GTA 5 Trailer 2 Analysis Scene-By-Scene

Posted by TreeFitty November 14, 2012 : 44 Comments : 69,579 Views

Grand Theft Auto V Trailer #2 is here! Just like the first trailer, here's a breakdown of things spotted...

Song: Stevie Wonder - Skeletons

Scene 1 - Observatory

Trailer 2 - Scene 1: Observatory
  • Kind of a reverse view from what we have been seeing of Los Santos.

Scene 2 - Michael's house

Trailer 2 - Scene 2: Michael's houseTrailer 2 - Scene 2: Very nice 9FTrailer 2 - Scene 2: Amanda and Tracy fightingTrailer 2 - Scene 2: Master of the houseTrailer 2 - Scene 2: Lounging by the poolTrailer 2 - Scene 2: Taking a sip
  • The mansion with tennis court we we're shown in August screenshots, higher view looking at neighborhood
  • Gardener working on far left lawn
  • Mules in background
  • Old car (Peyote) on far right, partially off screen
  • A black 9F (Audi R8 Spider) sits in the driveway
  • Inside we see Amanda and Tracy, Michael's wife and daughter, arguing about a boy staying over. Note the tramp stamp. The tennis mansion is Michael's house.
  • Detailed kitchen
  • Michael relaxes by the pool as mentioned in previews
  • Water looks good
  • "You know I've been in this game for a lot of years? I got out alive. If you want my advice, give the shit up."

Scene 3 - The busy city

Trailer 2 - Scene 3: Train under the overpassTrailer 2 - Scene 3: GTA V logo
  • A freight train runs under a highway interchange with tanker cars
  • Buses (red and orange variants), pickup truck (possibly Contender), and multiple cars ride overhead
  • Looks like garbage trucks on a far, lower roadway in the middle
  • Downtown Los Santos in background

Scene 4 - Convoy

Trailer 2 - Scene 4: Desert Highway
  • Tractor trailers with shipping containers, dump trucks, and coach buses cruise the desert highways
  • Wind turbines on the left
  • Large satellite dishes off to the right (possibly based on NASA's Goldstone facility)

Scene 5 - Desert life

Trailer 2 - Scene 5: Drunk and fighting
  • Right near the satellite dishes a town is shown
  • Two peds fighting, another drug-addict-looking woman in the background
  • "No Dogs Allowed" sign among other details
  • Old vehicles: Tornado rolls through and the other is a truck of some kind

Scene 6 - Washed up

Trailer 2 - Scene 6: Trailer in the river
  • Trailer home caught in a rural flood
  • Trevor looks like he is going to shoot the man in the flood

Scene 7 - Watch your head

Trailer 2 - Scene 7: Head bashing
  • Trevor grabs a man and slams his head against the bar, blood sprays
  • Billiards table back left
  • Terrarium or fishtank in back room, one of the many details throughout the trailer and game
  • Blarney's and Logger beer bottles

Scene 8 - Trevor yelling

Trailer 2 - Scene 8: Trevor Phillips Enterprises
  • Trevor's last name is Phillips
  • "The guns and crank in this area go through Trevor Phillips Enterprises or they ain't goin'!"

Scene 9 - Off road fun

Trailer 2 - Scene 9: Dune buggies look cool
  • Trevor kicks up dust in a Bandito
  • Satellites in background
  • Cement mixer driving through background
  • Near the desert airport (towards the right) seen later in Scene 24

Scene 10 - Let it burn

Trailer 2 - Scene 10: Throwing a molotov cocktailTrailer 2 - Scene 10: Oh no it's on fireTrailer 2 - Scene 10: Like a bossTrailer 2 - Scene 10: You have homeowner's insurance
  • Trevor tosses a Molotov and ignites a house
  • An ignition trail says he used a gas can similar to previews
  • Many details including outlets
  • The house blows apart

