San Andreas Flight School Update Arrives August 19th
Posted by bOnEs August 18, 2014 : 4 Comments : 9,556 Views
It's been a while since we heard from Rockstar about future content. Today that wait ended with the announcement of the San Andreas Flight School Update, heading our way tomorrow, August 19th. New vehicles (both land and air), updates to missions, and plenty more details to come.
"Starting tomorrow, enjoy the thrill and exhilaration of being a patriotic hero with the San Andreas Flight School Update for GTA Online. This new update will feature a collection of new air and land vehicles, aerial solo challenges, and much more. Tomorrow’s update will also introduce a host of gameplay changes to GTA Online – these include increased payouts for harder to complete missions and GTA$ bonuses for playing missions with others. Stay tuned for more details tomorrow.
For now, check out the SA Flight School's informational video above and prepare yourself for the opportunity to become one of the best of the best."
Get ready for a week of aerial mayhem, and be sure to join the discussion in the forums!
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Comments (4)
- guest (Guest) August 19, 2014what time eastern?
- Massacre (Guest) August 19, 2014The update is now live.
- GTALLTHEWAY (Guest) August 19, 2014What time is this supposed to come out today?
- KingJames2333 (Guest) August 19, 2014I wish they would have an update that lets you customize all your pegasus vehicles.
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