Game Informer's GTA V Issue Breakdown
Posted by TreeFitty and OptimumPx November 08, 2012 : 86 Comments : 55,890 Views
So what does the Grand Theft Auto V article by Game Informer reveal? Plenty! Here's a quick list:
This will be updated constantly until everything is pointed out! Let us know what you think here or >>>in the forum topic about the Game Informer issue<<< !!!
- Biggest world in the series' history. Aaron Garbut says it is larger than RDR, GTA IV, and SA combined including interior spaces - that's friggin' big!
- Map includes city, wilderness, desert, Mt. Chiliad, military base, and fully detailed ocean floor including coral beds
- Can switch between three protagonists at any time off-mission, certain missions allow changes during them
- Multiple protags chosen due to IV+EFLC success
- Switching reduces "flat spots" during stories
- Play as protagonist and antogonist, stories cross each other
- Switching protags is like entering Google Earth
- Michael: Old guy from first trailer, retired bank robber, in witness protection, lives in Rockford Hills (Similar to Beverly Hills), has wife (Amanda) and children (Tracy the teen and Jimmy the 20-year-old)
- Trevor: Balding guy living in a trailer in the desert of Blaine County, friend of Michael
- Franklin: repossesses cars, possibly one of many tasks from his boss.
- Pedestrians have more reactions to you (giving the middle finger, etc)
- Can douse things in gas and leave a trail for later ignition
- Ammunation is back
- All protags have lives outside of your control
- Each protag has skillsets and personalities
- Complex missions happen earlier
- Many heist missions
- Protags can work together in certain missions, sometimes all three
- Rappeling, possibly off-mission ability
- Planes available very early
- Many side missions and minigames including yoga and a full golf course. Some minigames specific to a protag.
- No RPG elements (fat/muscle) but you can change clothing like GTA IV
- TV will return among other "odd" things for a video game
- No girlfriends but there are regular friends/family for each protag:
- Lamar: crazy friend of Franklin
- Amanda: Michael's wife in a rocky relationship
- Jimmy: Michael's pothead son
- Ron: Trevor's paranoid neighbor
- Some familiar faces from GTA IV will return but no Niko and no PS2-era characters.
- No property but plenty of other stuff to do with money throughout your gameplay experience
- The phone makes a return
- Random, optional side quests like in RDR will return. Talk with hitchhikers, nab a purse-snatcher, etc
- Crews will be improved for GTA V's multiplayer
- Less celebrities in the cast like GTA IV
- Extremely detailed world including pedestrians and lawn sprinklers.
- Most vehicles of any GTA game.
This will be updated constantly until everything is pointed out! Let us know what you think here or >>>in the forum topic about the Game Informer issue<<< !!!
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Comments (86)
- gta19 (Guest) January 17, 2013can't wait
- GTAGreg22 (Guest) November 21, 2012Thanks TreeFitty. I didn't know you had a forum topic about the map size. Guess I'll head over to the forums soon to discuss mileages of the map.
- TreeFitty (Guest) November 14, 2012It's long discussion with many estimates. We have a whole forum topic about the map.
- GTAGreg22 (Guest) November 14, 2012I was absolutely shocked when they said the map will be bigger than RDR, GTA 4, GTA: SA combined. But what I'd like is for that to be put into perspective for me. What I mean is, how big is the GTA 5 map in square mileage? In addition, how many miles is it when traveling straight across the map end-to-end? and how many miles is it if you circled the whole map on the outside circumference? Can you help me out on this one TreeFitty? I'm really curious to know the mileages, even if they're just approximate and not exact. I just want a general idea of how many miles I'll be traveling around that huge place.
- Alex (Guest) November 13, 2012I just want to fight against Ballas
- PJ7980 (Guest) November 12, 2012What about vehicle customisation ? You could only get that in GTA:SA and since this GTA revolves around Los Santos, the second "island" you go onto in SA, I'd say just dot two or three garage's around the map because we need something back from SA, and for me that has to be the customizable vehicles.
- jeremiah (Guest) November 12, 2012Nah that dirt bike picture the car is a ford gt500
New Zealand. FAH - GTA4EVAJ (Guest) November 11, 2012OK, what I hope we can do in GTA V is have the ability to choose different properties. If you can't buy them fine i guess. But there has to be mansion and pimped out highrise condos available. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Rockstar do this, make this happen it would be a game nobody will be able to put down. WE NEED THE ABILITY TO AT LEAST HAVE THE PRESTIGE THAT COMES WITH HAVING A NICE PAD. Whether it be in the sky (condo) in Century City, or a MODERN hillside mansion in Vinewood. Nothing would be better then rolling out of bed in the morning, heading to the track to bet on race horses, then taking in a round of golf, with a view of your condo in the background. PLEASE R* figure something out in this regard. I know you will because, I have a feeling you guys don't let anybody down. EVER. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ThisIsLochNess (Guest) November 11, 2012From the screenshots themselves im already extremely happy. It seems like the game has taken the movie HEAT as its influence, and if u havent seen it yet and like crime movies, ur gonna love this. All the people hating on 3 characters really have problems, gta 4 gave us 3 characters, only difference is we had to pay more for the dlc's.
- GtaPlayer543 (Guest) November 11, 2012•Planes available very early
Does this mean the world will be completely open from the beginning?
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