Scene 11 - Trevor at old gas station

Trailer 2 - Scene 11: Just ignore the bodies
  • "I'll swing by and sign the contracts, alright? Just ignore the bodies."
  • There has obviously been a fight as bodies lay in the background
  • This appears to be the same desert location in the first trailer featuring the hooker and Phoenix

Scene 12 - Port of Los Santos

Trailer 2 - Scene 12: Gerald Desmond Bridge
  • The Gerald Desmond Bridge is shown with Downtown in the distance as night falls
  • A few vehicles including what might be a Benson soda truck on the left

Scene 13 - North of the port

Trailer 2 - Scene 13: All that urban sprawl
  • Another freight train with shipping container cars (8 of them) and a red bus cruise through the streets
  • Vincent Thomas Bridge in middle background
  • LA Coliseum off to the right

Scene 14 - Beach bench

Trailer 2 - Scene 14: Tell me the wayTrailer 2 - Scene 14: That's where it is
  • Santa Monica area with Del Perro Pier
  • Michael, Franklin, and possibly Lamar who asks Michael where Berto(?) Beach House is. Michael points them in the right direction
  • Yellow house behind them is based on 1329 Palisades Road
  • "Ballas " written on bench - will they and other gangs return in GTAV?
  • This is possibly where Franklin and Michael meet for the first time.

Scene 15 - Repo

Trailer 2 - Scene 15: Repossessing can be funTrailer 2 - Scene 15: Speeding awayTrailer 2 - Scene 15: That's a very nice carTrailer 2 - Scene 15: What happens when you don't pay
  • Franklin repos a white 9F and drives it away
  • House is based on 1327 Palisades Beach Road (has yellow stairs on beach side), next to the house behind Franklin in the previous scene
  • Bobcat security(?) sign next to driveway
  • License plate of 9F says "SA Exempt"
  • 101 Ocean Ave along highway on right
  • The person who is possibly Lamar appears to be in the red car leading him around
  • Many vehicles including possibly a Pony and Manana on the highway
  • In the background of the highway part you can spot a Xoomer gas station sign
  • Can see the 9F's suspension at work as it comes close to the camera
  • Up-n-Atom shown in background of street shot

Scene 16 - Franklin's Family

Trailer 2 - Scene 16: Franklin and girlfriend in houseTrailer 2 - Scene 16: Maybe Franklin's girlfriend
  • Woman who appears to be Franklin's girlfriend
  • "I don't care how many cars you own, you ain't changing!"
  • Fancy place is fancy - does Franklin use the cars he repos to appear wealthier to her?
  • Possibly Chateau Marmont outside left window when looking at her

Scene 17 - Dropping cars

Trailer 2 - Scene 17: Falling off the backTrailer 2 - Scene 17: Too late to swerve
  • A tractor trailer carrying cars drops one (Aston Martin DB5 type) as police pursue the truck
  • Great detail as we pass the car
  • This scene leads to one of the screenshots from August with Franklin on the truck's trailer.
  • The LA Coliseum is in the background

Scene 18 - Franklin and Lamar(?)

Trailer 2 - Scene 18: I'm coolTrailer 2 - Scene 18: Doesn't need the hood
  • Lamar: "I can get my money in the hood. I'm cool!"
  • Franklin: "Cool what? Slinging dope and throwing up gang signs?"
  • The yellow house behind them is the same one from Scene 14 with Michael pointing them away
  • House numbers appear to be prevalent - will characters have actual addresses?

Scene 19 - Highway wreck

Trailer 2 - Scene 19: Smashy smashyTrailer 2 - Scene 19: Passing the wreck
  • Cars collide as Franklin (white F620) chases a very expensive blue car (Cheetah)

Scene 20 - Therapist

Trailer 2 - Scene 20: Back in TherapyTrailer 2 - Scene 20: Michael looking thoughtful
  • Michael talks with a therapist about his son Jimmy, a "good kid" as we will see...
  • "VAIN" magazine on table behind Michael

