Join The iGTA Crew At Social Club
Posted by Psy May 10, 2012 : 26 Comments : 37,199 Views
Rockstar Games launched the Crews section of their new Social Club yesterday, so we took the opportunity to create a crew for the website. We're hoping a lot of our visitors (that's you) will join us in the crew and help us kick some ass and have some fun on Max Payne 3 from next week and more importantly on GTA 5 when it launches at some point in the future.
You can check out our Crew over at Social Club. It's called iGrandTheftAuto. Request to join us and we'll send you an invite which you can accept to become a part of the crew.
This means if any of us happen to be playing multiplayer on the same server, extra bonuses can be awarded for battling with other crews.
Once you're signed up, you're free to create an emblem on the Social Club. Why not design something for iGTA to use and publish it to the crew and if it's awesome, we'll use it for our logo. Currently we have this great logo designed by DuPz0r.
You can join up to 5 crews, so ensure you make iGTA one of those and help us out with Max Payne 3 and GTA V multiplayer.
You can check out our Crew over at Social Club. It's called iGrandTheftAuto. Request to join us and we'll send you an invite which you can accept to become a part of the crew.
This means if any of us happen to be playing multiplayer on the same server, extra bonuses can be awarded for battling with other crews.
Once you're signed up, you're free to create an emblem on the Social Club. Why not design something for iGTA to use and publish it to the crew and if it's awesome, we'll use it for our logo. Currently we have this great logo designed by DuPz0r.
You can join up to 5 crews, so ensure you make iGTA one of those and help us out with Max Payne 3 and GTA V multiplayer.
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Comments (26)
- zenator (Guest) June 07, 2012I have already join Los Santos Bangers (LSB) but i might condider join IGTA it sounds more like grand theft auto than LSB does, i wasnt planning on getting max payne 3 but had the money and it was there.
- moimieoonti (Guest) May 27, 2012Frustration has taken its control.
Not happy. Not at all.
Joining ur crew when i get MP3. Need $. - TreeFitty (Guest) May 25, 2012No idea but the site is running for me.
- DrewGTAV2012 (Guest) May 25, 2012whats up with another update?
- gta 5 (Guest) May 21, 2012Hey rockstar games site dont work ,that means they are preparing for something great !!!
- Ruthless_GTA_Villain (Guest) May 19, 2012as if my pre ordered mp3 got lost in the post. could be another week before i get it!!!
- iTz i MakeZ HD (Guest) May 19, 2012Accept my request please, my name is iTziMakeZHD :D
- TreeFitty (Guest) May 18, 2012Actually, it appears to be updating stats like kills and pain killers taken in real time... Strange.
- TreeFitty (Guest) May 18, 2012Mine is a little messed up to. It says I didn't get a certain clue in the nightclub but I know I got it my very first time playing through. I have Golden Gun parts and clues missing on SC but last night I went through and got them all so maybe it just needs to update to show those.
- gta5 lover (Guest) May 18, 2012i hate how messed up the social club website is it says i only have one gold gun in max payne 3 when i have them all and my percentage for the ballad is all messed up same with my l.a. noire cases completed. is there any way to fix this?
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