Look for GTA V in Game Informer's December Issue

Posted by TreeFitty via Icecoldbagey October 11, 2012 : 28 Comments : 26,791 Views

The cat is out of the bag! Andy McNamara, editor-in-chief of Game Informer, has announced something we all have been waiting for... Grand Theft Auto V will feature in Game Informer's December issue!

Andy Mcnamara GTA 5

"In NYC, about to check out December’s cover game #GTAV"

You can also see an article on GI's site confirming it further here.

"Game Informer's Matt Bertz, Matt Helgeson, and Andy McNamara are currently at Rockstar Games' New York headquarters checking out Grand Theft Auto V."

Awesome! What can we expect to drool over? Chat in the comments below and the GTA 5 forum topic here!

Thanks to Icecoldbagey in the forums for the heads up!

Update October 26th:

Andy McNamara and Game Informer have revealed that the digital issue of the magazine featuring Grand Theft Auto V will be released on November 8th! The day will kick-off with the cover reveal in the morning (US Central Time) followed by the digital release in the afternoon. Print issues will already be in the mail and should arrive to subscribers in the weeks that follow. Newsstands November 16.

How much info or screens will be revealed? Does 18 pages sound good? We hope so! Tell us your excitement or expectations in the GTA 5 forums!

Comments (28)

  • terri (Guest) November 07, 2012
    im too excited can't wait til tomorrow
  • GTA Fan Since...97' (Guest) November 03, 2012
    Dam you Hurrican Sandy!!! wish we would see the second trailer first :'( but that's awesome news!!:D i'll be sure that i'll buy a copy :)
  • cody4041 (Guest) October 28, 2012
    WINTER snow storms hurcians earth quakes would be awesome like ice roads and bad weather and police alerts to tel people to get on higher ground
  • TreeFitty (Guest) October 27, 2012
    /updated with the November 8th release and other info.
  • GTA fan since... '97 (Guest) October 21, 2012
    Anytime from December down to March 31st :D can't wait!!
  • VIPER (Guest) October 20, 2012
    I dont care this year or next, its going to be all we hoped for!!! AWESOME!!!
  • Laboratory (Guest) October 18, 2012
    Idk why I keep checking this site daily. I know there won't be anything new until December. Ohhh I can't wait. >:)
  • Mike123 (Guest) October 14, 2012
    Suddenly Christmas isn't the most exciting thing in December lol
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