Scene 21 - Family affair

Trailer 2 - Scene 21: Jimmy what are you doing?Trailer 2 - Scene 21: Hang on JimmyTrailer 2 - Scene 21: Caught him
  • A young white male holds onto a swaying sail boat boom being trucked along a freeway. Franklin is on the boat and Michael is driving a red car (confirmed Sentinel) behind them.
  • Michael weaves through traffic to catch the young man before he hits the pavement.
  • We can safely assume the young kid is Jimmy, helping his father and Franklin.
  • Note the food truck, possibly tacos. We also see a white Washington and blue Dilettante. The sail boat is a Marquis and the truck hauling it is a Phantom.
  • Airport can be seen in the background right before the catch as we approach the Vincent Thomas Bridge to the port

Scene 22 - We're bouncing now

Trailer 2 - Scene 22: Let's bounce
  • Michael and Jimmy are in a car
  • Apparently Jimmy is a wigger (or wigga for those who may be offended :P )
  • Jimmy: "Hey let's bounce"
  • Michael: "Bounce? We're bouncing now..."
  • "Nutsaki" or "Nutsakt" company name back left, uniform shop back right
  • Blue sports car rides through background (possibly the car resembling a Lotus Elise in a screenshot)

Scene 23 - Trevor stomps the yard

Trailer 2 - Scene 23: Bashing his brains inTrailer 2 - Scene 23: Unknown onlookersTrailer 2 - Scene 23: Trevor is insane
  • We see Trevor finishing someone on the ground
  • Some colorful people watch
  • Possibly Ron (Trevor's neighbor) on the left
  • Woman on right appears to be wearing a biker jacket with blank panels
  • Old sign says "Sandy Shores Beach Front Recreation Area, Welcome"

Scene 24 - Flying around

Trailer 2 - Scene 24: Take-offTrailer 2 - Scene 24: Escape by airTrailer 2 - Scene 24: Flying over the river
  • Trevor takes control of a small red and white airplane (Cuban 800, a vehicle in Max Payne 3 files)
  • He takes off from a desert airport with bullets hitting the plane and flies around the mountains
  • Motorcycles and black vans with wing logos are at the airport. Same logo appears on the Slamvan in the Lost and Damned - did Trevor interfere with their expanding business?
  • Freight train seen again on the bridge we've been seeing in screenshots
  • He's chasing another plane through the valley (lower right near the end)

Scene 25 - Boom!

Trailer 2 - Scene 25: Blasting ipen the vaultTrailer 2 - Scene 25: Boom goes the dynamite
  • A vault gets blown open
  • Another explosion rocks a loading dock

Scene 26 - Chop chop

Trailer 2 - Scene 26: Don't hit the dog
  • A rottweiler runs past a black car (likely Chop as seen in Franklin's artwork) while two passengers shoot handguns from the car. There are at least three people in the car, possibly the protagonists.
  • Missing person/pet poster on telephone pole, Cluckin' Bell billboard in background

Scene 27 - Sliding across the hood

Trailer 2 - Scene 27: Up and Over
  • A quick action shot in an old railyard as mentioned by a sign back-left
  • Unknown who the man and driver with safety vest are
  • The man sliding across is looking back at a bright light off to the far left, possibly a flashlight on a gun (good reason to run away) - was he trying to steal something valuable from the warehouses?
  • 6th Street Bridge in background

Scene 28 - Running across the hood

Trailer 2 - Scene 28: Dog Chasing him down
  • The same car (Emperor) and driver as Chop runs across the hood in a different area
  • There is a white Contender on the left.

Scene 29 - Long way down

Trailer 2 - Scene 29: Don't look down
  • Michael rappels down a building (IAA buidling, real life California Plaza) as shown in previews and screenshots
  • People can be seen in the windows as Michael moves past

Scene 30 - Bugstars

Trailer 2 - Scene 30: Smash and GrabTrailer 2 - Scene 30: Grab the jewels
  • A very quick shot of a glass case being broken into with the Bugstars uniform
  • Jewelry store, likely same exact one from first trailer

Scene 31 - Highway at night

Trailer 2 - Scene 31: South to the Del Perro Freeway
  • Franklin speeds away from exploding cars along the Del Perro Freeway at night

