New Artwork Spotted and Fan Box Arts
Posted by TreeFitty and bOnEs January 27, 2013 : 10 Comments : 35,302 Views
Our followers on Twitter and Facebook got the heads-up already.
With the box art reveal looming around the corner, it's no surprise that more artworks are being found at retailers. GTA Forums member FRA1Z3R was the lucky fan to find a brand new artwork on promotional boxes at his local GameStop showing what appears to be Franklin speeding through the flood channel on a motorcycle:
The other image was first seen in Game Informer accompanying their preview article on November 8th:
Keep an eye out for possibly more never-before-seen artworks to hit retailers or other promotional items soon! The helicopter in the motorcycle image could definitely appear on GTA V's cover since there almost always is one top-left of the famous GTA box arts - Rockstar has stated it wasn't on purpose, it just always worked out that way.
But let's get to the cover which is due this week...
With roughly 10 Official Artworks out there, it's easy to start putting the pieces together for the big cover reveal still due within the final days of this month. Many fans have already put together their own ideas of what the cover will look like. Some were made well before we had the current selection of official artworks! Let's take a look at some:
Full covers:
Front covers:
Looking good! Be sure to submit your own or show it off in the Fakes forum topic here. Stay tuned for the official announcement of the Grand Theft Auto V cover reveal any time now! There will probably be more brand new artworks on it and Rockstar might be nice enough to release those in the near future too. As always feel free to jump in and join the discussions in the GTA 5 Forums!
With the box art reveal looming around the corner, it's no surprise that more artworks are being found at retailers. GTA Forums member FRA1Z3R was the lucky fan to find a brand new artwork on promotional boxes at his local GameStop showing what appears to be Franklin speeding through the flood channel on a motorcycle:
The other image was first seen in Game Informer accompanying their preview article on November 8th:
Keep an eye out for possibly more never-before-seen artworks to hit retailers or other promotional items soon! The helicopter in the motorcycle image could definitely appear on GTA V's cover since there almost always is one top-left of the famous GTA box arts - Rockstar has stated it wasn't on purpose, it just always worked out that way.
But let's get to the cover which is due this week...
With roughly 10 Official Artworks out there, it's easy to start putting the pieces together for the big cover reveal still due within the final days of this month. Many fans have already put together their own ideas of what the cover will look like. Some were made well before we had the current selection of official artworks! Let's take a look at some:
Full covers:
Front covers:
Looking good! Be sure to submit your own or show it off in the Fakes forum topic here. Stay tuned for the official announcement of the Grand Theft Auto V cover reveal any time now! There will probably be more brand new artworks on it and Rockstar might be nice enough to release those in the near future too. As always feel free to jump in and join the discussions in the GTA 5 Forums!
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Comments (10)
- dirt sackwood (Guest) March 23, 2013am i the only one that wants casino's
- Øمزة (Guest) March 22, 2013yea
- watch dogs (Guest) March 03, 2013Gta 5 looks great, but watch dogs i more better. But ok i will buy gta 5 and watch dogs too.
- omg members (Guest) January 30, 2013thats exactly what you sound like a big bunch of members lol. so what if the guy couldnt care less about fan art its not like he slapped yo mama....... k draw a line under pointless bs (yes including my own)
im thinking spec ed cover might be holographic, steelbooks are mostly boring anyway, would like something a bit special since we have had to endure an endless load of totally pointless and rushed games in recent years and no i dont just mean COD lol - Niknak (Guest) January 29, 2013i see nothing wrong with post fan made art work on sites like this. what pisses me of is when a leak comes out which ends up being fake like people saying they work for rockstar or friend familey member does n they start giving you facts bout the game.
- Bulletgt (Guest) January 29, 2013I agree with batman ( guest) I check this site every other day any new thing even generally related to the game gets me excited. it's a fan site so don't get mad when fans put up their artwork which I think is pretty good
- sinceGTAIII (Guest) January 29, 2013i like the third front cover. it looks quite nice.
why all the arguing guys? you had your opinoin. and obviosly 6 people disargeed with it. the admins dont just hide it, "we the people" (get it? haha) either rate up or rate down. - The9thPawn (Guest) January 28, 2013I'm really digging that third full cover. All of these look amazing though.
- -GODFATHER- (Guest) January 28, 2013Fan box art is worth a ton of mentions because the cover revel is right around the corner... it lets visitors and members get an idea of what the box art may look like.. plus it gives the creators a shoutout, if you guys don't like the way they do things around here then escort yourselfs out and start your on gta website.
- Batman (Guest) January 28, 2013I like it! Anything gta 5 related is fun! I check this site every day so as long as there's ANYTHING new to read im happy! For all i care it can be articles about speculations or just random gta 5 talk, like olli43 on youtube :)
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