 4 long days.... i would sleep until it's coming out instead of continue watching everyday the release date-countdown... it's hard to believe time flows so slowly in such things :-)
  • Leek (Guest) September 12, 2013
    So my education has some to and end...
  • chopy (Guest) September 12, 2013
    so sick cant wait
  • Yessssss (Guest) September 12, 2013
  • EMCMATE! (Guest) September 11, 2013
    YES! YES! YES! YES! \O/ <O> \O/
  • bmkpittbull (Guest) September 11, 2013
    Jaw.... dropping....:0 I hope this be the game of the year!!!!!!!! Whoop whoop...
  • dark_gamer89 (Guest) September 11, 2013
  • moimieoonti (Guest) September 11, 2013
    Which dark lord did R* summon to make all this possible on current-gen consoles? 6 DAYS PEOPLE!!
  • iBeNiko (Guest) September 11, 2013
    @Ochiinyy 32 would be epic, but due to console limitations it would probably crash your console. there is a possibility of more characters if gta 5 is ported to next gen. if not then in the next installment on next gen would be likely to have a higher player count. like 50 or so. but for now 16 players is enough.
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