Scene 32 - Bail

Trailer 2 - Scene 32: Driving out of a planeTrailer 2 - Scene 32: Bailout
  • A Jeep look-alike (Bodhi) rolls out of the back of a cargo plane (is this the C-130-type spotted in Max Payne 3 multiplayer?), Trevor jumps with a parachute
  • Awesome lighting as we exit
  • The desert area below looks massive.
  • Highway from Scene 4 towards the left. Satellite dishes in the middle. Likely the airstrip from Scene 24 on the right

Scene 33 - Dirt bikes and Quads

Trailer 2 - Scene 33: Gonna win the raceTrailer 2 - Scene 33: Wipeout
  • A race on Sanchez bikes and Quads through a rural area. Another scene related to an August screenshot.
  • Even small crashes look good
  • Franklin pulls ahead in the red jacket

Scene 34 - Trevor train wreck

Trailer 2 - Scene 34: What is Trevor up to?Trailer 2 - Scene 34: That's gotta hurt
  • Trevor hangs on to the top of a moving freight train locomotive
  • There is an earpiece of some kind in his ear
  • Tow truck very early on left roadway and larger wrecker behind Trevor
  • Two trains collide on the same rail bridge we have been seeing, Trevor gets launched off
  • Locomotives bend from the force of the impact
  • Rail company is "Go Loco"

Scene 35 - Introductions

Trailer 2 - Scene 35: My best friendTrailer 2 - Scene 35: Meet the son I never hadTrailer 2 - Scene 35: Unholy Trinity
  • Another scene from recent previews shows Michael introducing Franklin (the son he always wanted) to Trevor (his best friend) before the rappelling mission
  • Buzzard attack helicopter
  • Trevor says Michael's therapist has a lot to answer for - did the therapist tell Michael to get back into this business?

Scene 36 - Nighthawk

Trailer 2 - Scene 36: Chasing helicoptersTrailer 2 - Scene 36: No time to dodgeTrailer 2 - Scene 36: Bye-byeTrailer 2 - Scene 36: Mid-air collision
  • Military jet (Hydra?) shoots missiles at a police helicopter
  • Two police helicopters have their spotlights on the same location

Scene 37 - Ruh-roh, Raggy

Trailer 2 - Scene 37: What just happened?
  • The three protagonists see something they all think isn't right. Similar to the Three Wise Monkeys (see no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil).

Add what you saw in the comments below and join the forum discussions!

Comments (44)

  • jakeOut (Guest) March 21, 2013
    did anyone notice how when michaels at his pool his drinking glass has no shadow?? not the worst thing that could happen but still
  • NikoBellic (Guest) December 30, 2012
    hopefully the ballas return
  • tony103224 (Guest) December 21, 2012
    scene 34 he does have a bluetooth i clicked it and zoomed in
  • DavidGodber (Guest) December 17, 2012
    this looks like a good game to play i cant wait to it comes out it looks so relistic and real life.
  • Trevor5ever (Guest) December 10, 2012
    Thanks a lot, bro! It could possibly be a knee brace than the bandage! :)
  • TreeFitty (Guest) December 09, 2012
    It might be a small knee brace or possibly a make-shift bandage.
  • Trevor5ever (Guest) December 09, 2012
    If you look closely, Ron's wearing something on his left leg. What is that? :o

    And is that a ribbon on his hair? XD
  • TreeFitty (Guest) December 07, 2012
    It is unknown at this time how extensive customization is.
  • GrandTheftAutoRocks (Guest) December 07, 2012
    Is it official that there will be NO customisation of cars or weapons of any kind in GTA V? Cause I heard sources saying that customisations are only limited to a certain extent like, you can put surpressors on weapons and nitro in cars.. I'd really like to know
  • Trevor Phillips 4president (Guest) December 03, 2012
    Scene 34. If you pause at the right time, you can see that Trevor is wearing a ear piece of some sort. Possibly a Bluetooth?
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