GTA V Soundtrack Details

Posted by TreeFitty August 30, 2013 : 15 Comments : 26,124 Views

On the heels of the fourth trailer and a bit of a clean up from leaked audio on the European PSN, Rockstar has opened up a little on the GTA V soundtrack. If you missed the retweets on Twitter here's the scoop.

First up, the music from yesterday's trailer is "Sleepwalking" by The Chain Gang of 1974 which can be heard above.

Left: Flying Lotus of FlyLo FM. Top Right: Nate Williams and Stephen Pope of Wavves, hosts of Vinewood Boulevard Radio.
Bottom Right: DJ Pooh, the host of West Coast Classics.

Next up are some articles from Pitchfork and Rolling Stone. Pitchfork spills the beans on FlyLo FM hosted by the one and only Flying Lotus and features many of his songs and GTA fan Tyler the Creator too. A full playlist is included in the article or you can see it on the Radio page.

Rolling Stone had a chance to sit down with soundtrack supervisor Ivan Pavlovich and get some insight to the creation of GTA V's soundtrack including a snippet that the game has "somewhere in the proximity of 20 movies worth of score" which accompanies players outside of vehicle radios. It was created by noted composer Tangerine Dream in collaboration with Woody Jackson (Red Dead Redemption, Max Payne 3, LA Noire) and L.A. hip-hop producers Alchemist and Oh No.

Rockstar describes the soundtrack as such:

Designed to encompass the breadth of the modern L.A. music scene, GTAV's soundtrack features 15 music stations, two stations of talk radio and 240 licensed songs - covering everything from unforgettable classic hip-hop with long-time Rockstar collaborator DJ Pooh, to the underground Mexican sounds of East LOS FM and the modern beatmaker scene courtesy of FlyLo FM, with new and exclusive tracks from both Flying Lotus and self-confessed GTA fan Tyler the Creator.

Confirmed Radio Stations and DJs are as follows:
  • Los Santos Rock Radio - Kenny Loggins? (Mentioned for Classic Rock station)
  • Non Stop Pop 100.7 FM - Cara Delevigne
  • FlyLo FM - Flying Lotus
  • East LOS FM - Camilo [Lara]
  • Vinewood Boulevard Radio - Stephen [Pope] and Nate [Williams]
  • Rebel Radio - Jesco White
  • West Coast Classics - DJ Pooh
  • Unknown soul station - Pam Grier
  • Unknown 80s boogie-funk station - Bootsy Collins
Kavinsky has not been confirmed by Rockstar as the host of Nightride FM yet but that should come soon with more soundtrack details.

As a bonus to all of this information, here's some samples of radio stations in GTA V:

Stay tuned for more information soon and join the fun at the forums!

Comments (15)

  • arcangell (Guest) September 05, 2013
    hope they will have a spanish reggaeton music station with updated music like arcangel, daddy yankee, don omar, ziony lennox
  • hammer (Guest) September 05, 2013
    I know rock star has spent millions of dollars on music licensing. So I know the game is going to have an awesome soundtrack. I just hope that gta5 offers custom music selections for the ps3. The one thing that made the Xbox gta 3, vice city, San Andreas game playing experience better for me was the ability to add my own music to ride around listening to. San Andreas took it further by allowing its commercials and news updates integrate into the custom radio station. Having the availability of listening to whatever you want should forever be an option in sandbox genre games.
  • ilive4dafunk (Guest) September 04, 2013
  • The DprO x (Guest) September 03, 2013
    They better have Lazlow he is the best radio dj in the series. I want to have good not so redundant talk shows like integrit. More shows and scripts. That's my one concern of the whole game so don't give me slack for that because its going to be perfect I just hope that it has more variety that's all
  • lol (Guest) September 02, 2013
    This is just ''the shit'' :D
  • Anonymous (Guest) September 02, 2013
    Awesome music
  • trillion22 (Guest) September 01, 2013
    hope they have a R&B station cause I like the one GTA4 cause sometimes I like driving down the road listening to some smooth R&B know what I mean.
  • Sam the GTA boy (Guest) September 01, 2013
    I wish they would bring back some of the music from the 80s like from Gta Vice City and Gta Vice City Stories
  • Ovidio (Guest) August 31, 2013
    classical music... :C
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