iGTA Community Spotlight - Contest Winners, Verified Jobs, Snapmatics

Posted by iGTA5 Staff January 12, 2014 : 7 Comments : 10,550 Views


We have such an active online community that an article like this was long overdue. As the weeks and months roll on, we will shine a spotlight on our amazing community with posts featuring our Snapmatic Photos, User-Created Content, Crew Events, Contests, Community News, et cetera... So much happens on the forums and online in our crews, we think it's time to start talking about it.

Today's article features contest winners, crew event snapmatics, jobs verified by our community, and how you can contribute as well. Let's get right to it!

Contest Winners

We held a few contests just before the release of Grand Theft Auto 5, giving away some GTAV gear. Here's the results of those contests.

Forum GTAV Gear Contest Winner

StillJustMe - We hosted a GTAV Gear Contest on the forums for anyone that wanted to participate. We were giving away a T-Shirt of your choice, plus the Sheriff Trucker Cap. Our friend from the land down under won a contest that had a pretty big turnout. He sent us a photo of him rocking the new gear.

Gold Member GTAV Gear Contest Winner

ConQueSteD - Our exclusive section on the forums requires a small donation to the website for access, or can be won in contests. ConQueSteD won a GTAV T-shirt in the giveaway we hosted in there.

Twitter GTAV Gear Contest Winner

@damienburns3 - We also held a Twitter Contest giving away a shirt and hat. Congrats to @damienburns3!

Featured Snapmatic Pics

Our community has taken thousands of photos with the in-game camera. The Snapmatic Photos thread on our forums has the evidence, and so does our Social Club Photo Gallery too. We'll feature a few of our favorites right here in future articles. Today's pics shine a light on some of our crew gatherings.

TOP LEFT: This photo by DiO, was taken during one of the first nights GTAO showed signs of stability. The underwear house party that turned into an impromptu beer run. TOP RIGHT: DuPz0r captured this Fight Club photo during one of our first iGTA crew events. BOTTOM LEFT: -Hussain- took this photo during an event in North Yankton before the game patches removed the ability to reach it. BOTTOM RIGHT: This pic was taken by bOnEs and features a recent gathering at the Richman Mansion for a formal party.

iGTA Verified Jobs

We've also been a busy busy community when it comes to the Content Creator released about a month ago. Our Social Club Jobs Page has well over a hundred jobs created, but unfortunately for our Xbox readers, the majority of them were created by our very active PS3 community. We're going to feature a few jobs in each of these articles that were played and verified by our community. Add them to your game today and leave some feedback!

The Zancudo Challenge

Land Race - 1 to 16 Players (created by bOnEs)

Splash your way thru the waters of the Zancudo River, zig-zagging from land to sea in this off-road challenge. Don't slow down in the deeper waters or you'll be watching your competition pass you by.
NO CUSTOM VEHICLES! The race was built for the vehicles that were approved. There are parts of the race where some cars can't make it across the river, so using your custom Bifta wouldn't be a good idea. It's a fun off-road challenge that is always played by our community.


Team Deathmatch - 4 to 16 Players (created by Massacre)

The sequel to Just Another Friday Night. A gang brawl so big, we called in a riot squad.
This is a gritty gang brawl at the Lost Clubhouse in Los Santos. Melee weapons, molotovs, vehicles, mayhem. It's complete anarchy, just what you'd expect in a biker gang fight.

Join The Community

If you want to help contribute, as always, join the community and start right away! Follow the simple rules and post in the right places. Who knows, we might feature something of yours in our next article! If you want to join our Social Club Crew (iGrandTheftAuto (IGTA)) and partake in the shenanigans, join the forums and post around a little bit. We've closed our open membership policy and now only let in people who contribute to the community in all sorts of ways. We host a weekly PS3 Event and a lot of us can be found online playing GTAO nearly every day. We are an active place that just wants to have fun so come check us out.

Stay tuned for more stories from our community in the near future! If you want to leave links to your missions in the comments for the people who see this, go for it. Just don't spam it. If you want us to play it and possibly verify it, post it on our forums in the Race Creator and Deathmatch Creator topics and we'll take a look at it.

Until next time...

Comments (7)

  • Rocket (Guest) January 22, 2014
    And I am loosing faith as more DLC is developed, yet news for the pc couldn't be drier.
  • Rocket (Guest) January 22, 2014
    Ok, wondering now where the heck news for the pc release is. It's been months, with absolutely nothing, searches in the forum show nothing also, why can't they toss a few million on it and get it done, it wouldn't even be a loss if it sold 1 copy, come on Rockstar get with it!
  • DiO (Guest) January 12, 2014
    ya budday. Zancudo challenge is legit. totally a community fav. only played jafn once but it was madness
  • Otiz P Jivefunk (Guest) January 12, 2014
    very nice! great job everyone!!
  • Ghostman (Guest) January 12, 2014
  • DuPz0r (Guest) January 12, 2014
    Great stuff. Looking forward to seeing many more photos, creations and igta gatherings in the future. GTAO long-haul!
  • gtagrl (Guest) January 12, 2014
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